Chapter 20

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Jungkook: Jungkook
Kookoo: Koo/ Kookoo

"You are jungkook? Then who am i? The unbidden guest asked raising his voice against the little boy who was shaking in fear. " I.. I am k-koo.." The boy stuttered making the other one let out a chuckle. "You still gonna keep on continuing your bullshit? I am the real Jungkook! You are just a fake person who was fooling my family when i was suffering in that basement! " At that point Jungkook was literally screaming letting out his rage on the clueless poor boy who was trying to understand what was happening and who was that person looking just like him. "Koo honey what is- " His mom's brain went blank when she witnessed what was happening. "M-momma" Koo ran to his mother and hid behind her as reflex. " Long time no see mom.. Did you miss me?" Jungkook asked. "H-how can t-this happen.." His mom stuttered confusion written all over her face.

She didn't give birth to twins.. Did she? If she did she must have remembered it. If it was not her twin son then who was this boy looking just like her son? They both had same doe eyes,cute nose and thin lips.. Can this be a coincidence? There were too many similarities to name that as a mere coincidence. They looked like carbon copies of each other with small changes in their behavior. One was a brave teen while the other was a soft baby.

'Is he really my son? Then whom did I raise for all these months.. What should I do now? Whom should I believe? ' her train of thought was interrupted by jungkook. "Are you not gonna invite me in on my birthday mom? " He asked. "Come in..." Mrs. Jeon let Jungkook in before closing the door behind his back.

Jungkook walked in confidently. That's when everyone's eyes went wide. " Why am i seeing two Jungkooks? Did you do any experiment in my drink Tae?" Jimin asked. "I would love to do that.. But I didn't do anything this time.. If i did then why am i seeing two Jungkook's here? " Tae said.
"I thought you guys would come to save me.. I waited for you all.. In that dark basement.. I waited for that day when you all hug me and say 'Don't worry Kookie we are here.. But... Sadly that day never came... I was mad at everyone thinking you all just forgot about my existence and moved on... But.. Now I know why you all never came to save me... " Jungkook said while glaring Koo with hatred. If look can kill Kookoo would have turned to ashes right at that spot. "How did you all believe that this guy is me?! He copied my face. And he copied the way i behave too? What are you? A doppelganger? Why did you do this??" Jungkook groaned and went for Kookoo's collar " Talk! Who tf are you?! Why are you fooling everyone?! Why did you do this?!! ANSWER ME!! " Jungkook screamed making Koo cry.
"I don't know " was all he managed to say in between his sobs. He was confused just like Jungkook. 'Is this person really Jungkook? Then who am i? Am i not Jungkook?' So many unanswered questions run inside his brain as he let Jungkook pour out his anger that he was holding in for months. Zia chewed on her lower lip as she couldn't see the boy she cared for in pain. she went near koo ans tried to free him from Jungkook's grip. Jimin and Tae tried to stop Jungkook but everyone failed. Jungkook's eyes burned with anger. He looked like the person no one want to mess with.
"STOP! " Mrs. Jeon shouted making everyone stop what they were doing. Jungkook shouted and harshly let go of Koo's collar and glared at him. She apologized to guests and looked her son(s) . "Joon.. Crystal.. Take them to Jungkook's room" She said. "That is my room! I'm not letting him stay here for another second! Not in my home! Ask him to leave! " Jungkook said. "I can't take decisions just like that... I need to talk to you both. And..Crystal don't ask them anything till I do it myself." His mom said calmly though her brain was no where near being calm. Jungkook signed in defeat and followed Joon. "Jung... Koo... Uh.. Come with me.. " Crystal said..her voice clearly showed she wasn't sure what to call him. Koo himself wasn't sure who he really was. The boy just nodded and turned to Zia after Crystal left. "Noona.. Can you come with me please... I suddenly feel like I don't belong here..." He said. Zia hugged the boy and patted his back. "Dont worry Koo.. I'm here for you" She said making the boy smile through his tears. "Thank you noona.." He hugged her back.

Zia broke the hug wiped the boy's tears. "Lets go to your room.. Hm? They must be waiting for you" She said earning a nod from the boy. She smiled and took him to his room. They all sat on bed and waited for Mrs. Jeon.

It took few minutes for mrs. Jeon to send off the guests and go to the room where everyone were waiting for her.
As soon as she entered the room everyone looked at her curiosity evident in their eyes. She looked her son(s) who were sitting with blank expression. She let out a sigh. "I know you all want to know about everything we are still unaware of.. But i don't think it is a small issue that will get solved in minutes.. I mean.. We suddenly have two Jungkooks.. This.. Don't seem real.. But sometimes reality gives more surprises than we see in movies.." She said.
"I know one of them is not real Jungkook.. But.. Why don't we celebrate their birthday before digging into the issue.. I'm sure the one who isn't the real Kook is genuine too... Dont ask me why.. I just feel it.." Crystal said. "To be honest I feel the same" Joon said. " I don't want to celebrate my birthday with that faker" Jungkook said. "I don't want it too" Koo mumbled. "Jungkook... " His mom said making both boys look at her. "Just listen to mom.. We can solve this problem soon.. hm?" She said."I'm feeling hungry.. I want cake" Tae said earning a kick from Jimin. Tae hissed " I was just being honest" He defended himself. "Well.. though I am curious to know about everything.. I'm hungry too.." Hobi said.
"Let's celebrate the birthday first and look into the matter together" Jin said.
Both of them eventually gave in and agreed to celebrate the birthday together.

“𝙃𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙮 𝙗𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙅𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠..𝙨”


Hey bunbuns~
           Like I promised new update aka Koo birthday special chapter is here!!!!!
I was in hurry to finish this chapter fast so I'm sorry if i typed anything wrong lol. And i ended it with happy birthday like i wanted ehe. I hope you like this chapter:)


Ik its past 12 but you got my wishes from my IG earlier ;)

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Ik its past 12 but you got my wishes from my IG earlier ;)

Anyways... See y'all in next chapter~

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