Chapter 13

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Yoongi spinned the bottle. After few seconds of spinning the flat end pointed Jin while the sharp end pointed Jungkook.

"Truth or dare Kookie?" Jin asked. "Dare" Jungkook said. "Um.. I'll give you an easy one.. Sing a song " Jin said. "Hyungggg you wasted a dare.. He sings 24/7 whether he get a dare or not" Taehyung whined. "But he can't change the dare. Sing Kookie " Jimin said. Jungkook grinned and started singing 'Never not' by lauv.

'I didn't know he can sing.. and this well..' Zia thought.she tries to take her eyes off him but failed. He not only had an angelic voice.. but also looked angelic.. 'Is he even real..??
At this point.. I doubt that..
He is a born singer.. his voice.. the way it conveys the song with the emotion.. just wow!' She thought.

They all clapped when he finished singing. "Spin the bottle Jungkook" Jimin said. "Its getting lateeeee!! Are you guys having a sleep over? " Mrs.Jeon yelled from kitchen. I checked the time. "Shit.. It's late.. I should leave now" Zia said. "Noonaa stay here today.. pleaseee" Jungkook said. "I'll come back tomorrow kookie" She said. "Alrightttt...." He pouted. "I'll drop you Zia" Taehyung said.
"Nah it's okay.." She replied. " It's late. I'm gonna drop you in your home and that's final" Taehyung said.
"Fineee.. bye guys" Zia waved her hand.
"Bye" they smiled and few waved hand.

Taehyung dropped Zia in her home and went back to Jungkook's home after he heard the click of Zia's door which indicated that she locked it.

Zia changed her dress and did her simple night routine after taking a cold shower.
She changed into a comfy night wear, plopped down on her bed and drifted off to dream land as soon as her head hit the pillow.

📍Next morning, Zia home

Zia's alarm woke her up from her deep slumber. "Ugh I hate mondays" She groaned as she dragged herself into her bathroom. She did her morning routine, ate the breakfast and got ready for her day in school. She checked her finished look in the mirror one last time and went to living room. She double checked whether she had her wallet in her bag before locking the door and went to school.


Zia headed to her locker to take her books and saw Taehyung leaning on it.
"Hey Taelien" She smiled.
He turned his head to her instantly. "Finally you came" he grinned.
"What are you doing here?" She asked him. "What took you so long? He asked. "What do you mean? I'm early today. I usually reach here after first bell" She said. "Oh yeah! I forgot that you are a sleepyhead" He flicked my forehead. "Yah that hurts" She whined and pushed him off of her locker. He laughed. "Now answer me.. what are you doing here? " She asked him. "Waiting for you?" He replied. "Waiting for me.?" She asked while taking my books from locker.
"My bestfriend finally got guts to talk with your bestfriend. I didn't want to third wheel.. so yeah.." He said. "What?" She turned to him after locking my locker. " You heard me" he said. "Which friend?" She looked him.
As on cue Jimin approached them with blushing Kay following him. "I think I understood" Zia said looking at them. "Where are you looking at? " Taehyung turned back following my gaze. "Hey Zia" Jimin said. " Hi Jimin" She smiled. "Shall we go Jimin? Class is about to start" Taehyung said. "Yea let's go" Jimin said. "Lets meet later Zi" Taehyung said. "Ok.. bye guys" She said. "Bye". Taehyung walked to his class. Jimin hugged Kay and said "let's meet after our class" before running after Taehyung.

"Care to share?" Zia asked her. "U-uh.. um..i.. he.." Kay stuttered.
"Asked you out?" Zia looked her.
She nodded her head blushing even more" I said yes" She said. "Awwwwwwww" Zia pinched her cheeks."stappp" she whined. "Let's go to class before Ms. Choi decides to mark us absent" She giggled and ran to their class pulling her with me.


The tiring classes finally came to an end. Zia packed her bag with the books she need and kept the rest in her locker before heading to Jungkook's home.

*Notification sound*

"Huh.. who is texting me now" I fished my phone outta my bag and unlocked it.

💬Mrs.Jeon : Hello Zia.. Tae told
me that you are in need of money.
I credited you one month salary as advance. I'll come back home
lil late today. Take care of koo

💬Zia: Thank you so much
Mrs.Jeon And yes.. I'll take
care of him. Have a nice day.

She locked her phone and kept it inside her bag. After few minutes she finally reached his home. She knocked twice and waited for him to open the door.
But no one opened the door. "Jungkook??" She knocked the door again. This time she heard footsteps running towards door.

"Nooo! " She heard yell from other side of the door.

'huh Tae? Are they in danger?' Without a second thought Zia opened the door.



Hello bunbuns,
Did y'all miss me.....???? 👀
I know I was supposed to give you an update last week.. But I was so unmotivated and lazy to do so :|

I need something to keep me motivated.. so lets set a target!

Next update will be when my account ' CarrotGuk ' reach 50 followers

I hope y'all like this chapter <3

Follow 💜✌🏻

See y'all in next chapter! Byeeee~~~

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