Chapter 20

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I woke up Ranboo gently shaking me. The plane just landed. We got our luggage and then called an Uber to pick us up. 

We got back to Ranboo’s house and put our stuff away. Then laid down in his bed and cuddled. 

“Hey Ranboo I’m going to take a shower.”


“Yessss I need to shower”

I got up and he sighed. I just laughed at him.

“It’s not funny, I was comfy.”

“I won't take long I promise.”

I turned the water on and the bathroom was already steamy before I got in. I got in and let the hot water run down my body. It felt nice and refreshing. For once my arms weren't stinging from pain. The cuts were healed and they were now just scars. 

I haven't cut since I met Ranboo not only because I promised but because I’m genuinely happy for the first time in a long time.

He introduced me to his amazing friends. I never would have thought I would meet some of my favorite streamers. 

I washed my body and hair then got out and dried off. I just put on some sweat pants and a baggy T- shirt. 

I walked into Ranboo’s room but he was gone. But just then I was lifted off the ground. 

“Ranboo what are you doing?”

He didn’t respond, he set me on the bed and laid on his stomach in between my legs with his head on my stomach.

“You cant go to sleep yet we need to eat.”

“Are you hungry?”


“Be honest.”

“I am”

“Then we can continue lying here cause I’m not either.”



“Yes Ranboo?”

“Why do you always make up an excuse so we can’t spend time together all of a sudden?”

“What do you mean?”

“For example, whenever I wanna cuddle you always try to do something else.”

“I’m not trying to, I promise.”

I’m glad Ranboo is opening up to me and I’m glad he’s comfortable talking about things when he’s concerned. After all, communication is very important. 

He sat up and so did I. He hugged me and buried his head in my neck. I hugged him back and we sat like this for a few minutes. 

“I love you”

It was muffled but I could tell what he said.

“I love you too bub.”

I lifted his head so he was facing me and kissed his nose.

"Someone seems very sleepy"

“I am, can we take a nap?”

“You can, I need to stream and eat I’m super hungry.”

He just sighed.

“Look it’s only a 45 minutes stream with Tommy and George. Then I’m going to make some food, so that should only be about and hour.”

“Then will you lay with me?”

“Yes after I will lay with you, and all tomorrow I will spend the entire day with you and do whatever you want.”


“I promise.”

Rambo acts very differently when he’s sleepy. He's either super grumpy and more sarcastic than normal or he’s super clingy.

And honestly I kinda enjoy when he’s clingy it’s kinda funny and adorable. I grabbed everything I needed to stream and went into the living room so I didn't wake him up. (I dont know if thats true...)

3 chapters pog :)

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