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"Nah.. he is a great company.. " zia said.

"Loookkkkkkk I'm not annoying" he said.

"Yea yea whatever. she is just being nice. i know you koo" Crystal rolled her eyes.

"Let's leave?" Namjoon said  interupting them and lead Crystal out.

"Bye baby bun" she waved her hand.

"I have something to tell you" he said and moved closer to her ears.

"I prefer it if you call me just 'baby' , noona. " he said in husky voice and moved back and looked at Zia who froze on her spot.

"it's fun to finally try it out!! and your reaction is so satisfying. i'll definitely try it again" he laughed while clapping his hands like a baby seal bringing zia back to reality.
"DONT YOU DARE ''zia glared which just fueled Koo.
"I'll do it again. And maybe more intense" he said.

"Kookie.. come fast" Namjoon said after starting the engine.

"coming hyung" Jungkook screamed back "Oh..I almost forgot..Noona.. we have a birthday party at my home tomorrow.. I'll wait for you.. don't try to find any excuses.. you must come.. Byeeeee" he ran to car.

Zia waved my hand while till thinking about what happened, she went in after they left and locked the door.

she went to her bedroom, plop down on her bed and fell asleep after explaining everything to Kay.

<Next day>

zia's sleep was disrupted by her ringtone. she took her phone from the night stand and attend the call without checking the caller ID.

"Hello nooooonaaaaa" the person from the other end screamed into her ear.

At that point she clearly knew that it was Jungkook.

" Hi Kookie..why did you call me? " Zia asked in her sleepy voice and he just laughed.

"Wait.. you sleeping?? It's 12:30 in the afternoon noona" he giggled "Anyways.. I called you to remind me about Crystal's birthday party.. It'll start at 3pm. Don't forget or oversleep" he said.

"Alright.. alright.. I will be there before 2:55 pm. Now lemme sleep" she said.

" Nahhh wake uppp.. you slept enough.. oh Joon hyung is calling me. Gotta help mom and Joon hyung to arrange.. bye noona. Wake up and get ready dont be late.. Tae hyung will pick you" he said.

"Alriiiightttt..." she hung up her phone and kept it on night stand.

'who is taking care of who now..' she thought as got up from her bed and went to bathroom. After freshening up she wore a bathrobe and went to kitchen to a quick meal. she washed the dishes after he was done and went to her bedroom to get ready for the party.

"What should I wear today... " she scanned my wadrobe which was mostly oversized hoodies and tees.
"i definitely need a wadrobe clense" she said.
After searching for some time she managed to find a dress that is good for parties. she changed into the outfit, applied light make-up and brushed her hair .

I grabbed her phone and wallet and went to living room after checking her final look for one last time.
< Final look >

" 2:30 pm already? Ugh

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" 2:30 pm already? Ugh.. I can reach his home before 2:55 only if I fly.. "  I locked the door and rushed out to Jeon's home.


she reached the party late but not so late . Thanks to Taehyung's car. they knocked the door and Crystal opened it with bright smile.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRYSTAL!! " We both wished in union and hugged her. "Thank you so much" she giggled. She invited us in.

"Where is Jungkook?"  Zia asked. Just in time she heard his voice.
"Ann~yeong~ha~se~yoo~~ Ann~yeong~ha~se~yoo~~ " Jungkook walked greeting everyone with a weird voice.
" Someone get the helium balloon from him" Namjoon yelled from behind. That explains why Jungkook's voice was weird.

"Noonaaa hiiii" he greeted  and tried to clear his throat but still couldn't get rid of that alien voice.  "Hey" I greeted back trying not to giggle. " You look cute today" He said. his voice slowly gtting back to normal. "Thank you kookie" she replied.

"Kids come here" Mrs. Jeon entered living room with a huge cake and kept it in the middle of a table decorated with balloons and chocolates. Soon everyone gathered around the table.

" Make a wish and blow the candles, Crystal." Namjoon said. Everyone started singing birthday song as she blew the candles. She cut the cake and fed it to the close circlw while the maids served cake and snacks to guests.

"Happy birthday Crystal" Namjoon hugged her.

"Stop flaunting your love.. lets do something funnn." Jungkook whined making everyone giggle. "Fine what do you wanna do.?" Taehyung asked.

"GAMESSSSSSSSSS" Jungkook said.



Hello Bunbuns and random reader passing by,

Thankyou so much for reading this chapter. I hope you like it.. I'll be back with the next chapter soon(•ө•)♡

Hello noonas.. kookoo here.. suggest  few party games you want us to play.. author will pick one or two games for the next chapter.. Love y'all.. ”

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