Chapter 19 ⭐

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There is a discount sale going on they have Ironman toys" She pointed a direction. "What really?? Iron man?? Where?! " He looked around. "There" she pulled him to that direction while koo followed her energetically totally forgetting about what he was doing. "Where? There is no sale going on here" He whined. "Guess they wrapped it up" She let out an awkward laugh. "You know what?. You are so bad at lying" He shaked his head. "Lets go home they must be ready with my surprise birthday party" He said. "Its not a surprise" She pursed her lips. "Well I don't know how they arranged it. So its a surprise party. Dont think too much your brain may evaporate" He laughed. "You little.." She tried to pinch his nose. "Catch me if you can shorty~" He ran away. "Stop right there you naughty bunny" She chased him. After few minutes of running around both got tired and returned home.

"Noona is this surprised reaction enough? " He opened his doe eyes wide, held his cheeks with his big hands and opened his mouth wide making it resemble O. She just shaked her head not knowing how to react to what the big baby is doing. " Is it not enough? Should I run around screaming as soon as I open the door? " He asked. "Lets first go in.. Show them your genuine reaction" She said. "Alright.. I'm opening the door in 3.. 2.. 1 " He opened the door only to see the cake, his precious birthday cake on the floor. And Namjoon arguing about how it was an accident.

"What the heck is going on. Aren't you guys supposed to arrange my birthday party?

" Why is MY cake on the floor " He whined. "Kookie... I can explain.. " Namjoon started. " I want my cake not the explanation.. how will I celebrate birthday without cake?" He whined. "Joonie.. I told you to stay away from the cake.." Crystal sighed. "I just wanted to help Jin hyung to decorate the cake.. But Jimin fell down from the chair and pushed my leg.. I lost my balance.." Joon said. "Why are you all looking at me like that.. I don't pray everyday to fall from the chair.. It just happens.." Jimin whinned. " I WANT MY BIRTHDAY CAKE" Koo screamed.

"Yeah my ears almost start to bleed. Stop screaming or I'll throw these chocolates at you" Yoongi grabbed a fist full chocolates as it was the only thing near him which wouldn't cause serious injury. "Bring it on. I'll gladly catch it with my mouth" Taehyung said. "I should have said I will throw iron box instead" Yoongi said. "We all know you won't do that. You are a total softy for us" Hoseok said. "Yep " Taehyung grinned. "My cake... " Koo started to whine again. " I ordered a new cake for you. It will be here soon. Go get ready before that" Zia said. "Really?? Okayyy " He grinned and ran to his room.

" I still can't believe our Jungkook turned into a 6 year old.. It's been a year now.. In starting to lose my hope.." Jimin said. "Our Kookie will be fine.. Let's not lose our hope. Forget about it for now. Let's keep him happy on his special day" Jin said. "Mhm.. " Jimin nodded. "Cheer up everyone" Taehyung said.

"Kids~ Guests are here" Koo's mom said.
"Kookie is here too" Koo said as he ran back to living room. "Hyung got a bunny headband for my bunny boy " Jin smiles and made Koo wear the cute bunny headband. "Am I cute? " Koo asked. "Yes" His hyungs said in unison adoring their little one making him smile. "Kook honey.. Come here and greet the guests" His mom said. " I'll be right back" Koo said and went to greet the guests.

"Lets clean this mess" Jin said pointing the cake on the floor. "Joon hyung will do it" Tae grinned. "Yeah me and Taetae are gonna blow more balloons" Jimin said. "Yoongi...? " Joon turned to them to see yoongi dozing off on couch. "He was editing Kookie's video last night. He didn't sleep" Hobi said while munching chocolates. "I'll help you to clean" Jin said. " Thank you hyung" Joon said. "Clean fast before I change my mind" Jin said. "Okok let's clean " Joon said.

"Kookie.. Mr.Choi is here" His mom smiled. "Happy birthday my boy " Mr.Choi hugged him tight. " Thank you uncle Choi" Koo grinned. "Kookie is looking handsome as always. I have a gift for my little guy " He said and gave him a big box. " Thank you so much uncle" Kookie smiled. "Kookie come here other guests are waiting" His mom said. " Coming~~" Kook said and followed his mom after telling choi.

It took some time for Jungkook to come back after greeting all the guests. Still no sigh of the birthday cake. Poor boy sat on the couch throwing daggers with eyes at Joon for spoiling his birthday cake. "Stop looking at me like that.. I'm sorry. It was an accident!" Joon whined. "Your cake will be here soon kookie.. Let this slide. It is not like this is new. He is known for breaking things" Jin said making Joon whine more. "Namjoon I'm trying to take a quick nap here" Yoongi groaned making everyone zip their mouth immediately. "Yoongi hyung is scary sometimes " Jimin whispered in low voice. "Especially when he wake up in the middle of his little nap time" Taehyung said. "I agree" Joon whispered.
"It's boring.. Aren't we supposed to enjoy Kookie's birthday party instead of sitting here and staring each other? " Hobi said.
"Birthday party without cake? I want my cake! Why is it taking so long?! " Jungkook started his whining session. "You will get your cake. Delivery person won't eat it on the way. Stop whining like a kid" Tae said. "Tae.. He is a kid now.." Jin said making Tae realise it. "It's hard to remember that especially when he is packed with muscles. Look at him.. I'll fly to mars if he punch me" Taehyung said. "Joon hyung is going to mars soon if he keep on breaking everything he touch. Especially koo's things" Jimin said. "Hey I don't break everything! I still have my favourite catus pen in perfect condition. My bonsai and the crabs I rescued from Jin hyung's kitchen are fine too" Joon said. "Yeah yeah.. I'm never letting you inside kitchen when i cook. Especially seafood " Jin said. "I help you to cut veggies though.." Joon said. "Cutting an onion for one hour? Yep great help" Jin said. "Hyunggggg.. At least I try to help.. appreciate that" Joon whined. "Who is acting like kid now? " Koo rolled his eye. "I'm better.. " Koo got interrupted by the ding dong sound of calling bell. "It must be the delivery guy! I'll go get my " Koo said and ran to the door making others chuckle. "Kookie.. careful.. " His mom said when she saw her son running like Naruto. "Okay mom~ " Koo said and open the door but what he saw made him freeze in his place. He stared the person with wide doe eyes which displayed pure confusion. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. His brain was messed up with all sort of thoughts that crossed his mind at that moment. His thoughts got interrupted by his mom. "Jungkookie.. Who is it? " She asked as she couldn't see the guest's face since Koo was standing in front of him. "You are Jungkook? " The guy asked. "Y-yes" Koo stuttered.

"Then.. Who am I?" The unbidden guest asked.



Heyo bunbuns~~
How are y'all~ I hope you are doing great. Did you like today's chapter???
Who do you think the new guest is? Comment your assumptions. Let's see who is getting it right👀 I already gave a big hint so it'll be easy to guess i think..
My exams are over. You guys were so supportive when i told you about it..few even wished me good luck. I'm so happy to have y'all 🥺💜 . I made you wait so long for this chapter. I hope i didn't disappoint you. Give this chapter a heart if you like it.
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Next chapter will be updated with new story cover😌

Love you all so much ♡
Stay safe~ See y'all in next chapter 😁💜

- CarrotGuk

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