Chapter 2

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This wasn’t the first time I ran away from home, it was the second time. The first time I ran away and went to my best friend Ollie’s house for a month. But now that she is no longer with us I cannot do that again. I would go to my other friend Jessica’s but her parents are not a big fan of me. 

I’m no stranger to where I live. I have lived in the same town my whole life. I live in a somewhat small town so I know a lot of people and I know my way around very well. 

I was getting hungry so I rode my skateboard over to the gas station to buy a bag of chips. 

 [ You talking will be like ‘This’ and the person at the register will be like ‘This’]

“Hey (Y/n)! How are you doing?”

“Not to good Mrs. Winfrey not good at all”

“What’s the matter?”

“Mom found out I started streaming so she’s really mad at me.”

“Oh, I’m sorry sweetheart. Is that why you ran away.”

I paused for a second ‘how does she know I ran away?’ I thought to yourself. 

“If you're wondering how I know it’s because you have an entire bookbag on your back.” 

“Makes since” 

Mrs. Winfrey scanned your chips and you headed on your way. 

“Thank you, Mrs. Winfrey, Have a goodnight!” 

“Your welcome (Y/n) Please be safe.”

I chuckled a bit

 “I will.”

After that I headed over to the skate park. I sat on my board and ate my chips while scrolling through twitter. I was about to go wonder off again but then I saw that Ranboo went live. I stayed at the skatepark and watched his stream. 

After he ended his stream it was 9:00 pm. Because it was getting so late I stayed at the skatepark for the night. No one was there and the rain stopped so I thought nothing of it. 

After a few hours of scrolling through Instagram and tik tok I fell asleep laying against a tree. 

The next morning, I woke up to my alarm. It was 7:45 am, I had to get up early before anyone got to the skatepark. I know most of the people that came here and I didn’t want anyone to see me. Even though today was the first day of summer break people would go back to school and talk about me. 

I didn’t like being the center of attention so I would avoid anyone seeing me at all costs. 

I was on a walk but then I got a text from Jessica.


Heyyy wanna meet up at the park??



Kk cya 😊


                                                      Alright 😊

I walked to the park and Jess showed up not too long after. 

[You talking will look like ‘This’ Jessica talking will look like ‘this’]

“Heyyyyyyy bestieeeeeee!!!”


“Sooo what have you been up to?”

“Nothing much honestly”

“So how has streaming been going?”

“Its going pretty good actually I already have 1000 followers.”

“Woah that’s a lot for only streaming for a week.”

“I know right.”

“Well I have been thinking about streaming too.” 

“You totally should, it's so fun!”

“Yeah it looks fun, I’m still not 100% sure though.”

“If you do end up streaming and you need help just call me and I’ll help you the best I can.” 


“Hey (Y/n) can I ask you something?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“Why did you bring an entire bookbag with you to the park?”

“I uh- I ran away again.”


“My parents found out I was streaming and they got mad at me. And started scolding me. I just couldn’t handle it anymore.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry bestie”

“It’s fine.”

Jess got up and hugged me. 

“No, it’s not you shouldn’t have to deal with such bad parents.”

She said sitting back down.

“I know it's just how they are, I’m used to it at this point.”

“Do you want to go get ice cream to get your mind off of everything?”


So that’s what we did. I grabbed my skateboard and we walked to the ice cream shop. It wasn’t that long of a walk; it only took about 10 minutes to get there. I got chocolate ice cream in a cone and Jess got mint chocolate chip in a cone.

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