Chapter 22

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"Jungkook! Koo! Wake up and get ready!" Mrs. Jeon yelled while arranging breakfast on dining table. "Morning mom.." Koo said and wrapped his hands around his mom. "my baby is already awake? Sit breakfast is ready " She smiled and ruffled his hair. " Too much sweetness to start a day" Crystal chuckled. " Why are you in your work attire? You still have lot of time" Mrs. Jeon said. "I have some works to finish before the meeting with Ceo Park" Crystal said. " It's today?? " Mrs. Jeon turned to Crystal giving her full attention. " Yeah it's today.. Aunt should come too" Crystal said. "What about Koo and Jungkook? We cant let them stay home alone.. You know that.." Mrs. Jeon said. " I contacted Zia. She said she will have day off after her exam.. We will have to manage till afternoon. I dont think it will end up bad..." Crystal said. "Can you manage till afternoon Koo?" Mrs. Jeon asked. "I.. I can.. B-but he... I.. I'm s-scared.. " Koo stuttered. " I'll talk to him mhm? Kookie isn't bad.. He is a good kid. Don't be scared.." Mrs. Jeon said. "O-okay mom.." Koo smiled. "I'll go check if he is up" Mrs.Jeon smiled. "Eat your breakfast" She patted Koo's head and went to Jungkook's room. "Why are they taking so long.. Its getting late" Crystal said. "We are here" Jungkook said. "Oof finally sleeping beauty decided to wake up" She rolled her eyes. " It's been a while since i slept well" He chuckled. "Right... I'm going to office.. Bye boys don't break your bones" She said before rushing to work.

"Jungkook sit.. Eat your breakfast.. I have something to tell you" She said. "What is it mom? " Jungkook asked. "I have a meeting to attend. Can you take care of Koo till his caretaker reach home? " She asked. " Mommm are you kidding me? Me taking care of him?? NEVER!" He glared Koo. "You don't have to do much.. Just don't pick up fights" She said. " It is not like I'm doing it intentionally.. It is just looking at him makes me trusfrated no frustrated "He said. " Koo honey go watch Tv" She said. "Okay mom" Koo stood up from his seat and went to living room. "Honey? Seriously mom? I'm your son! Not him! " He yelled. " Jungkook-ah.. He is not the one at fault. He is a victim too.. Just like you..Don't be harsh on him.. He is still a kid.. mentally. It will affect him a lot.." She said.
After few hours of advising Jungkook to behave well with Koo Mrs. Jeon hugged both boys and left to office.

'Why mom care for him a lot.. I feel like she like him more than she like me.. It just makes me hate him more' He thought as he made his way to living room.

'He is watching Iron man.. I like it too but not gonna let him watch it' He snatched the remote from Koo and sat on the couch opposite to Koo. "It's time for football" He switched to sports channel. "But I wanna watch tv too.. " Koo mumbled. "I don't understand alien language" Jungkook said and leaned on couch. " I.. I said I want to watch iron man " Koo said. "It's football time. My house my rules! Watch it if you want or go to your room" Jungkook rolled his eyes. Koo sighed in defeat and leaned on couch. Though Koo tried his best to stay away from fights, Jungkook didn't miss any chance he got to bicker.

It was like he found a new hobby. Annoying Koo somehow made him happy that he forgot the track of time. Koo on the other hand was looking at the clock every second desperately waiting for Zia's arrival.

After few painfully long hours the door finally opened. Zia walked in wearing her school uniform with her backpack loosely hanging on her shoulder.

"Nooooonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Koo stood up from the couch ran to her and tackled her in a tight hug. "I missed you" He whined. "Aw noona missed Koo too~ I got Koo's favorite snacks and banana milk " She smiled and shook the shopping bag with the snacks she bought. "For me??? " Koo grinned. " Yes for you " She ruffled his hair earning a bunny smile from Koo. "Thank you noona.. I'll eat well" He smiled. "Share it with your brother" She said. "My.. Brother?.." He asked. "The one who came home yesterday?" She asked.

"HE is NOT my brother" Both Koo and Jungkook said in unison.



Hello bunbuns~
Like I promised new chapter is here^^
Anddddddddddd I got around 10 followers in 2 days???!! I thought it will take long and didn't check follower count🤡
Thank you BTSdoesnotknowIexist and JiminIsTallerThanYou for reminding me lol. I was lil busy today but I didn't want to break my promise so today's chapter is lil smaller than other chapters just 🤏🏻
I'll try to make the next chapter bigger :)

Next chapter will be uploaded when my account CarrotGuk reach 190 followers.

I hope y'all like this chapter. Leave a like if you did.. it is free and it makes me happy:)) Comment your thoughts it helps me to know what you think about this chapter and reminds me that I write a book 🤡
I love you all so much~
See y'all in next chapter Bye~

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