Chapter 5

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📍Jeon mansion: Koo bedroom

" I'm coming in" Zia yelled and opened the door only to see Jungkook jumping on top of a torn beanbag while blasting a girl group song in his speakers. the small thermocol balls stuffed inside the beanbag oozing out through the hole and flying everywhere around his room.

She yelled..

He turned around Jungshooked-

"Um.. n-noonaa.. I.. "

Zia's concentration was only on his room..his messy room-

"How am I gonna clean this- " She said in low voice.

"I'm sorryyy- I'll.. help you to clean.. " he said looking down.

"No.. it's ok.. I can do it alone.. Your ttokbokki are in dining table, eat it before it gets cold. I'll take care of cleaning" She said.


"It's ok Koo..just go and eat your food before it gets cold. I'm not really good in cooking, and if it gets cold it will taste worse" She giggled trying to change his frown

He smiled and bit sniffing the air nose crinkling like a cute bunny
"Liar smells nicee, I bet your ttokbokki taste goooooooddd tooo"

" To check that you should eat it first " she said. "Fineeeeee.. If I win the bet your should buy me banana milks" He ran to dining room in tiny steps making her giggle.

"Cute.." She mumbled under my breath and started cleaning the thermocol balls with vacuum cleaner.

"NoonaaaAaaAAAAaa It tAstEs soooOoOOOOoo me bananaaa milkkkkk.." She heard jungkook screaming from the dining room making her giggle while cleaning.

<Ding Dong>

"Cooommmiiinngggggg" She heard koo's yell followed by screams and laughs. Being the most introverted girl in the whole universe zia decided to stay in room and clean till Koo need her help for something.

📍 Jeon mansion: Living room

"I missed you hyungs" He pulled Namjoon and Jin in for a group hug. "We missed you too Kookie" Namjoon said while patting koo's head. "Yah stop treating me like a kid" Koo said with a pout. "Ok ok yOunG mAn" Namjoon said while wiping the tookbokki sauce from the corner of koo's lips making him blush out of embarrassment .
"What were you eat?" Jin asked inspecting the dining table "Ttokbokki? But your babysitter was fired.. Did you make it.??" WHo aSkeD yOu to toUcH tHe stOvE JEON?"

"First.. It's caretaker. And chill Jin hyung I didn't do anything.. Zia noona made it for me" He said with a wide grin.
"Who is this new noona? " Jin asked with a confused expression.

"She is my new babysit- no nooo caretaker.. she is really nice and sweet~~ She is cleaning my room now.. waiittt I'll introduce her to you " Koo said and sprinted to his bedroom while screaming "Zia Nooonnnnnaaaaaa"

📍Jeon mansion: Koo bedroom

Zia heard koo calling her name.. correction - screaming her name.. "Jungkook careful.. vaccum cleaner's wir- " before she could finish his legs got tangled with the vaccum cleaner's wire and..

'Why is it hard to breath.? Am I going die.??' Zia thought.

She opened my eyes which she didn't remember closing to find herself lying on the floor......
With Jungkook on top of her crushing her to the point she felt her soul leaving her body. "Noonaa? Are you ok? " he asked innocently unaware of Zia struggling for her life.

"Um.. Kookie?"

Zia turned responding to the voice to see a tall blonde haired guy.



Thankyou so much for reading this chapter. I hope you like it.. I'll be back with a new chapter soon(•ө•)♡

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