Chapter 27

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"Koo help me to arrange everything in cabinet" Zia said. "Okay shorty but I don't think that is needed. I can eat everything today" Koo said. "Yeah yeah I know. That's why I'm gonna lock it in cabinet" Zia said. "Haha sadly you can't reach it without my help" He laughed. " Laugh all you want but you are gonna keep everything except few in the cabinet.. lock it and give the key back to me" She said. "Haha noona you think I'm a fool? Why would I do that?" He laughed. " Because you want me to stay?? " She said raising an eyebrow. "Yea?.. Wait. You mean you will tell mom and leave?!!" He asked with wide eyes. "Bingo!" Zia snapped her fingers while smiling wide. "Nooooonaaa this isn't fair" Koo whined. "Everything is fair" She ruffled his hair. Koo sighed and agreed to help her.

"Noona shall we go to amusement park tomorrow?" Koo asked as he slumped down on the couch after arranging snacks in cabinet. "Sure Koo. I'll take you tomorrow" Zia smiled while ruffling his hair. "Just us??" He asked. "Yeah? We always go alone? " Zia said more like questioning. "So.. Is it like a date?" He asked making her halt her movements. "What?" She asked. "It is like a date noona? Just you and me" He said grinning wide. "Koo.. We have been there before too. It is not a date" She laughed it off as she herself was confused about how she felt about it. 'Is it a date?? No it's not' She missed to notice frowning face of Koo while being lost in thoughts. She turned to him as he was too silent. "Koo..? You okay?" She was interrupted by the sound of door bell. " I'll go check" Was all he said before getting up and walking to the door. " Fine fine it is a date.. A friendly one" She mumbled the last part. Koo grinned and ran to door hiding his pink cheeks with his palm.

"How did their DNA match perfectly?! I thought the report will not match" Yoongi said while rubbing his forehead in frustration. "To be honest.. I thought the same.." Joon sighed.
"What now?.." Hobi asked. "I think there is only one possiblity.." Yoongi said. "What is it??" Hobi asked. "Koo... Must be Jungkook's clone.." Yoongi said. "Hyung... Are you sure about that?.. There might be some other possibilities.. " Taehyung said. "Then what do you think about it?. " Yoongi asked. " Um.. What if.. They are really twins and the reports are forged or something like that?.. The doctor can make fake reports if needed..." Taehyung said. " Why would my mom make fake reports?! And that too when it involve her nephew?? " Crystal asked. "Your mom?? She is doctor???" Jimin asked in shock. "She was.." Crystal corrected him. "What do you mean?" Jimin asked. "Crystal's mom and younger sister were with Mr. Jeon when.. The helicopter... Yoongi sighed.

" Why would someone clone Jungkook.. Isn't that illegal??"Jimin asked. " It is.. If my thoughts are right.. This must be done by the same person who was responsible for Jungkook's dad's death" Yoongi said. "Huh? Why do you think so??" Jin asked.
"Mrs.Jeon and Jungkook were supposed to go with him that day.. But they couldn't as Joon broke Jungkook's leg" Yoongi said. "It was an accident!!" Joon yelled. "Whatever.. Jungkook was in hospital because of that.. His mom was with him " Yoongi said. "How do you know all these hyung?" Jimin asked. "I have my way" Yoongi said. "So.. You telling me Namjoon saved Jungkook and his mother?" Jin asked. "We can put it that way too" Yoongi said. "But why do you think the same person did it??" Hobi asked. " It's simple. Their plan was to wipe out Jeons to maybe take Jeon groups. I don't see any other motive. Jungkook was the legal heir" Yoongi said. "Only Jungkook? What about Crystal and her sister?" Tae asked. " It was Uncle's company. My parents weren't a part of it" Crystal said. " Their plan didn't fully succeed since Jungkook was saved.. Maybe this was their backup plan?? " Yoongi said. "Now that makes more sense" Taehyung said. "Who do you think responsible for this?.. Any guess?" Jin asked. "Is it the same person I have in my mind?" Namjoon asked. "Maybe.." Yoongi said.



Hey everyone~
I didn't think I'll give an update this fast. But a person connected all dots and found about Koo 🤡 So I'm giving this update before others see that comment 😃
Join Yoongi's genius lab RAICHA18

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And to people who unfollowed after your promotion was done.. Good luck :)

Target for next chapter is 250 followers
I'm so sorry. I know the target is so high. But I'll be busy with my studies. I won't get time to update the book anytime soon T.T
And if i get time I can work on my other books.. I didn't update them for so long :/

See you all in next chapter!
Love y'all so much~

- CarrotGuk

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