200k reads???

691 16 11

It's 200k reads already? Wow i didn't expect it. I remember being happy over 180 reads. Look how far we came 😭
This was possible only coz of you. Thank you so much for your support 💖 I'll try to make this story more entertaining.

Current phase of bsk (clone theme) will end soon and will move to next phase. Look forward to it. I read all comments relating to jungkook's pair.  I gave it a good thought and took a decision that i think will satisfy everyone. I hope y'all like it. Check out my other books too. They also will give you same feel as BSK but have different plot. Like same characters in alternate universe lol

I edited first 7 chapter of bsk. Will edit the remaining before next update. Teen me was quite a cringe so i had a lot to change. And changing pov is so haaaard. Should do that for 9 more chapters. After that it'll go fast ig.. I'll try to do it fast, change the editing tag and then post the next chapter update. I'm working on the update too. Lets see how it goes.

Consider rereading the edited chapters. Its better than old one

Once again.. Thank you everyone for all the support 💖 Love y'all so much 💖

 Thank you everyone for all the support 💖 Love y'all so much 💖

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