Chapter 13

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We were all getting hungry. It was almost 1:00 pm so we stopped for lunch. Ranboo and I were done eating so this was my time to talk to him. He was on his phone outside so I excused myself and went outside.

“Hey Ranboo can I talk to you?”

“Sure what’s going on?”

“That’s what I came to ask you. You just seemed really off today is everything okay?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Are you sure? You can talk to me Ranboo you know that.”

“Look (Y/n) I said I don’t want to talk about it alright?”

After that he walked back inside and sat at our table. I was so confused Ranboo was always comfortable with me and said if anything was wrong he would tell me. I just hope I didn’t do anything wrong. I just sat outside and waited for everyone else to finish.

When everyone was done we walked around a little more and went back to the air bnb. When we got back Ranboo and Tubbo ran into Ranboo’s room no one knew what was going on. He would talk to anyone but Tubbo. Wil went in there and tried talking to him and he talked to Wil.

Ranboo just wouldn’t talk to me or Tommy. I brushed it off and tried not to worry about it. It was hard though because Ranboo was one of my best friends. I decided I wanted to go to the beach and get my mind off of it.

“Hey Tommy do you want to go to the beach with me?”

“Sure but we have to ask Wil.”

I went upstairs and knocked on Wil’s door.

“Come in”

“Hey Wil can Tommy and I go to the beach?”

“Yes, but be back in one hour and be safe please.”

“We will.”

I closed his door and went back downstairs.

“Tomathy he said we can go!”

“Yes! Let’s go!”

We changed into our bathing suites and left. We had a really good time, it was really fun. I got in the water but didn’t go too far. The water was really cold so Tommy didn’t either. Tommy vloged a bit and we even got some really good pictures. I ended up posting them on Instagram. 

It had been an hour so we had to start heading back. We wanted to stay longer but Wil called and said we needed to help with dinner.

“I had a lot of fun with you today Tommy.”

“I agree, I am having a lot of fun.”

I playfully punched his arm.

I mean it idiot”

“I know and I had fun with you too. You’re not bad for being American.

“Yeah we're not all bad.”

The rest of the walk back we joked around. We got back and helped Wil with dinner, Tommy wasn’t much help considering he is not the best cook. So, Tommy gave up and just watched me and Wil. We made stir fry. Everyone sat down at the table and ate in a comfortable silence. We all helped clean up and then went our separate ways. I went into my room and set up my computer so I could stream. 

I quickly realized I needed help so I went downstairs to see if anyone was down there. The only person who was down there was Ranboo. I thought he would still be mad at me from earlier so I quickly ran upstairs and went to Wil’s room. 

I was going to knock on the door but I could hear him on the phone. So, I went to Tommy’s room. The door was wide open so I just walked in.

Hey Tommy are you busy?”

“No, do you need something?”

“Yeah I need your help setting up my computer.”

“Alright big man Tommy will come help you.”

We went in my room and he set up my computer and everything I needed to stream.

“Thank you, Tommy.”

“You’re welcome (Y/n).

I gave him a hug and he went back into his room. I sat down at the desk and started streaming.

I waited a few minutes to let the notification get sent out and for everyone to come. 

“Hey chat it’s been a while since I streamed how is everyone doing?”

I talked to chat for a while and played some Minecraft for about an hour. By the time I ended it was 9:00 pm.

I was scrolling through tik tok when someone knocked on my door.

“Come in”

Ranboo came in.

“Hey Ranboo do you need anything?”

He shook his head no and plopped on top of me. I was confused so I didn’t move. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his head. I played with his hair and he soon fell asleep. 

I was still really confused on what was going on, Ranboo went from basically not talking to me all day to wanting to cuddle.

Heyyy got another chapter out today!! Look at me go so amazing.
But hey STOP BEING A SILENT READER!! I enjoy reading comments :) ANWAYSSS take care of yourself :)

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