Chapter 10

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< (Y/n) PoV)> 

We finished our walk and got back to his house. Ranboo went up stairs to stream or talk to his friends. I don’t know which one but I figured it was one of those because he has been screaming ever since he got up there. 

I decided to call Jess, it's been a while since I talked to her. We talked for hours. It was around 6 when we got off the phone. Ranboo was still in his room doing whatever he was doing. 

I was getting hungry so I made a sandwich. I made Ranboo something to eat too, he’s been in his room for almost 4 hours and hasn’t come out. I knocked on his door.

“Come in.”

“Sorry for interrupting but I made you some food.”


I was about to walk out when I heard Tommy’s voice coming through Ranboo’s headphones. He yelled “Let me talk to her!”

I just looked at Ranboo. He put his headphones back on but then gave them to me and let me sit in his chair.

[I think yall got it figured out by now (Y/n)’s talking will always look like This Ranboo will look like This and Tommy will look like This.]

“Hello Tommy!”

“(Y/n) Hello my friend, how are you?”

“I’m good Tommy, how are you?”

“I’m good, so when are you going to get here tomorrow?”

“I honestly don’t know Tommy”

“Oh well do you know how long you’re staying?

“About a week or two.”

“Oh, alright we’ll have plenty of time to hangout then.”

“Yes, we will.”

“Ok well I have to go now, my mother is telling me to go to bed,”

“Well goodnight Tommy.”


I gave Ranboo his headphones back and went down stairs. I liked talking to Tommy, I have talked to him a few times over text but I’m still nervous to meet in person. Talking to him about the trip made me less nervous knowing he was really excited to hangout but I’m still super nervous to meet Wilbur and Tubbo. 

I scrolled through tik tok for a while and then Ranboo came down stairs. I went in the kitchen and grabbed a snack then went upstairs in the guest room. It was almost 8:00 pm so I changed into my pajamas and laid in bed on my phone. 

After an hour I heard a knock on the door.

“Come in.”

Ranboo came in and laid on top of me so his head was on my stomach.

Ranboo came in and laid on top of me so his head was on my stomach

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(Like this but switch the genders)

I played with his hair and he eventually fell asleep. I could tell he was nervous too. I fell asleep after a few minutes.

<The Next Morning>

Ranboo and I woke up pretty early. I was not happy at all. We had to get up at 4:00 am and start getting ready. Our flight was at 6:45 am. We had to hurry because Ranboo was not packed and we both had to shower. I showered while he packed.

Then he showered and I made breakfast for us. We ate then grabbed our things and left. We got to the airport at 6:30. 

We got on the plane and waited for it to take off then we watched Netflix. We watched a couple of movies and Ranboo ended up falling asleep. I put my air pods in and listened to music. 

Just before we landed Ranboo woke up it was almost 10:00 am. We grabbed our small bags we brought and got off the plane. We were both nervous but Ranboo was way more nervous than me. I thought it was odd knowing he was more nervous than me but he had talked to them way more, but I didn’t say anything. 

I grabbed his hand to try to help calm him down a bit, and it worked. We grabbed out luggage. Ranboo saw Wilbur standing waiting for us in the distance so I just followed him. 

Ranboo ran up to him and hugged him. I thought it was cute so I took a picture without them knowing.

(Wilbur talking will just look like This)

“Wil this is (Y/n).”


“Hello (Y/n)”

We introduced ourselves a bit more and then started walking to the car. I sat in the back while Ranboo sat up front and talked to Wilbur.

Wil told us we had to go pick up Tommy and that Tubbo’s dad was going to drop him off later.


Heyyyy hope you enjoyed the chapter. Ayo were almost at 200 reads!! Also keep in mind I live in the US so I have no idea what the UK is like so if I get any info wrong I'm sorry. Anwayssss TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF DO DRINK SOME WATER I KNOW YOU"RE DEHYDRATED AND GO SLEEP YOU SLEEP DEPRIVED BISH!

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