Chapter 14

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I was watching a movie when I heard another knock on the door.

"Come in"

It was Wil.

"Everything okay?"


"Wait are you two cuddling?"

"Yeah kinda"

"So, you two talked about everything?"

"No, he just came in and plopped down and fell asleep"

"Oh, well I'm going to bed come get me if you need anything."


"Shut up I'm trying to sleep"


Wil closed the door and I continued my movie. Ranboo back asleep. When I finished my movie, I went to sleep.

<The Next Morning>

I woke up the next morning and Ranboo was gone. I was a little sad about it but brushed it off. I went down stairs and no one was down there. I went in the kitchen and saw a note on the counter.

It read:

The boys and I went to the store and were running low on food. Ranboo is grabbing you some snacks as well. We should be back around noon.


I checked the clock. It was 9:00am I had the entire air bnb to myself for 3 hours. First thing I did was shower. It was chilly so I wanted to steal one of Ranboo's hoodies but they were all dirty, so I ran and stole one of Wil's.

I thought Ranboo's hoodies were huge but Wil's were way bigger even though Ranboo is taller than Wil, Wil was still a bigger size. I took a picture and posted it on Instagram.

<Ranboo Pov>

I have recently developed strong feelings for (Y/n) so I've been avoiding her. I feel terrible for it but it's for the best because I know she doesn't like me back, so I might as well get rid of the feelings that could ruin our friendship.
I have tried so hard to avoid her but it's hard. Last night I couldn't fall asleep so I went to her room. She was still awake so I went and laid on top of her. She played with my hair and I quickly fell asleep. I have been feeling very lonely since I started avoiding her, she completes me.
So, if I were to ask her out and she rejected me I'm not sure what I would do. Even if we lost our friendship I would be broken. I feel like the more I'm away from her the lonelier I am. Not to mention whenever she's with Tommy it makes me furious. She seems so happy with him though and he seems happy with her. Maybe they like each other. I'm not sure I hope not but if it makes themhappy it's fine. It's not that I can control it. As much as I don't want to admit it... I think I'm jealous.

I got snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone saying my name.


"Sorry Tubbo I was thinking about something."

"More like someone."

"Wait what did you say?"

"Nothing now grab (Y/n) some snacks."

"Uhm ok?"

I grabbed (Y/n) some snacks and we went to pay for everything. It was almost 10:30 and we still had a few more places to go. I regret coming, I was ready to go back to the air bnb.

<(Y/n) Pov>

I remembered I brought a box of cake mix so I grabbed that out of my suitcase. I started my playlist and the first song that came on was 'Jealous' by eyedress. I grabbed a speaker and hooked it up and blasted my music as loud as I wanted. I started baking and I was enjoying myself.

I finished frosting the cake and continued dancing around and singing as loud as possible. It was the first time in a while I got to sing and dance around without a care in the world.

I was in the middle of dancing and singing to my favorite song when I heard Tommy's laugh. I quickly stopped and turned around. He was recording me. I ran upstairs and slammed my door. I could hear someone knocking on the door but I sat down in front of it so no one came in. I was so embarrassed.

<Tommy's Pov> (oOoOo Tommy's first Pov)

We had walked in the door carrying the groceries and I heard (Y/n) in the kitchen singing. She sounded amazing. She didn't notice me so I set the food down and started recording. She was enjoying herself so I laughed a bit. She heard me and immediately stopped singing. I tried to hide my phone but she saw it and ran up to her room.

I followed her and tried to explain everything but she wouldn't let me in. She told me through the door she was insecure about her singing and didn't want me to post it. She also told me she wanted me to delete the video but when I told her she sounded amazing she said I could keep it but not to post it. So, I didn't. Even though (Y/n) is an amazing singer she was still insecure and I felt really bad for recording her.

I went back down stairs and saw everyone else putting the food away so I decided to help them. After a few minutes we finished putting all the food away and noticed the cake on the counter. We all took a piece and it was really good.

We were all talking when (Y/n) came down and walked in the kitchen. She walked over and gave me a hug. I hugged her back but she didn't let go after. She just stood there so I put an arm on her back and continued my conversation.

<Y/n Pov>

I was getting hungry so I went back downstairs and saw everyone in the kitchen talking. I walked over to Tommy and gave him a hug. I wanted a hug and Tommy gave the best hugs. After a minute or two I let go of Tommy and started looking for something to eat.

"Oh (Y/n) we grabbed you some snacks at Tesco"

Wilbur proceeded to hang me a bag full of snacks.

"Thank you, Wil!"

I gave Wil a hug and looked through the bag.

"Don't thank me thank Ranboo he knew what to get you."

"Thanks, Ranboo"

I said still looking through the bag. I ended up taking the whole bag in my room and watched some tv.

I wasn't going to upload a chapter today but then I seen how many reads the book has. Almost 400 reads! Thank you so much! I also appreciate everyone who has voted. Almost 20 votes! :) I honestly started this book one day bored, I wasnt even going to put it on Wattpad but then I decided to thinking no one was going to see it... boy was I wrong. ANYWAYSSSSS!! Go drink some waster, get some sleep eat something and take your meds if you have any :) Remember you are a very important human being and you need to take care of yourself. Have a great rest of your day/night :) ❤

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