Chapter 7

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[You talking will look like this Ranboo talking with look like this stranger will look like this]

“Hello beautiful”

This random middle-aged man came up to me. He sat next to me and put his hand on my thigh. I immediately removed his hand and scooted over as much as possible. He scooted closer and I texted Ranboo. I told him to call me and go along with what I’m saying.

“Are you ok what’s going on?!?”

“Hey babe, how are you?”

“W-wait w-what?

The random man scooted over. I got up knowing that now I’m on the phone he wouldn’t follow me.

“Hey Ranboo I’m so sorry about that I had to get away from a creepy guy.”

“Don’t worry about it, I just thought you were messing around with me.”

“No but thank you for picking up.”

“No problem”

“Alright I’m on my way back, I’ll let you go back to streaming”

“You sure you don’t wanna stay on call?”

“No I’m fine”

“Alright if you say so.”

“Ranboo you don’t need to worry about me, I’m okay I promise.”


I hung up and walked as fast as I could. If I’m being honest I didn’t feel safe at all and I wanted to stay on call but I didn’t want to keep him away from his friends or streaming.

I got there after a few minutes and went upstairs to let him know I’m back. I watched my favorite show until he was done streaming. Earlier we discussed going back to my parent’s house to get my clothes after he streamed. 

[A/n I don’t know if he can drive so let’s just pretend he can :)] 

He grabbed his keys and we stopped to get some food. Then we went to my parent’s house. He parked out front and I hesitated going inside. Apparently Ranboo noticed and grabbed my hand. 

“Hey I’ll be right here if you need me. If you don’t want to go in we can just go to the store and I will buy you some clothes.” 

“No, I’ll go in. I don’t want you wasting your money on me.” 

“(Y/n) It's not a waste of money.”

“Yes, it is I’m going”

I got out of the car and walked up to the door. I knocked and low and behold the devil herself answered the door.

[Your mom talking will look like This]

“Look who it is, my daughter finally came home.”

“This isn’t my ‘home’ and I came to pack my clothes”

“You don’t even have a place to stay”

“Yes I do and my ride is over there waiting for me so if you could let me in that would be great.”

She just moved and I ran to my room. I packed my clothes as fast as I could.

I walked out to the living room to leave but my mom grabbed my wrist.

You are not going anywhere you're staying here do you hear me?”

“I’m not staying here with you now let me go!”

I see you still hiding your stupid cuts huh?”

She wasn’t wrong. I asked Ranboo for a hoodie to hide my arms from him, I didn't want him to know I was cutting.

“So what if I am?”

“Your so weak, ruining your body like that it's disgusting. 

“No it's not, the scars and cuts are there because of you!”

After I said that she smacked me across my face.



She let me go and I burst into tears and ran out the house. I got into the car and just sat there messing with my hands

“Hey what happened?”

I didn’t say anything and Ranboo just held my hand and started driving.

We got back to his house. I went upstairs and put my clothes in my temporary room. I sat on the bed and just cried more. Ranboo ran upstairs and burst through the door and hugged me. I was confused at first but melted into the hug. It felt nice to get comfort even though he had no idea why I was crying.

When I stopped crying I looked up at Ranboo.

“Do you want to talk about what happened?”


“Okay I’m ready when you are.”

I took a deep breath. 

“I packed my bags and went to leave but my mom grabbed me.”

I showed him the bruise on my wrist from her hand print. He just looked at me like he wanted to cry.

She started yelling at me and.” I paused

“If you don’t want to talk about it that’s fine.”

I shook my head.

“Well she slapped me and then.”

I rolled up my sleeves to reveal the cuts on my arms. Ranboo just looked at them then looked at me. He started to examine every single one.

“she started yelling at me and calling me ugly and weak for having these.”

“You’re not weak or ugly. If anything, each one of these marks tells a story. They show what you have been through and they make you stronger.”

I couldn’t help but cry a little from what he said. He hugged me once again. Then he took me hands, being careful with his touch and looked me in my eyes.

“Promise me you won’t do it again..”

“I promise Ranboo” 

I hugged him one more time. I realized some of the marks were still raw and needed to be cleaned 

“Can you help clean them?”

“Of course,”


Hey everyone sorry for not posting. Like I said in the a/n post, I have been busy latly. I have a lot of chapters pre written so I'll be posting more. Hopefully I can post once a week. I decide to post two chapters today because I know you all have been waiting. Again I apologize for not posting.

Anyways, make sure to drink water, eat something and make sure to get some sleep. <3

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