Chapter 14

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Zia knocked twice and waited for him to open the door.
But no one opened the door. "Koo??" She knocked the door again. This time I heard footsteps running towards door.

"Nooo! "
She heard someone yell from other side of the door.

"huh Tae? Are they in danger?"
Zia opened the door without thinking twice only to get hit by something cold on her forehead hard. She stumbled backwards a little because of the impact.

"OMG are you ok, Zia??" Taehyung rushed to her side and helped her stand straight. "Y-yeah Im o-okay" She stuttered it out and rubbed her forehead that started to turn dark shade of pink while still being confused about what hit her. "Why is your shirt wet, Tae.? Are you guys okay?? I heard... " She walked inside the home that doesn't look like a home at that moment and looked around..

Water and crushed ice everywhere... Couch not in the place where it used to be.. Broken flower vase.. Flavouring syrups scattered on floor.. And Jungkook trying hard to turn off the ice crusher.

"What the heck is this??!! What were you guys doing?? " Zia asked them though I already kind of figured out what happened before she came into the scene. Jungkook managed to turn the ice crusher off and gave her an awkward smile. Zia glared both.. mainly at Taehyung. He is elder than Jungkook.. but.. sometimes.. both of them act the same.

"Care to explain?" Zia crossed hed arms after sitting on couch.
Both of them looked at eachother and hung their head low. "He started it" Jungkook said in tiny. "What??!! Nooo!! He started it" Taehyung said. "Stop accusing eachother and tell me what happened. With all details" Zia said.
"Fine I'll tell you" Taehyung broke the awkward silence.


"Jungkook-ah... I wanna eat Ice-cream..." Taehyung pouted. "Eomma told me not to go out till noona reach home" Jungkook shrugged his shoulders. "You usually have some in the refrigerator nah?" Taehyung said.
"Me and Crystal finished them yesterday " Jungkook said. "I want Icecreammmm" Taehyung groaned.

"Lets make it then" Jungkook said.
"Do you know to make it?" Taehyung asked. "Nopeee but YouTube does" Jungkook took his phone from couch and searched Ice-cream recipe in YouTube. "There are soooooo many videos.." Jungkook scrolled down the videos and clicked the video that had a mouth watering ice-cream thumbnail. "Hyung check the ingredients" Jungkook said and started yelled out all the ingredients name that were mentioned in the video. "Jungkook there is no milk and whipping cream" Taehyung yelled from kitchen. "Can we use banana milk instead?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who came back to living room. "Stop joking around kook" Tae rolled his eyes. " I was serious though... " Jungkook pouted. "We can't make ice-cream... They were main ingredients.. " Taehyung sighed.

"Can we have flavoured crushed ice instead? It taste good too" Jungkook suggested. "Okay then" Taehyung agreed. "Wait here..I'll bring the ice crusher" Jungkook said and ran to kitchen. After few minutes Jungkook came with ice crusher in one hand and flavouring syrups in other.

"You should have called me to help" Taehyung said while helping him to arrange everything on the mini table.
"I'm strong! I don't need any help to carry these" Jungkook said flexing his biceps. "Whatever.."tae shrugged.

"Lets make this" Jungkook cheered.
"Are you gonna make crushed ice without ice?" Taehyung asked. "Huh?" Jungkook tilted his head confused.
"Where is the ice, dumbo?" Taehyung asked. "Oh.. I forgot I guess.. Can you go bring it, hyung? " Jungkook asked.
"Why don't you bring it yourself, Mr.Muscle? " Taehyung smirked. "Ugh fine" Jungkook went to kitchen and came back with ice box.

He loaded ice in the crusher and turned it on. "Looks like snow~" Taehyung took little crushed ice and threw it up expecting it to come down like a snow fall.. But it had another plan.. Instead of coming down like snow the crushed ice ball landed on Jungkook's head


"HYUNGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!" Jungkook yelled. He made a small crushed ice ball and threw it straight to his face. "Yahh that hurts" Taehyung took little crushed ice and threw it on Jungkook. "It was 1:1 hyung.. you ruined it" Jungkook said and threw ice ball on Taehyung.
Taehyung managed to dodge it.
"You cant escape this time, hyung " Jungkook said as he made a huge crushed ice ball using all the crushed ice. Taehyung stood up and ran around screaming,  knocking off everything that blocked his way.

He eventually stopped running when he reached the door.

{A/N : door way kinda look like
  ___[ ̄꒳ ̄]___    where the small (w) is the door}

"You have no where to run hyung" Jungkook smirked. He threw the ball aiming it to his face when Taehyung turned around. "Nooo" Taehyung screamed and moved to side.


"That's when you entered" Taehyung said. Zia sighed.

" Since its your fault you both are gonna clean the mess you made before Mrs.Jeon come home" She said.
"Noonaa.." Jungkook whined.
"Atleast help us.. " Taehyung said.
"Ugh.. fine.."

After cleaning for half an  hour straight the living room gained back its original look. They plopped down on couch tired.

"I want ice-cream" Taehyung said.
As on cue Jimin came in holding ice-cream cones. "Jiminieeeeeeeeeee" Taehyung ran to him and got two ice-cream cones. "I thought you were gonna hug me.." Jimin frowned.
Taehyung giggled and hugged him. "Give one to your friend" Jimin said. "Alright!" Taehyung tossed them to me and Jungkook and got another one from Jimin.
"How did Jimin hyung know that you were craving for ice-cream.?" Jungkook asked.
"He texted me" Jimin said.
"Huh? When?" Jungkook asked.
"When we started cleaning" Taehyung replied. "Wait... You both cleaned the home? Taehyung and Jungkook?" Jimin asked surprised. "what's so surprising?  I'm good boy.. right Zia?" Taehyung said. "Oh yeahhh~"  She said in sarcastic tone. "Traitor!Let me see how you gonna sleep till 11 am on Sunday" he said. "Don't come at me if I kick you AcCiDEntaLLy" She said. "let's watch movieeee" Jungkook interrupted.
"Play anything other than Ironman.. I'll order pizza" Jimin said. Jimin ordered pizza while Jungkook played the movie.
Zia unlocked her phone and clicked on the text notification.


Zi.. your workbook is
with me. Are you 

I'm still in Jungkook's.
Can you bring it here,

Alright! Send me your


I'll be there in ten

Thank you~~

Zia kept her phone inside her pocket after sending the message and continued watching the movie.

After fifteen minutes the doorbell rang. "It must be the pizza guy.. I'll go check" Jimin said and stood up.
He walked to main door and open it with one hand while others fishing his wallet from his pocket. But his whole world stopped when his eyes landed on her.



Hello bunbuns,
      Sorry for late update. I wanted to make this chapter long since most of you waited for this update :)

I hope y'all like this chapter <3

Next update will be when my account ' carrot_guk ' reach 65 followers
Or when my other story SELENOPHILE reach 400 reads

Follow 💜✌🏻

See y'all in next chapter! Byeeee~~~

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