Chapter 4

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“Wait a second are you Ranboo…?”

I said it a little quiet incase he was. I didn’t want to “Reveal his identity”.

He chuckled. 

“Is it obvious?”

"A little I just saw your mask. And your voice sounds just like him.”

“Well I am It’s nice to meet a fan.

“Well It’s nice to meet you. Not trying to sound awkward or make you uncomfortable but you’re my favorite streamer.”

You're fine but thank you it’s nice to know I’m favorited.”

You both just smiled.

“So, do you stream?

“I do actually, but I just started last week.”

“Cool! What’s your twitch?


“Oh I know who you are, I watched one of your streams.”

“Wait- really!?”

He chuckled.

“Yeah I watched your bed wars stream.”

“Holy cow that's crazy! I would have never thought you of all people would watch my streams…”

“Yeah I really enjoyed it, you're super funny.”

“Thanks that means a lot.”

“No problem”

“If you don’t mind me asking what was that girl talking to you about?”

“She was just making fun of me again.”


“Yeah she loves to make fun of me.”


“Just now she was making fun of me for watching your videos and uh-.”

I hesitated not knowing if I should tell him everything.

“It’s fine if you don’t want to tell the rest I don’t want you to feel pressured.”

“It’s fine she also likes making fun of me because I run away from home.”

“Wait what? Why?

I could tell he genuinely cared which was surprising because we had just met. 

“My parents treat me poorly so I run away to get away from them.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.” 

“It’s alright”

I looked at the time to see that I was at the Ice cream shop for almost two hours! I also remembered that last night Ranboo tweeted he was going to stream what was five minutes from now.

“Hey Ranboo”


“Don’t you have to stream in five minutes?”

“Oh no I forgot! It was nice meeting you- wait I never got your name.”

“Its (Y/n) You better get going. It was nice meeting you too!”

He got up and ran home so he could start his stream. You got up and went to a park. After about ten minutes you got the notification that Ranboo went live. The first thing he said was:
“Sorry Chat for being late I made a new friend and was talking to them and forgot about the stream.”

I donated so that it would be easier for him to see my message, it said: “Classic Ranboo”

“Heyyy It’s not my fault I was talking to you (Y/n)

After he said that his chat was going crazy. Everyone was wondering who I was and asking how we met. Ranboo simply just said “Chat no need to be nosey” and then logged into the Dream SMP and played with Tubbo.

He streamed for about two hours. After he ended his stream I got a notification from twitter.

Ranboo has started following you!

Honestly, I was kind of shocked. It’s not like everyone meets their favorite streamer and then they follow you back on twitter and Instagram. Even when I thought it couldn’t get better he DM me.


Hey (Y/n)! It was really fun talking to you at the ice cream shop. Maybe we could do it again? Also I was wondering, would you like to play bed wars with me next time I stream?


                                                           I liked talking to you too Ranboo. I would love to get to meet up with you again and I would most definitely love to beat you in bed wars.


Woah Woah Woah don’t get ahead of yourself now I would most definitely win in a game of bed wars.

                                                                                                                                            Me.            C’mon Ranboo your trash at bed wars.


Hey I might not be as good as you but I’m not that bad :(


                                                           Okayyy fine. You’re not THAT bad.


Sooo when would you like to meet up?


                                                                     Whenever you want I don’t have any plans for summer break.


Great! Cya then!



A/n:  Hey everyone! Hope your enjoying the story so far!! I might write another chapter tomorrow I'm not sure. I'm going to be busy that's why I posted 4 chapters in one night. Anyway, dont forget to eat, drink some water and if you have any take your medicine!

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