Chapter 15

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<Wilbur Pov>

After (Y/n) left Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy all went into Tommy’s room and did whatever.  I needed to talk to Ranboo but I’ll wait until he’s done talking with Tommy and Tubbo.

After about an hour Ranboo walked out. 

“Hey Ranboo can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Oh uh sure?”

He sat down across from me looking confused.

“Is there something going on with you and (Y/n)?”

“No? Why do you ask?” 

“Ranboo, you're not fooling me, seriously. You went from hanging out 24/7 cuddling and talking all the time, but now you don’t talk at all.

<Ranboo Pov>

I just sighed. I didn’t know anyone would notice. I mean he’s not wrong but I didn’t think it was that obvious.

“Well I. Wil I think I like her.”

I looked at Wil and he didn’t seem fazed by this information. It’s like he knew already.

“Ranboo you think I don’t know that?”

“What do you mean?”

“It is so obvious.”

“Am I being obvious?”

“Not anymore, now that you don't talk anymore.”

“Yeah about that. I’ve been avoiding her because I like her and I’m positive she doesn’t like me back. I don’t want to avoid her, I want to be with her all day everyday. I just don’t want to mess up the friendship we have.

“Ranboo. Avoiding her is messing up your friendship. That is the worst thing you could do right now. Telling her how you feel is way smarter.”

“But Wil she doesn’t like me? I doubt she even likes me as a friend now, she replaced me with Tommy.”

“Oh I see. Ranboo is jealous”

“I’m not jealous.”

“Ranboo you can not sit here and tell me that we both know it’s a lie.”

“Okay I am jealous.”

“Yeah I can tell.”

“Your not helping anymore Wil”

“Sorry. But you need to talk to (Y/n). take her somewhere tomorrow and talk to her, tell her how you feel.”

“Good idea.”

“But right now you need to go in her room and spend time with her or tomorrow is going to be very awkward. You need to apologize for avoiding her.”

“I will. Thanks for your help.”

“Anytime Ranboo.”

I walked to (Y/n)’s room and knocked on the door.

“Come in!”

I walked in and she paused the show she was watching.


“What? Are you okay Ranboo?”

“Look (Y/n) I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“Avoiding you. I have been avoiding you and I’m sorry. I truly am. I miss hanging out with you all the time, I miss talking to you and overall I just miss being your best friend.”

She just laughed. That was her response? A laugh?

“Why are you laughing? Did I say something wrong?”

“Sort of. Ranboo you never stopped being my best friend. You're my favorite person in the whole world. I didn’t even think you were avoiding me. I just thought you were spending time with your other friends.”


“But apparently you were avoiding me. Why were you?”

“I can’t exactly tell you. You will have to wait.”

“How long?”

“Until tomorrow.”


I got up to go get snacks and tell Wil that everything was going smoothly, but (Y/n) stopped me when I got to the door.

“Excuse you Mr. Boo where do you think you’re going?”

“To get snacks.” 

“I have snacks.”

“I have to tell Wil something.”

“Oh ok.”

I walk down stairs and Wil is on his phone. When he sees me he looks at me and asks:

“So how did it go?”

“We're good now. Turns out she didn’t even know I was avoiding her. She thought I was just spending time with everyone else.”

“Well she was somewhat correct.”


“Well what are you waiting for? Go spend time with her!”

I smiled and ran back up the stairs. I walked in (Y/n)’s room and sat next to her. She just looked at me. She gave me that look that means ‘cuddles?’

I nodded my head and she laid in between my legs with her head on my stomach.  I wrapped my arms around her stomach and she fiddled with my fingers and watched her show.



“I missed this.”

“Me too (Y/n), me too.”

Were so close to 500 reads!! I just want to thank you all again for all the support. Also I just finished watching Ranboo's stream and he said something about his boundries. He said he does not like it when people spam his emotes and bring him up when the topic has nithing to do with him. So for any of you that do that just know it makes him very uncomfy. Also I watched Hamilton for the first time today and omg it was amazing. I knew half the songs before watching it though. (I listen to the playlist all the time) OMG guess what I have been painting a lit the past three days and yall my favorite thing I made was my new phone case it's a karl inspired case. Let me know if yall wanna see it

ANYWAYSSS drink some water, eat something, get some sleep and take your meds if you have any. And have a great rest of you day/night :) ❤

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