Chapter 31 ⭐

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"Hey p-princess.. I'll be back in 2 minutes" He said and rushed out. "It'll take atleast 30 minutes" Yoongi chuckled after he left. " Tae I'm hanging up " He said and hung up without waiting for his reply. "Hyung what did you add in his drink? " Namjoon asked. "Pills used to treat constipation. Now i just need to take necessary details from the smartphone. Stay in line" Yoongi said as he went through the chats, pictures and contacts stored in the phone. "Did you get anything? " Namjoon asked as he didn't get any reply from yoongi for a long time. " Why this guy has a bunch of his shirtless pictures?! " Yoongi groaned. "That's his phone we can't complain. Take needed details fast and leave the place" Namjoon said. "Yeah yeah I'm trying. All i can see in his chat are his failed attempts to impress girls" Yoongi said as he scrolled further. "Oh wait I found something! " Yoongi said after few minutes of looking into his phone. He took screenshots of the conversation and send it to his phone. He took a copy of the frequently contacted phone numbers and other related details and kept the phone on the table after deleting all traces of his work. "Done" Yoongi said. "Start the car. We should leave before he come back" Yoongi said. " Yeah or he might try to take you home.. Princess~" Namjoon giggled. "Wait till I come to you. You will know how strong the princess is when I smack your head" Yoongi said and walked out to car.

"YOUNGWOO'S DAD SAW THEM KISSING!!! " Koo screamed while watching one of his favorite dramas at the moment, Extraordinary attorney Woo. "Yeah! I think he might beat the main lead's ass for kissing his daughter" Zia said. "Nopeee he didn't" Koo said and took a bite of his pizza. "Ach my head... Why are u both so loud..?!" Jungkook asked while rubbing his forehead. "How are you feeling now? " Zia asked. "My head is killing me" Jungkook said. "Eat something. You will feel better" Zia said and patted the couch near her asking him to sit. "Ok.. " He sat next to her and took a big bite out of the pizza slice while Koo was shooting lazer at him for sitting close to his noona. "Stop looking at me. I know I'm handsome" Jungkook said. "Hah! You look like shit" Koo rolled his eyes. "Looks like you forgot you look like me" Jungkook said. " Ugh.. Fine.. Little handsome.. Just because of you have my face" Koo said. "Correction.. You have my face" Jungkook said. "No you have my face" Koo said. "Both of you stop bickering. Let me watch my drama" Zia said making them both shut their mouth.

Jungkook was about to take abound big bite of his pizza but stopped when a dark chocolate doberman that came running towards him at the speed of light tripped over his leg. "Who gave you permission to adopt a dog kid?" Jungkook asked as he helped the dog "I'M NOT KID!.. And I should ask you that" Koo said. "What do you mean?.. " Jungkook asked confused. "You brought him with you when you came home drunk" Koo said. " I did?... " Jungkook asked trying to remember what happened. " Yep. You did" Koo said. "I don't remember.. But he is cute " Jungkook said and sat beside bam and ruffled his head. "Hi cutie" He smiled. "It'll be good if he show some of that love to humans" Koo mmumbled and picked the last piece of fried chichen "What did you say? " Jungkook asked and turned to Koo while still patting bam with his left hand. " Nothing~ " Koo shrugged his shoulder. "Im hungry.. " Jungkook said and snatched the chicken on Koo's hand. "That is mine!!! " Koo whined. "Now it's mine" Jungkook took a big bite and hummed in delighted when the taste hit his tongue. "I should have pushed you out when you were drunk" Koo rolled his eyes. "I should have let you fall when I had chance" Jungkook said. "Stop you both" Zia said. "He ate my chicken! And reminding me about the tragic past. He is mean!! I hate him" Koo whined. "I hate you more" Jungkook shrugged his shoulder. "We can order chicken stop whining about it hm?" She smiled little seeing Koo agree by nodding his head. "And you.. Stop messing with Koo" She said to Jungkook. But what Jungkook said next made Koo's blood boil.

" If you go on a date with me.. I'll think about it.? " Jungkook smirked little side eyeing Koo who was turning red in anger


Hi everyone~
I hope y'all are doing well. It's been a while since I updated the book so I thought of uploading a chapter. I finished this a week back and was waiting for my account to reach the target follower count but I noticed I was just losing followers 🤡 I don't wanna keep the supporters waiting more for next chapter coz of others so here is an update for y'all 💜💜
This chapter is dedicated to my followers♡ Your comments, likes and follows motivates me to continue this book. Thank you so much for your support. I hope you like this chapter.
Next chapter: 190 followers (I kinda feel like it won't happen but anyways)

Love you y'all💜

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