Chapter 11: Twins?!?!?

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Maddie's POV

*1 Month Later*

The past month has been crazy. Sam and Brianna have gotten engaged, Shawn and Dani officially dating, Connor and Leo adopted a little girl named Alidia. Brooke and Dillan are so in love. Then me and Ricky have been getting closer. I have gotten bigger. We found out we're having twins. I'm at 8 weeks,  so just 4 more weeks we can find out the genders. I'm so excited because I can finally name my babies. I haven't talked to Jc since the doctors appointment.  I don't want to have anything to do with him. But I did find out Isabella is pregnant too. So my babies will have a sibling. Bella and I have gotten much closer. We thought it would be best if we became friends not just for our babies, but to hurt Jc. He hates that we're friends.  Also Jack and his girlfriend Emily are getting really close. I have even started hanging out with her. I'm in the process of planning the wedding. It's gonna have all my best friends as my bridesmaids. Anya came in mine and RIcky's room and said "Sissy, I feel baby?" I said "Yes, Anya. But remember its two babies, not one." She said "Sorry sissy." I said "Its okay." I took her hand and put it on my tummy. She must have felt the babies because she took her hand back. I love experiencing this with my family. 

*30 Minutes Later*

Anya had fallen asleep and I was on my computer when I heard my phone go off. I got up and took it off the charger. It said "one new message" I opened the message and it was from my ex Aaron, Aaron Carpenter. I opened the convo and what he said shocked me.

A: Maddie, I miss you. I have never stopoed loving you. I heard you moved on, but I want you to be mine. Who are you with? Are you still friends with the other boys?

M: Aaron, I'm with Ricky. You know Ricky Dillon? I'm engaged and having twins. Yes, I'm still friends with Shawn and Dillan, I don't know about the other guys. 

A: Ohh..I didn't know. I haven't talked to Ricky in a long time..I guess congrats on the engagement and pregnancy. Can we still be friends?

M: Aaron, we have been broken up for 1 year. I've been with RIcky 10 months, I don't think he'll like me being friends with my ex. Sorry...

A: I had you first Maddie! You loved me before him! Why can't you love me? What does he have that I don't?

M: My heart..goodbye Aaron.

I didn't get another text after that. My stomach started to growl meaning my babies wanted something to eat. Eating for three is really hard but I manage. I made me some lunch and watched tv. I heard a knock at my door. I opened it and someone I hadn't seen in a long time was looking right back at me. I asked "What are you doing here?"


Hey guys! Four more chapters until I reveal the names so comment one boy and one girl. That's what I'm going with.Whoever gives me the best ones will be in a chapter. And cliffhanger! I know it sucks but it's for a NEW character. I think you'll like this. So I had to add some drama and making a magcon boy as Maddie's ex (like Brianna is doing in her book) was the best thing I could do. I love you all. And go follow @brianna4332 and read the first part of this book. You're sure to love it. You won't understand this without reading that one. You're all beautiful my little unicorns.



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