Chapter 37

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📍 Namjoon House

"Is everyone from our group here?" Namjoon asked. "Except Jungkook and Koo.. Yep" Jin replied as he plopped down on the couch. "Great.. So-" As Namjoon start to discuss about the investigation he got distracted by yoongi's phone. Yoongi quickly clicked the power button switching the call to silent mode. "Continue" Yoongi said. "Alright I check-" Namjoon was again distracted by Yoongi's phone. "Sorry.. Sorry guys. Continue Namjoon" Yoongi said. "Are you sure? " Namjoon asked. "Yeah I'm sure, continue" Yoongi said. "Okay.. I checked-" He again got disturbed by yoongi's phone. "Hyung! " Namjoon groaned. Yoongi quickly switched off his phone. "Sorry sorry" Yoongi said. "Who is calling you non stop?? " Hoseok asked. "Ah it's just a guy from the club" Yoongi said. " Club? Which club?? " Taehyung asked. "What do you mean by that? The club to which we went to investigate of course" Yoongi said. "That club? Who is it? Is he related to our investigation?? " Namjoon asked. "Nah nah he is not. He is just a guy who got me a free glass of tequila" Yoongi said. "What?? You traded your real phone number for a glass of tequila?? " Hoseok asked. "I wasn't thinking straight at that time" Yoongi said. "It's still surprising that you got the details as per the plan though you were drunk. It's impressive" Taehyung said. "I was not too drunk" Yoongi said. "Yeah yeah but drunk enough to give a random stranger his personal phone number" Jin said. "Okay let's change this topic" Yoongi said as he clicked the 'BLOCK' button. 

"Alright so.. Wait what was i saying? " Namjoon asked. "You forgot despite having high iq? Woah" Jin chuckled  "about investigation" he added. "Yoongi hyung killed the rhythm  not my fault. Anyways.. I checked about this Wen Cheng. There is no record relating to our case" Namjoon said. "Then let's trace the phone number? " Taehyung said. "You think i didn't try that? It just shows 'private number' in contacts no specific phone number is mentioned.. So that didn't work" Namjoon said. "Private number? What's that?" Jimin asked. "I don't know much about  it. It's usually used to stay anonymous" Namjoon said. "What about the message app? Did it have his contact information? Jin asked. " Nope. His phone number was hidden there as well" Namjoon said. "Oh.. then what we going to do? Taehyung asked. "There is a way" Namjoon said.


"Is that mom? " Koo asked staring the main door in horror. "How do i know? Im here with you" Jungkook said. "How are we going to cover this up? " Koo asked pointing the broken vase. "I'm going to tell you broke it and move on" Jungkook said. "What? That's unfair you threw the Frisbee. If you say that Mom  will punish only me" Koo whined. "That's the whole point kiddo" Jungkook said. "Let's just say bam broke it? " Koo asked making bam bark. "Why? So that mom with throw him out? " Jungkook asked. "She'll do that? " Koo asked. "There is high chance" Jungkook said. "What to do now??? " Koo asked. They both turned to main door again as they heard knock again. "Let's just open the door now.. " Jungkook said. " No  no mom will be get mad at us" Koo said. "I told you no to play in living room. We don't have any other choice now" Jungkook asked. " Yeah but.." Koo looked  away but switches  gaze to the main door quick when he heard "Guys??? How long you gonna make me stand here?" from other side of the door.

"Noona...? IT'S NOONA!!!!" Koo ran to main door, unlocked and swinged it open. "Oof finally! What took you so long Koo? What were you doing?" zia asked. "me..? i.. i was.. just.. playing?" koo said. "why you looking at me like that..?" zia asked. "like what??" koo asked. "like.. you hiding something?" zia asked. "n-no??" koo looked away. "oh really? Where is your brother? " Zia asked scanning the living room. "Hey there sweety.. Missing me? "  Jungkook asked. "So you are home too.. then one of you.. What the.. Who did this?????" Zia asked. "Him!" both brothers looked at each other. Zia shook her head. "Help me clean this Jungkook" Zia said. "I can help noona why him" koo whined. "it's dangerous koo sit on couch" zia said. "but noona...." koo whined. "koo.. if you listen to noona and be a good boy then noona will get your favourite snack" zia said. "fine noona.." koo plopped down on the couch. "what about me zia? i want snack too" jungkook said. "what snack do you want" zia asked Jungkook as she started cleaning the broken vase.


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hello everyone,
hope yall are doing well. sorry for late update:[
i did try to update earlier but got too busy with life and sometimes didn't have the motivation to do so
but thanks to your comments the new chapter of babsitting kookoo is finally here.
i hope you all like this chapter. comment your thoughts about the chapter. let's all babysit kookoo and handle his twin together soon in next chapters. see yall soon

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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