Chapter 26

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"I'm going out" Jungkook said and walked out without bothering to wait for their reply. Zia and Koo looked at each other for few seconds before concentrating back on the drama. "Noona I want more snacks" Koo said showing his empty bowl to Zia. "But we finished the snacks we stocked last time" She said. "That gives us a reason to go out! Let's go for shopping!!" He jumped up from the couch and ran to his room to get ready. "Wait..Right now??" She asked but Koo was already in his room getting ready for his tiny dayout. After some time  he came out wearing a black tee with a black sweatpants and white sneakers that perfectly matched his style.
"Do I look good??" He asked smiling wide through the mask like a happy kid.

 "Do I look good??" He asked smiling wide through the mask like a happy kid

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"You look cute as usual" she smiled. "Why are you taking a bag with you? " She asked pointing the big backpack which was hung loosely on his shoulder. "This one? To carry my snacks" He said. "But isn't that too big for snacks? " She asked. "Noona i feel like this won't be enough. We may end up buying extrabags to carry snacks" He giggled. "That may happen for real.." She shook her head and walked out to parking porch. "Mr.Song take us to convenience store please" Zia said as she got inside the car along with Koo.

"Noona did crystal tell anything about test they were talking about?" Koo asked. "No.. She didn't didn't tell anything yet. Maybe they didn't get the report.. Or the result might have turned out to be something unexpected.." She trailed off. "Unexpected?.. What do you mean noona? He asked. " That.. Um.. Let's not talk about it now. They will inform us soon. Let's wait little longer"she said. "Okay... Koo will wait.. B-But I wanna ask something.." He said. "What is it Kookie?" She asked. "Noona will stay by my side no matter what happen right?..... " He asked. "Just like i said earlier.. I will be with you. Always. Don't worry about that" she said making him smile.

"Sir we reached" The driver said as he parked the car. "Uncle Song call me Koo! I'm not sir" He said. "But I shouldn't call you by your name sir.. I work for you" He said politely. "I don't care about that call me Koo or I wont talk to you" He huffed in a cute way. "Alright.. I'll call you Koo stop sir.." He said. "Uncleeeee" Koo whined. " Fine fine koo" He said. "Great!! we will come back fast" He got down and pulled Zia along with him to the store. "Slow down Koo. No one is gonna steal your snacks" Zia said. "What if it go out of stock?? Let's hurry" He ran in pulling her along with him. "I may fall Koo! I don't have long legs like you!"Zia groaned as she tried her best to keep up with his speed. "It is not my fault that you got short legs run fast" He giggled running faster intentionally. "Wait till I take my revenge you tower!" She groaned. "Try your best haha and I'll take that as a complement. One one my favorite things about me is my height. Can't relate huh? I know" He giggled and filled his trolley with snacks, drinks, chocolates and instant foods till the trolley was full. He turned to Zia "Should we take another trolley?" He asked. "Another trolley? " She asked giving him 'are you serious' look. "Just kidding" He giggled at her reaction. "Mom gave me this card to spend for my expense pay with this  card" He gave her the card pushed the trolley to billing section. They paid for the things they got and filled everything in Koo's bag. "Uncle Song! I got chocolates for you" Koo grinned wide while giving him the chocolate. "Thank you.. Shall we go?" He smiled. "Yessss" He hopped inside the car. Zia smiled looking at their interaction and got inside the car.


"Did the DNA test go well? What is the result? Did it match?? " Yoongi asked Namjoon. "The test went well.. The result is... It matched.. Perfectly.. As of both samples belong to same person" Joon said. "But.. How is that possible?.. You sure the report is correct?" Yoongi asked. "Hundred percent. I gave it to test in two laboratories. Both results are same" Joon said. "Did you find Jungkook's mom's report?" Yoongi asked to Crystal. "I did..  She didn't had twins. Jungkook is her only son" Crystal said as she placed the reports related to Mrs. Jeon on Yoongi's table. Yoongi went through the report for few minutes before slamming it on table with loud thud making everyone flinch "Then how did their DNA match perfectly?! I thought the report will not match" Yoongi said while rubbing his forehead in frustration.  "To be honest.. I thought the same.." Joon sighed.
"What now?.." Hobi asked. "I think there is only one possiblity.. " Yoongi said.



Hey guys~
       How are y'all doing?. I hope everyone are doing great! This one is more of a filler chapter as I felt like my book was getting kinda dark with no fun element.

What do you think about Koo and Jungkook case? Comment your thoughts :)

I noticed few people followed my account and unfollowed after some time. Please don't do that.. I almost clicked publish thinking that the account crossed follower target. If I didn't refresh the page I would have published it 🤡

ANDDDD did y'all read Chakho?? It was so good!! And Zeha is so cool 👀 I wish we get an anime of it. It will be worth watching shgsjssuvs

About next update.. I'm not posting the target for now. I'll be busy with studies.. I'm not sure if I can give promised update on time. Keep an eye on my conversation page I'll post the target there. And I'm gonna try working on my other books little till they get some reach
Check out my other books if you wanna read more of my works till I update Babysitting Kookoo

Love you all <3

- CarrotGuk

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