Chapter 6

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After talking and getting to know more about each other Ranboo and I decided to watch a few movies together. Ranboo was sitting on the couch and I was sitting on a recliner. 

He let me wear some of his clothes. I told him that tomorrow I was going back to my parent’s house to get some clothes. He wasn’t too happy about it and refused to let me go alone. 

We were on our third movie and I started getting tired. I got off the recliner and sat next to Ranboo. I laid my head on his arm. I would put my head on his shoulder, but this man is like 8 feet tall! He wrapped his arm around my waist and grabbed my hand and started rubbing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.

[Ranboo PoV]

After streaming I let (Y/n) talk to Tommy for a little while. He had to go so me and (Y/n) wanted to talk and get to know each other more. She told me everything about her past both positive and negative things and I told her about mine. 

After she told me everything I felt terrible for her. After everything she had been through I want to do everything I can to make her happy.

After a while me and (Y/n) were watching movies and she was sitting on the recliner and I was sitting on the couch. She ended up coming to sit with me. 

She laid her head on my arm. She's a lot shorter than me so it stopped her from putting her head on my shoulder. But I wrapped my arm around her wait and rubber circles on the back of her hand.

It was almost 2:00 am and she ended up falling asleep so I turned off the tv and scrolled through my phone. Around 2:30 I closed my eyes to fall asleep. 

After a while I woke up and heard someone coming down the stairs. I checked my phone and it was 4:47 am. 

“Sorry If I woke you up.”

(Y/n) says walking back to the couch.

“Everything alright?”


“Then come lay with me again I miss my heat”


[(Y/n) PoV)

I got up and went up stairs to use the bathroom trying not to wake up Ranboo. I was walking down the stairs and saw that I woke him up. I felt bad because he looked so peaceful in his sleep. I apologized and he asked me to lay with him again. I couldn’t tell if he was just trying to be nice or he genuinely wanted to lay with me.

I laid my head on him and held his hand while rubbing circles on his hand. I waited for him to fall asleep before falling asleep myself. 

Later that morning, we woke up around the same time. Ranboo tried to cook, he didn’t do too bad but he needed help with a few things. We ate and talked some more. Then he got a phone call from one of his friends, I didn’t ask who because I didn’t want to be nosey. He started streaming and he told me it would take about two and a half hours.

After almost an hour I was getting bored so I went upstairs and knocked on his door. It took a second for him to answer. I assumed he was muting himself or something like that.

“Come in”

I opened his door a bit.

“I’m going for a walk; do you want me to get you anything?”

“No, I’m fine but be safe please.”

 “I will.”

I walked to a park and sat down on a bench admiring the view and enjoyed the fresh air. I thought to myself ‘for the first time in years I’m in a spot where I’m truly happy.’ I just smiled to myself but then someone came up to me.

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