Chapter 8

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" How do you know Jungkook?" Zia asked Taehyung. " I can ask you the same" he said. "I asked you first" Jesun argued back. "Do I look like I care.? "He said.
"Fine.." She sighed "I'm his new babysitter. "Ohhhhh " He looked at her.
" Now its your turn"she said. " He was my classmate during middle school" Tae said.

" Ohhhh.......wait...WHAT???? I was in same school too.. how I didn't know him.??" She asked.

"You were busy dating you book" he rolled his eyes. "How are you looking at that thing for the entire day? I seriously can't understand..I can't look at that for more than five minutes..for me Book is directly proportional to
Sleep.. " Tae said.
"No wonder you got straight F's in your exams.." She laughed.
"Lets not talk about that😐" he said.
"Okay" She giggled walking out of the arcade.

" Where do you wanna go next.?" Zia asked him. "Im hungry.. " He said. "Let's go to restaurant then..?" Zia said
"I found a new restaurant down the street.. Let's go there!!" he said pulling Zia to that direction.
" Okok don't run..." Zia screamed. "Run?? I'm just walking" Tae said.
" But I'm not.. my legs aren't freakin towers like yours" Zia said making him laugh. " Ideaaaa!! Let's run to the restaurant..the one reaching last will pay for the food" he smirked " Good Luck Shortie" he started to run.
"Yaaaaahhhhhhh this isn't fairrrr" Zia chased him.


📍 Somewhere in South Korea


Joooon where are you taking me.?? " Crystal asked him while he guided her to god knows where-
" We are almost there honey.." he said holding her hand preventing her from untieing the blind fold.
"How longgg.." She whined but stopped as soon as he let go of her hand.
"We are here" he said while removing her blindfold. " You can open eyes now.." He said.

She open my eyes to find herself in front of a dining table set up on the shore.. the decorations were simple but elegant.. totally her type..

((̶K̶i̶n̶d̶a ̶l̶o̶o̶k ̶l̶i̶k̶e ̶t̶h̶i̶s))

"Happy 1st Anniversary Crystal" he said looking at her lovingly flashing his dimple smile making her run into his arms. "Time flew so feels like i asked you to be my girlfriend yesterday.." he chuckled as he hugged her back.
"Thank you so much for being there for me through thick and thin.." he said hugging her tighter.
" I love you Joonie" She said.
"Me too my love" he said and pecked her forehead.


📍 Restaurant


I won!" Tae said. "It was an unfair game. Im not paying for your food" Zia said.
"Unfair or not game is still a game. You are paying" He said. " No!" She argued. "Yes! End of the discussion" He said.

After a while they were on our way back to Zia's apartment after eating their favourite foods and spending some time in park where Zia spent most of her time holding back him from picking up a fight with kids for swing..

"How did you end up being his Babysitter.?" Taehyung asked her. "My concerned neighbour suggested this job as i was close to become an insolvent" he laughed hearing her reply. "Me becoming an insolvent isn't really funny you see.." She said. "Hehe sowwy.. when did you start.?" He asked.
" Yesterday evening" She said. he looked at her with wide eyes hearing her reply.
" Yesterday?? He is an extremely shy boy..but he seems totally normal around you in such a short span of time.. that's unusual.." He said.

"Shy?? I guess shy in my dictionary have a different spelling.. its
m i s c h i e v o u s.. he almost gave me a heart attack during our first meet.. he freakin greated me through keyhole" She said in disbelief." He really did that.? " Taehyung laughed his ass off. "Yea.. but it was fun taking care of him though.. "

" I know right!" he laughed.

"Taehyung.. Do you know what happened to Jungkook.? Why is he behaving like a kid.? " She asked him.
Taehyung stopped laughing all of a sudden and looked at her with a serious expression that he make once in a decade "uhm.. i dont know anything clearly.. I guess it was a week after Jumgkook's Birthday party... he.. didn't come to school after that..and he neither showed up nor contacted any of us after he left the hotel...So we went to his home to check if he is ok.. and..


📍 jeon mansion

The door opened and they were greeted by Mrs. Jeon with a shocked expression..
"Hello aunty " They all bowed a little.
"Hi.. boys.." she greeted back but the usual charm in her voice was missing which didn't go unnoticed by the boys but they chose to let it slide for the time being. She escorted them to living room and made them sit on couch.

'Mrs.Jeon used to cheerful and happy whenever we came to visit or hangout with Kookie..but why is she acting different today... She looks so nervous.. ' Tae thought to myself but shrugged that thought off.

" Aunty why did Jungkookie not come to school.? " Jimin hyung asked.

"Um.. he.. wasn't feeling well.." she trailed off."Where is he.?" Tae asked her.
"In his room-" Tae stood up and about was about to sprint towards his room as soon as she said that but was stopped by kook's mom.

"N-no Taehyung...he..he is s-sleeping" She said. "O-oh okay.." Tae went back and sat beside Jin. "Okay then let him take rest..we will come back later" Namjoon said and they all stood up and went to front door.

They turned around to bid a farewell before leaving.. but.... Something unexpected happened

" Momaaaa... I finished colouring the book you gave me.. I want a new colouring book..." Jungkook said wrapping his hands around his mom from behind.



Hello Bunbuns,
Thankyou so much for reading this chapter. I hope you like it.. I'll be back with a new chapter soon(•ө•)♡

Tysm for 600+ reads <3

And..... Guess whose Christmas holidays turned into study holidays... Yep its mine... I have a whole set of exams right after Christmas..


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Love y'all so much..


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