Chapter 5

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a/n: Just wanna let everyone know this chapter was not proof read. I wanted to hurry and get the chapter out for yall.

After talking to Ranboo the day went by pretty fast. I was exited that he wanted to talk to me again let alone get ice cream. I spent the rest of the day either talking to Jess or scrolling on tik tok. 


-Time Skip to Wednesday-

I walked over to the ice cream shop to see that Ranboo was already there. He didn’t notice me so I took the chance to scare him. I walked up behind him and yelled “RANBOO!!” and hugged him from behind. Well I tried he’s like a tree, what did his parents feed him to where he’s so tall. 

[You talking will look like This and Ranboo talking will look like This]

“Jeez (Y/n) you scared me!”

“Good that was my intention”

We got our ice cream and sat down at one of the tables.

“Hey (Y/n) I was wondering, would you like to come stream with me after we eat?”



“Am I going to have to talk to anyone else on the SMP?”

“Only if you want.”


We finished our ice cream and walked to his house. Luckily his parents were not home. I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone's parents. He got his stream ready and pressed the “Go live” button. “Hey chat!” He says. 

He does his introduction and what not then introduced me. “Hi Ranboo’s chat!” After a little bit of him playing on the smp Tommy invited him into a vc. 

[You talking will look like This and Ranboo talking will look like This and Tommy talking will look like This”

“Hello Ranboo” 

“Hello Tommy”

“How are you Ranboo?”

“I’m good Tommy how about you?”

“I’m good, who is that with you?”

“Oh It’s (Y/n)”

“Can I talk to her?”

“Let me ask.”

“Hey (Y/n) do you wanna talk to Tommy?”

“Sure!” I said smiling.

Ranboo gave me his headphones and let me play Minecraft on his pc.

“Well Hello Tommy.”

“Hey (Y/n)!  How are you?”

“I’m ok. How about you?”

“I’m good.”

“So (Y/n) do you play Minecraft?”

“I do actually, I uh just started streaming.”

“Ohhh that’s cool!”


“So, who would you say your favorite youtuber is?”

“My favorite youtuber? Uhh I would have to say Ranboo”

“Why thank you”

Ranboo says sitting next to me.

“Your welcome”

Ranboo’s chat was going crazy calling me a simp. I don’t really understand why, I just said Ranboo was my favorite youtuber.

“Anyways would you say I'm in the top three?

“Yes, I would”

“Good enough”

“Don’t tell anyone else but you’re my second favorite”


I just laughed at his response. It’s not like I was lying Tommy really is my second favorite, he’s hilarious. 

After an hour Ranboo ended the stream and let me continue talking to Tommy.

“So (Y/n) is Ranboo in the room?”

“No he went to grab something.”

“Good I need to ask you something.”

“Go ahead.”

“Are you two dating?”

I just started laughing.

“No were not.”

“Really? The past few days all he does is talk about you.”

“That’s interesting we just met a few days ago.”

“Really? You two sound really close.”

I was about to respond but then Ranboo came in.

“I heard you laughing down the stairs. What happened?


“Can I talk to Tommy really quickly?”

I gave him the headphones and then left his room to use the bathroom. Luckily, he told me where it was. I couldn’t tell what he was saying but I could hear him yelling at Tommy.

I walked in his room and he was sitting on his bed scrolling through his phone.

“Hey Tommy had to go, it was getting late for him. I gave him your Instagram hope you don’t mind.

“I don’t mind Mr. Boo”

“Where did that nickname come from?”

“I don’t know if it's random. Do you not like it? I won't call you that anymore sorry.”

“Not at all I kinda like it”

“Alright. Mr.Boo

laid my head on him.

“Hey, are you ok?”


“Are you sure?”

“Yeah I’m just sleepy.”

“Speaking of sleeping, where have you been sleeping?”

“At the skatepark, I lean against a tree.”

“Are you serious?”


“Do you want to stay here? There’s an extra room.”

“What will your parents say?”

“They’re never really home.”



Ranboo looked so happy when I said yes. I was happy too, not only did I find a place to stay but I get to spend more time with Ranboo.

HEYYYY sorry it's been a while since I updated, I've been a little busy. I hope your all having a good day :). Also if you could press the vote button that would be AMAZING and super helpful! Dont forget to eat, drink water, sleep and if you have any take your meds! Take care of yourself. :)

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