Chapter 25

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"Get the work done fast. We dont have entire day" Jin said. "What work? " Tae asked. "We need Koo's hair" Namjoon said. "My hair?.. Why?.. " Koo asked.

"DNA test" Namjoon said.

"DNA test?? Why?.." Tae asked. "If their DNA didn't match they are just two different people with same face.. If it match... We will have to look into it" Joon said.

"What will happen if they are just two people with same face? " Tae asked. "Well.. Not sure about that for now.. Maybe.. We will try to find his real family?? " Joon said. "But.. Koo like it here.. I don't wanna leave.." Koo said pouting in tiny. "Who knows.. You may end up being the first one to run if we find your real family" Tae giggled. "Nooooooooooooooooo I won't! Koo loves you all so much" Koo frowned. "Alright alright don't be sad" Jin patted his head. "We will get the reports in few hours I guess.. We will let you know after we get the reports. Tae come with us" Joon said. "Take care of him" Jin said to Zia before following Joon and Tae.

"Koo.. Are you feeling better now?" Zia asked. "I think so.. But noona should stay. I don't wanna be alone.. Not today.. " He said. "Fine.. I'll stay. Don't worry" She ruffled his hair. "But.. Why did you stop me when i was going to tell your friends about what happened..? " She asked. "They will get sad if we tell them about it" He said. "But they should know about what he did. I'm going to tell your mom" She said. "Noona let's not tell them. It'll only make everything worse" He said. " But he can't just get away with it" Zia said. "If he try to hurt me again.. Then.. I won't stop you" He said. "Fine.. It's not like you going to listen" Zia sighed. "Want anything to eat?? " She asked. "Banana milk is enough for me" He smiled. "Alright I'll get it for you" Zia stood up and walked to kitchen. "I'll come with you" Koo followed her. "Stay in living room and watch tv I'll be quick" Zia said. "But noona.. " Koo stared her. " Listen to me hm?.. I'll be back before you finish counting ten" Zia said. "Fine.. Come fast.. " Koo said.

Koo sat on couch facing kitchen door waiting for Zia to come back. " It's 50 now noona. You said you will come back before i count 10" Koo whined. "Banana milk we stocked last time is over.. So i had to make one. Not sure if it will taste like the packed ones you like. Adjust this time. I'll restock it tomorrow" She said. Koo took a sip and stayed idle without doing anything for some time. "You okay Koo? Do you like it? Is it bad? " She asked. "Koo loves it " He grinned. "Gosh for a second I thought you didn't like it" She whined and slapped koo's shoulder playfully earning a giggle from him.

"Koo i have a doubt" She said sitting beside him. "Yes? What is it? " He asked while sipping the banana milk. " How do a supposedly 6 year old you know stuffs about love life just from kdrama?." She asked. "Oh that.. I'm good at learning things fast" He smiled. "I see I do" He said. "So. This is how your behavior change from running around to being flirty in seconds" She said. "Haha you can say that. Thanks to dramas I know almost everything I need to know.. even to kiss. Wanna see?" He asked one end of his lip tugging upwards showing off his famous smirk.  "You know what?. I think I should consider telling your mom to not let you watch dramas. It isn't good for baBieS" She acted cool trying hard to not show any emotion on face and pulled the corner of his lip which was tilted upwards down with her fingers erasing his mischievous smirk. "I have my own ways to watch it noona.. And I don't think you can make me forget things I already know, can you? " He said leaning on the couch giving smug look . "That's enough drink your milk kid" She pulled his hand which was holding the cup up to his lip shutting him up just like making a baby silent with pacifier. 'Atleast he forgot about what happened earlier for now.. ' she thought.

"Why is it taking so long" Jin whined getting impatient. " If you can't wait just go inside and make the report " Joon rolled his eyes. "If I know to do it I would have done that. Why would I sit here asking a boy who can't even peel a potato" Jin rolled his eyes. "I just wasn't paying attention that time! It's a single time mistake" Joon said. "Oh really? Then what about the time when you whisked cream with whisker's handle and used marker to write on blackboard?" Jin asked. " I'll go check if the report is ready" Joon said and fleed off to get the reports.

"Finally we found the file" Crystal sighed in relief. "Thanks to aunt Jeon it wasn't that hard" Hobi said. "Yea.. Let's take this to yoongi hyung" Jimin said. "I wonder what ended up being the result of DNA test" Hobi said. "I hope everything go well" Crystal kept the file in her bag. Their small conversation was interrupted by a phone call. Crystal fished the phone from her pocket and picked the call. "Joon how everything went? She asked. "It went well. We got the report. Did you find the file? " Joon asked. "Yeah we found it" Crystal said. "That's great! Let's meet in Yoongi hyung's studio. Come fast don't waste time fighting with koo and jungkook now we don't have time for it" Joon said. "Fine fine we'll come fast" She said.

"I found more details about those guys" Yoongi said and looked away from his computer after hours. "I hacked one of the guy's phone. They are having a secret meeting in fico club" Yoongi said. "So.. What is our plan? " Hobi asked. "One of us should try to befriend him.. It will be helpful to get details from him" Yoongi said. "Do you think it will be that easy?" Jimin asked. "Not at all. That's why we gonna make the one who is going to club disguised as woman. It will be easier that way.. He won't suspect much and we can hide our identity. Two bird one stone" Yoongi said. "That's a good idea! I think that will work well" Crystal said. "Did the DNA test go well? What is the result? Did it match?? " Yoongi asked Namjoon.
"The test went well.. The result is... It.. "



Hey guys!
I'm so sorry for the late update. I was so busy for the past few days. And the things around me isn't going so well too :l
I didn't mean to break my promise.. I'm sorry bunbuns 🙇🏻‍♀️
I hope you like this chapter. Leave a like if you did. Follow my account to not miss any updates. This one is a bit serious chapter too. I'm sorry for that.. I'm not really in a fun mood.. It is affecting the chapter as well I guess.. And it is getting closer to 'The Reveal' so it is bit hard to fit in goofy stuffs. I'll try to add more fun elements in next chapters.

Next chapter of Babysitting Kookoo will be published when my account CarrotGuk reach 225 followers. I'll be bit busy so i increased the usual target lil. I'm not sure when I'll get time to update my other books. I'll try to do that soon too.. I'll keep you all updated in conversation page.
Love you all so much ♡

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