Chapter 12 (Filler Chapter)

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When we got back to the air bnb everyone was chilling, doing their own thing. Tommy was on his phone, Tubbo was in his room sleeping and Wil was watching a show.

I made Ranboo and I some food then we went in my room and watched Netflix on my laptop. We binge watched a few shows and by the time we were done it was 4:30 am and everyone else was asleep. We put everything away and he went to his room and we went to sleep.

<Later That Morning>

Later that morning Tommy came in and woke me up. It was around 9:00 am so I didn’t get much sleep. 

“Wake up breakfast is done!”

“Okay I'll be out in a minute!”

“Holy shit you sound like a man.

“Oh my god Tommy shut up and get out before I break your knee caps.”

“Fine I’ll be back in five minutes.”

He walked out and I got up and got dressed. I went downstairs to see what’s for breakfast, it was pancakes and waffles. Everyone was at the tables so I joined them. We ate breakfast and discussed what we wanted to do for the day. We decided to walk around the city.

We all got ready for the day and headed out. Tommy brought his camera so he could vlog.  For a while Tommy and I talked about random topics, like our favorite food and things like that. I looked back at Ranboo and he wasn’t looking too happy. I thought nothing of it and I would just ask what was wrong when we went to lunch. 

Wil seemed to enjoy the scenery and Tubbo was very happy to talk to Ranboo in person so all he did was talk to him. And Tommy, I think he was just excited to talk to someone new cause he constantly wanted to hangout. I did not mind at all honestly, I enjoyed my time with Tommy, I enjoyed my time with everyone because these people make me feel something I haven’t felt in a while and that’s feeling Loved


Two chapters in one day well its actually been like 30 minutes. This was a filler chapter so I might post another chapter later today. I'm not sure. I'm going to try to finish the rest of the story on google docx and then make that other copy for my grandpa... I also promised him I would be done with the book by the end of the month... I have 20 days to finish his copy. That does not mean all the chapters will be posted by the end of the month though. ANWAYSSS have a good rest of your morning/day/night :)

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