Chapter 23

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"Share the snacks with your brother" She said. "My.. Brother?.." He asked. "The one who came home yesterday?" She asked.

"HE is NOT my brother" Both Koo and Jungkook said in unison. They stared at each other for few minutes till Zia decided to break their staring contest.
"Ok ok chill.. I got some tteokbokki too.. Wanna eat together?? " She asked.
"Why didn't you tell this earlier??!" Koo snatched the cover from her hand and pulled her to living room. "I'll go get the bowls sit here" He made her sit on couch and ran to kitchen. " Bring three! " Zia yelled from living room. "Okayyy " He yelled back. 'That kid seems to like it when he have her attention. If i take his spotlight.. He'll definitely not like it. He will either get mad or sad.. Either way it's a win for me' jungkook thought. "Your name?" Jungkook asked as plopped down on the couch next to zia. "Me??" She asked. "Is there anyone else here?" He looked her "of course I'm asking you" He said. "I'm Zia" She said. " Zia... Good name" He said. " Stay away from my noona!" Koo glared. 'It's working' Jungkook smirked. 'Why you glaring kid? You don't like it when i take to your noona? if that makes you mad maybe i should interact with her more. She seems to like my company too. Right zia?" He asked making Koo fume in anger. "Stop it guys. Let's eat" She said. "I'm elder than you! Shouldn't you address me with some respect.? How about you call me oppa from now? " He said " How about no?.." Koo raised his eyebrow. " You mind your business kid. I'm not talking to you" Jungkook said. "I'm not a Kid!" Koo yelled. "Says the one who has babysitter" Jungkook smirked and grabbed the cover Zia brought. "Follow me if you want tteokbokki" He walked away to terrace not bothering to wait for them. " Ugh i hate him" Koo groaned and followed him with Zia.


"Did you find anything Joon" Crystal asked. "I'm trying my best.. It is hard.. There is no clue. Koo doesn't remember anyone other than uncle who brought him home" He said. " Should we.. Ask uncle? What if he saw someone in hospital with Koo.. There must be someone right? I don't think they would have left him alone in that state" Crystal said. "She has a point. We should ask him" Yoongi said. " I'll call him and check if he is free now" Crystal fished her phone from her pocket and called her uncle. "He didn't pick the call.." She said. "Try again or wait I'll call him send me his number" Yoongi said. "Alright" Crystal shared her uncle's number and sat beside Yoongi. " I'll give it to you if he pick the phon-" Before he could finish what he was saying he was interrupted by "hello" of the person on the other side of the call. Yoongi slammed the phone on Crystal's ears on reflex. " Hello? Who is it" Asked the uncle. "Hello uncle it's me.. Crystal" She placed the phone on other ear. "Crystal?? Whose number is this? " He asked. " I'm using my friend's phone.." She said. "What happened to your phone?" He asked. "My phone.?" She asked. 'You didn't pick it' she thought. "Hello?" Uncle asked to confirm if she is still there in line. "I'm here.. Uh my phone.."  Yoongi took her phone and switched it off. "Switched off" She said. "Oh Okay.. Why did you call me? Anything important? " He asked. "Uncle are you free now? It's about Koo" She said. " Koo? Is he okay? " He asked. " Yeah he is fine.. We are looking into Koo and Jungkook's case.. We wanna talk to you about it" She said. "Oh.. Uh.. I'm busy right now. I need to attend a meeting in few minutes. I'll be free after an hour" He said. " Okay uncle I'll come to your office later. Bye" she hung up and looked yoongi "Bruh are you trying to kill me?? " She rubbed her ears. "Its not my fault. You are just weak" He shrugged. " Yo you literally slammed the phone on my ear and now calling me weak??" She growned. "I didn't even use my strength" He shrugged. "We don't have time for this. Leave this issue.. When are we going to meet him Crystal? " Joon asked. "After an hour " She said. "Am I the only one who feels something fishy?" Yoongi asked. " What is fishy? " Joon asked. "Nothing is fishy.. The cat is just hungry. Let's order something " Crystal said. Joon looked at yoongi. "Yea I'm hungry"Yoongi said. 'Maybe it is not the time to tell what i think' he thought. "Alright I'll order pizza... Where is my phone?" Joon asked. "How do i know" Crystal and Yoongi said. "Ugh I kept it on this book where is it now??" Joon looked around for his phone and let out a frustrated sigh. Yoongi got his phone from Crystal and dialed Namjoon's number. "Stupid it is on your lap" Yoongi  said and gave him 'another day same sht' look. "Its normal to forget some things okay??" Namjoon placed the order for pizza. "Pizza will be here in 10 minutes" Joon said. "Pizza?? I want pizza too" Tae yelled as he barged in with Jimin. " I asked you both to come at 10am now its 3pm " Joon said. " Not my fault Tae didn't wake up" Jimin said. "Not my fault too" Tae said. " Then whose fault is it?? I told you to sleep early! " Joon said. " The drama I started yesterday was fun I didn't want to sleep. Stop yelling I'm here now. We can work together" Tae grinned. "Fine sit" Joon sighed giving in to Tae's charm.


"I left my phone in living room I'll go get it" Zia said. " Okay noona come fast" Koo said. "Alright" She ruffled his hair went to living room. Koo and Jungkook looked at each other for a second and continued eating their food It was smooth with Jungkook teasing Koo now and then for no specific reason. But it took a turn when Jungkook got a text message from an unknown number.

⚠ Trigger warning ⚠

" I knew it!" He stood up and slammed his hand on the table making Koo stand up in fear. " W-what now?.. " Koo stuttered. " You don't know?" Jungkook asked. " W-w-what do you mean? How do i know.. " Koo asked. " HOW LONG ARE YOU GONNA ACT LIKE INNOCENT??! " Jungkook yelled walking towards Koo making him walk backwards trembling in fear. " I.. I'm not acting.. I.. I don't understand why y-you are y-y-yelling at me all of a sudden" Koo said while trying his best to move away from dominant Jungkook. "You can't fool me with your act. I suffered because of you! " Jungkook yelled moving forward locking Koo between him and the terrace railing. Koo tried to escape from him but his trembling legs got tangled and missed his balance. Jungkook holded Koo's hand and looked straight in his eyes. " S-save me.. " Koo cried holding Jungkook's hand for his dear life. Jungkook smirked 

"My life was a hell because of you.. Should I just let you fall " Jungkook asked.



Hey guys~
         Thank you for 190 follows♡
Here is the promised update. I keep my promises so dont worry lol
I made this chapter lil bigger like I said in the last chapter ;)


I got few requests too make Fanfictions about other members. I don't think I'll have time to make a full book for all members so Im gonna make oneshots. It will have one chapter (maybe few more if many want it) I'll be writing all oneshots in a seperate book.
Suggest some names for the book 😃

For more interaction I'm planning to accept requests for oneshots. I'll write it in my style. Only requests of followers will be selected. You can write it in the conversation section as reply to "Oneshot requests'


For example:
Scenario: Accidentally texting crush
Member: Jungkook

I will not write smuts!!


🧋I hope you like this chapter. Leave a like if you did.
🧋Comment your thoughts. I love to read your comments

🧋Next chapter of Babysitting Kookoo will be posted when my account CarrotGuk reach 200 followers..
maybe before that if I'm in good mood 🤡

Love you all so much~
See y'all in next chapter~

- CarrotGuk

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