Chapter 16

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<(Y/n) Pov> 

Last night Ranboo and I fell asleep watching a show. I’m so glad we're back to normal again. I missed cuddling and watching shows all night. I’m glad he was spending time with the others while we were here but I did miss him. I was getting a tad jealous but that’s normal. 

I tried to get up but Ranboo was stopping me from moving.

“Stay with meeee.”

I checked the time it was 10:23 am

“Ranboo we have to get up it's almost 10:30.”

“Who cares I wanna stay like this all day.”

“Come on I’m hungry. I also told Tommy I would go to the beach with him at noon. I want you and Tubbo to come too.


We got up and went down stairs. 

“Morning Wil!”

“Good morning Wil.”

“Good morning breakfast is almost ready.”

“Whatcha making?”

“Eggs and bacon.”


“I agree.”

“Could you guys wake up the other two?”


I went to wake up Tommy and Ranboo woke up Tubbo. To my surprise Tommy woke up without any problems. He said he was excited to go to the beach.

We ate breakfast and got ready for the day. We changed into our bathing suites and left. Everyone ended up coming. I’m glad everyone was coming, I liked hanging out as a group. 

I was sitting in the sand getting a tan when Tubbo came up to me.


“What’s up Tubbo?”

“Come in the waterrr!”

“I don’t want to.”



Everyone soon came up and tried to get me in the water.

“Oh my gosh guys I’m not getting in the water!”

“Whyyy?” they all asked in unison.

“I don’t want to!”

“You can swim right?”

“Well no not exactly…”


“Oh my god Tommy shut up!”

“You seriously can't swim?”


“(Y/n) that’s nothing to be ashamed of, don't worry.”

“Yeah (Y/n) it's ok we understand!”

“Thanks g-“

Before I know it I’m getting lifted in the air. Tommy threw me over his shoulder.




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