Chapter 7

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"Noona bring money when you come on Monday.. you should buy me banana milk.." he said giggling.

"W-what? why?? " I asked confused.
"You forgot our deal? Your pancakes tasted like honey~" he said making a slurping sound at the end " so I won" he smiled wide.

"Fine.. I'll buy you one" I said .

"Hehe bye noona.. take care..see you on Monday" he waved his hand.

I waved back and bowed little to Mrs.Jeon before leaving.

<30 minutes later>

"Finalllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~" I said plopping down on my bed after freshening up and hugged it . "I missed you so much honey... Now its time to sleep~ oh shit.. I didn't ask Mrs.Jeon about salary advance.. ah that's ok I can do that tomorrow.. sleep is more important~" I cuddled my stuffed bunny and fell asleep.


'He wrapped his arms around my waist and moved closer. I stared into his dark brown orbs and tried to take off his mask that covered his face up to his nose- ___________'

"Pumpkinnnnn....wake upppppppppppppppp" I felt myself shaking vigorously..'ughhh not again-' I groaned and woke up to see my annoying bestfriend sitting beside me..

"Hi..hehehehe" he giggled.
I turned my head towards ma night stand where I placed the cute mini
bunny clock.. wait....... 6:30 am..?

"Kim Taehyungggggg... I'll give you five seconds to save your lif-" before I even finish he jumped off my bed and ran towards living room.

"Today is gonna be you last day Alien "
I chased him while yelling .
"Sowwyyy.... I won't do this again.."
"This is what you said last week"
"Really? I don't remember.."
"Seriously Tae..?"

After a 30 minutes of running and yelling they plopped down on the cold floor breathing heavily giggling now and then..

"Thanks for not killing me.. hehe"
" Don't do this again..this is your last warning.." She playfully glared him "Hehe I'll try pumpkin"
"Yahh don't call me that" She stood up.
" Why not? Both are short and cute" he said while standing up by holding her hand, putting his entire weight on her pulling her down little. Though she slightly lost her balance she managed ot quickly. "Oh really. Let's see how strong pumpkin is?" She  kicked his ass with side of her feet and ran to bathroom while laughing. "Yahhhhhhhhhhhh" he yelled causing her to laugh more.

'Taehyungie is a kind of friend that everyone wish they have in their life...
I can still remember our first meeting which was nearly eight years ago .
He helped me to find my apartment's key..well technically my parents' clumsy ass lost on my way back to home from school..We eventually became bestfriends
He is super sweet.. caring..and sometimes annoying ..he is a whole combo of everything.. He is one of the reasons I have something memorable in my teen.. Few even thought that we are in relationship because of our closeness..but as long as we are sure about how we feel about eachother.. who cares..' She thought.

After freshening up she went to living room and saw Taetae setting up the Play Station he bought  for her birthday day to play even when he come to meet Zia. Well expected from a guy who is addicted to gaming.
" You didn't touch it after i packed it last time??" He asked.

" I'm not a gaming person tae.. Wait.. don't tell me you woke me up for accompanying you.? We not going out?" She asked. "You are a genius Zia~" he flashing his box smile making me sigh.
"But we played this for more than million times.. aren't you tired of this? Atleast we should try new games.." She said. "Oh well.. I like that idea.. Lets go to Arcade and try new games" he said smiling wide with pure excitement.

"Fine.. lets g_ " before she could even finish the sentence..he pulled her out to his car and drove off to his favourite Arcade

After a while they reached the and played different new games.most of which which Zia had no idea about how to play and ending up loosing in every matches. "This game is enough it's not fair!"  She whined. "Fine I'll go check for new games" Said tae.

While Taehyung was busy selecting a new game Zia just roamed around the place watching everyone playing the game as if they are in Warfield.. 'Why are they very serious while playing a game...Wait........'

She stopped her thoughts abruptly when her eyes caught someone familiar.. His cute doe eyes staring the computer eyes seriously..his fingers moving faster on the controller..but..the way he look.. his outfit.. are entirely different.. That made her question if it was really the same person she met yesterday.

Jungkook felt like someone was looking at him.. so he turned to that direction.. and saw Zia.  'Is she alone.? I can give her company then'  he thought and smiled wide waved his hand.

She got startled startled as he suddenly turned to her direction.. His expression switched to cute which is completely different from what he had while gaming.. He smiled wide waving his hand but before she could respond..

"Ziaaaa~ I found a new game" Tae yelled.

"That voice is so familiar.." Koo mumbled.. That was when she got pulled away by a boy.. his back looks awfully familiar to Jungkook.  "Wait.. Taehyung hyung.??? But he said he wanna meet his childhood friend.... Noona is his bestfriend??!!! Naah" He thought. "Lemme ask him directly" Jungkook stood up but they weren't there anymore. "Where did they go" Koo walked around to look for them.

<Zia POV>

Another 30 minutes passed.. and guess what.. She lost the games for 30 minutes straight.. 'how is this guy so good in gaming' she thought

Taehyung was screaming his heart out enjoying his victory when they both felt a tap on their shoulder.
We both turned to see a not so happy but smiling Jungkook .
"Jungkook? " Tae looked surprised "you came alone?" He added.

'Wait... He know Taehyung.? How?' Zia thought.

"No I came with Jimin hyung" Jungkook replied.

"Ohhhhhhhh ok" Tae smiled.

"Looks like you are having fun defeating my noona on the hardest game in this arcade" he then looked at Zia "I'll make sure you are not loosing in any games after this.. I'll teach you all the techniques I know. I'm pretty good at it" He grined. "Aww thank you koo" She smiled.

" Yahhh this is not fair..this is the only way to make her buy me free food. And.. your noona? Since when?" Taehyung whined making them giggle.
"Since yesterday and still it's unfair"  He replied.

"Kookie.. where are you?" They heard a guy's voice. "I have to go now.. Jimin will kill you if he see you here.. he is already complaining that you ditched us to meet your childhood friend bye bye. See you later noona." he ran away to his brother.

" How do you know Jungkook?" She asked Taehyung.
" I can ask you the same" he said.
"I asked you first" She argued back.
"Do I look like I care.? "He said
"Fine.." She sighed "I'm his new babysitter.
"Ohhhhh it's you? " he said with (・o・) expression.
" Yes. Now its your turn" She said.
" He was my classmate during middle school" He said.

" Oh..............
..........................wait...WHAT????" She looked at him



Thankyou so much for reading this chapter. I hope you like it.. I'll be back with a new chapter soon(•ө•)♡

Tysm for 400+ reads♡

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