Chapter 11

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It took so long to get to Tommy’s house there was so much traffic. When we got there we all got out of the car to stretch our legs. Wil knocked on the door and Tommy came running out with his bags. He put his bags down and came running over to me. He gave me a huge hug, which I very much appreciated.

“It’s my favorite American!”

“And it’s my favorite British boy!”

He walked over to Wil. 

“Hear that Wilbur, I’m favored by an American.”

“I thought Ranboo was her favorite?”

“She said I’m her favorite Brit Wil, Ranboo is American.”

Tommy went over to Ranboo and whispered something in his ear then got in the car. Whatever he said it made Ranboo blush very hard, he looked like a tomato.

“Mr. Boo you look like a tomato.”

“Sh-shut up”

         Tommyinnit | @Tommyinnit

   An American woman said I’m her favorite Brit.

           💭1.606    🔁 1,767   ❤122k

            --> (Y/n) | @(Y/u/n) 

                   Sure did :)

After a few hours of driving we got to the air bnb. We put our bags in our rooms, luckily there were enough rooms for all of us so on one had to share.   I finished unpacking and then heard a knock on the door.

“Come in!”

“Hello woman Ranboo wants to talk to you in his room.”

“Ok thank you Tommy.”

He left my room and I went down the hall to Ranboo’s room and knocked on the door.

“Come in”

I opened the door and sat on his bed.

Hi Mr.Boo.”

“Hey (Y/n) are you ok?”

“Yeah why?”

“Just checking on you that’s all.”

“Oh, well everything is fine. My nerves have calmed down a lot.”

“That’s good, well we're all going to the beach when Tubbo gets here, do you want to come?”



I smiled then got up and walked out of his room and went back into mine. Not too long after I heard Tommy yelling. I went to see what’s going on and I saw Tommy talking to someone. I was assuming it was Tubbo but I couldn’t see his face. Then I saw his face and it was in fact Tubbo. Ranboo came down and ran over to Tubbo and started talking to him.

Then Tubbo came over to me and we introduced ourselves. We all changed into our bathing suites and got ready to go down to the beach.
I got ready before everyone so I walked down by myself, I didn’t feel like waiting. I sat in the sand and waited for everyone to get here. I didn’t plan on going in the water and that’s because I can’t swim. 

I didn’t tell anyone that I couldn’t swim, it was not that important. I just hope no one asks. It's kind of embarrassing. 

After a few minutes later, the boys showed up. They all went in the water except for Wil, he came and sat with me.

“You alright (Y/n)?”


“Are you going to get in the water?”

“N-no I’m not.”


It was strange how he didn't question me but I liked it. He just left the topic alone.

Wil never left my side the entire time we were at the beach, we just watch the others enjoy themselves in the water. We were at the beach all day; Wil and I took this time to get to know each other more. 

The boys got out of the water. They dried off and then they all started walking back to the air bnb. I didn’t want to leave so I didn’t walk with them. When Ranboo noticed he ran back and stood next to me and watched the sunset with me. 

“Mr.Boo it’s getting cold, can we go back?”

“Yeah come on.”

We walked back to the air bnb since it wasn’t a long walk. I didn’t realize until we got back we were holding hands the entire time. 

I think I’m starting to like this boy.

Well hello there. I did in fact just wake up and then copy and paste all of my writting from google docx to wattpad. I have almost the whole book on there so I can see all my grammer and spelling mistakes, because for some reason wattpad can't do that for me. Yesterday my grandpa told me he wants to read the book when I'm done... soooo I have to make another copy of this book and change it from a y/n to an oc book for him so he doesnt question me. But don't worry I'm not changing this one I'm just going to make another copy of it. ANWAYSSSS 200+ readers pog! :)
Go drink some water, get some rest, eat something and take your meds if you have any.
speeking of meds I need to go take mine... 

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