Chapter 2

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📍Jeon mansion

"Annyeonghasaeyo" said the one on other side

Zia stumbled backwards because of the unexpected greeting. "What is this thing? A bunny? Goldfish? Looks like  a mix of both" She mumbled.

"Kookie what are you doing there?" She heard female voice questioning and footsteps as if someone is walking towards the apartment's door."We have a guest ,moma" said the boy while giggling and ran away from door.

'Cookie..? Mom..? Maybe it is kid's brother' Zia thought.
Soon the door opened revealing a beautiful woman who looked like she is in her early thirties in a formal outfit. 'This must be the kid's mom' she thought.

"Hello? " The lady said  more like a question after not getting any response from the girl on their door step as if expecting an introduction. "Hello.. I'm here to meet Mrs.Jeon" Zia said and bowed a little. "It's me" She said. "I'm Zia Park.. Mrs.Kim Yura's neighbour. She said that you are looking for someone to babysit your son." Zia smiled.

"Oh hello~ Yura told me about you, come in" she smiled at me and moved to side giving zia space to enter the apartment.
Mrs. Jeon closed the door after zia stepped in and guided her to the living room.She gestured Zia to take a seat on the couch and sat down on the couch opposite to her.

"Thank you so much for for agreeing to take care of my son, Zia. It's really helpful. I hope you take a good care of him. I'll be always busy with the company.. I don't get enough time to be with him when he need something and take care of him.." She said. "Don't worry..I will take care of him" Zia gave her a reassuring smile. "I hope yura told you about my son" She said. To which Zia nodded her head without thinking too much into it.

"Aunt we are getting late for the office dinner.. Did you see my phon-?" She stopped when she saw the new person in their living room. "It's with him Crystal..And She is Zia Jungkook's new babysitter" said Mrs.Jeon .

'Jungkook?.. So its Kookie and not cookie?.. And I'm gonna babysit a troublemaking kid? Atleast he was cute..' Zia thought.

"Hello, I'm Jeon Crystal.. Kookie's cousin" She said. "Hello, I'm Park Zia" She greeted back."Koookieee come down" Mrs.Jeon called her son.

A guy who looked like he is around Zia's age came down. His features had striking resemblance to the bunny boy who greeted Zia through the keyhole earlier. 'Maybe it's his brother' she thought. But what made Zia confused was the fact that he was holding an Ironman toy in one hand and Crystal's phone in other hand. 'Grown men play with toys too?' Her train of thoughts were interrupted by mrs.jeon.

"Jungkookie.. She is your new babysitter, Zia" said his mom.

'His babysitter??? Why would a teen need a  babysitter?' Zia thought.

"Yeaa.. bye bye to you old babysitter who added salt instead of sugar to your favourite bAnaNa miLk"said Crystal while laughing, earning a whine from Kookie "Don't remind me about that Crys" He said.

"Hello Noona, I'm Jeon Jungkook. But i prefer Koo. And I'm 6 years old "
said the cute guy and flashed his cute bunny smile to the confused girl.

'wait..what???!!! 6 years old?? Am I going to babysit a big baby?' Zia thought.



Thankyou so much for reading this chapter. I hope you like it.. I'll be back with a new chapter soon(•ө•)♡

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Love y'all ♡
See y'all in next chapter~

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