Chapter 1

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📍Seoul high: Zia's classroom

'What is the purpose of my life..?' thought Zia. She was a reserved girl in a big city with big dreams trying hard to make the ends meet while managing her academics. She didn't have anyone to financially support her. She had to take care of everything by herself. It was just another day of her life thinking about same stuffs all over again.

She was brought back to reality by the sound of final bell. "Tomorrow will be day off. See you all on Monday" Said her teacher before leaving the class.

"What a tiring day" Zia sighed as she shoved her stuffs into her backpack.
"Zia, did you make any arrangements for your apartment rent?? " asked her best friend Kay. "Not yet Kay.. I guess I should be ready to get kicked out of my apartment any moment" Zia said.

She started walking to her apartment with her friend lost in thought. "Earth to Zia~" Kay waved her hand in front of Zia's face. "You got a message notification. " Said Kay

Zia fished her phone from her pocket and checked the text message.

[ Mrs. Kim 🎥 📞 ⚙️ ]

💬Mrs.Kim: Hey Zia,
My friend is looking for
A babysitter for her son.
It's not a normal job.. But
she will give you high salary.
Are you interested?

💬Zia: Yes Mrs.Kim.
Can you please send your
friend's contact details?

💬Mrs.Kim : Address;
Jeon villa, 208-4, Seokhyeon-dong,
Gangnam-gu, Seoul,
South Korea.
Ph. Number: +82-8-689-5749

💬Zia : Thank you Mrs.Kim

💬Mrs.Kim: Can you
start from today?

💬Zia: Sure Mrs.Kim
Thank you!!


"Kayyyyy!! I got a part time job as a babysitter" Zia said and hugged her.

"Woah Zia, That's great! " She smiled while patting her bestfriend's head.

"You can finally stop worrying about money" Said Kay. " Mrs.Kim told me to start today. She said it's not a normal job..i dont know what is so special about babysitting" Zia said.

" Just go and see it yourself. You will know what is different " Kay chuckled . "Also.. you should pay off your rent in a week, right? Try to ask an advance payment so that you won't end up in street" suggested her bestfriend.

" Nice idea but isn't that bad to ask an advance payment on first day of work" Zia asked her." It is.. but you don't have any other choice, do you? So just ask her before you apartment owner kick you out" she said. " Okay okay I'll ask. I should leave now, Bye Kay see you tomorrow" Zia waved her hand and walked to Mrs.Jeon's apartment following the kakao map direction.

fter a 15 minutes walk, she finally reached mrs. Jeon's home.

📍Jeon mansion

She checked the address one last time to be sure it is the right place and knocked the door.

"Why is no one responding? " She knocked the door again "Mrs.Jeon?... Is anyone home? " She asked but got no reply. She took her phone and tried to call Mrs. Jeon but she no one picked the call. "Why is no one responding?.. Should i just watch through the keyhole..?? I shouldn't do that.. but looks like I don't have any other option to confirm whether anyone is home or not..

After taking a deep breath, she crouched down and looked into the keyhole.

"What is this??" She said confused.

"Annyeonghasaeyo" said the one on other side.


(Updated it coz i found good quality gif of the famous goldfish koo picture with good lighting. Andddddd

This is my all time favorite video/gif/picture of Koo! He look adorable in this angle😭🥺 )

Note: address given in this chapter is randomly generated in google it's not real :)


I finally posted the first chapter of my first book..Thankyou so much for reading this chapter. I hope you like it.. I'll be back with a new chapter soon(•ө•)♡

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