Chapter 21

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Ivy's POV

Dimitri was in rage he was mad at everyone. He and Angelo shot up most of the ppl in the restaurant other ppl he tortured. Olivia and I went to the car and waited.

We were still high and Olivia was on the urge of falling asleep. I was paranoid what they were going to do to us. We didn't know that they give out freaking weed brownies at a restaurant.

I then saw Dimitri and Angelo walking out of the restaurant with blood all over their clothes. I started to panic.

"Olivia.... " I said turning to Olivia who was knocked out.

"Olivia!" I said a little louder.

"Huh." Olivia jumped up and turned to me.

"They are coming." I said and Olivia started to bust out crying.

"Oh lord please I'm so scared."

"Okay okay calm down ok...- we didn't even know just play it cool." I said trying to calm Olivia down knowing damn well I wanted to freak out just as much as her.

Olivia starts breathing in and out trying to keep calm but was shaking her leg up and down.

I start to fiddle with my fingers trying to think of good out comes but it was hard. I kept looking out the window to see if the Dimitri and Angelo were coming but I saw that they were talking to each other. That kind of calmed me.

"Ivy what about our babies? what if we did something wrong ? What if we did something to our babies Ivy ?" Olivia said.

The only thing I could say was.

"Then they will kill us."

Olivia looked at me with even more fear she knew that this could happen but she didn't really expect it to.

A couple of minutes passed by and Olivia and I were in the car not saying anything to each other. I kept looking out the window to check to see if they were coming but no they still were talking.

"Ivy?" Olivia said.


"If we are going to die then." Olivia looked at me.
"We might as well just enjoy our time being high."

I looked at her like she lost her mind.

"Olivia really." I said.

"Yeah and I'm kind of hungry right now and this car has snacks." She pointed at the snack bin.

She grabbed some and started eating.

Honestly she was right if I'm gonna die then let me die .... but let me eat these snacks first.

"Pass me some chips and sir can you play some music please." I asked the driver he turned on song and Olivia passed me some chips and We started singing and laughing but then before you knew it Olivia was door was opened and everything looked like it was going in slow motion.

Angelo grabbed Olivia out the car and Olivia screamed in fear and kept apologizing. And then I saw her get put in another car with Angelo they drove off immediately.

I look around to find Dimitri and I saw him sitting right next to me. I scooted over away from him not moving my eyes off of him in case he would do some thing.

"Spegni questa musica e portaci a casa." Dimitri said to the driver.
(Turn off this music and take us home.)

The driver turned off the music and started to drive.

Then Dimitri looked at me with a hard stare. I wrapped my arms around myself for comfort and turned to the window trying to ignore the staring but I still felt him staring.

I just hope everything will be okay after this.


Olivia's POV

We were in the car driving home and I kept apologizing to Angelo and tried to explain what happened but he told me to shut up.

I'm scared usually when Angelo is this mad , terrible things happen but I don't think he would hurt as much because Im pregnant.

I don't really know. I keep questioning things. I wonder what is going through his mind right now I hope he knows it's not my fault.

I feel like I'm growing grey hair right now from stressing so much.

"Olivia." I jump from hearing his voice.

"Yes?" I answered shaking my leg.

"What did I tell you earlier today?" Angelo asked.

Tears start to form in my eyes and I start shaking even more.

"A-Angelo baby please I-I'm sorry." I cried out.

"Answer the fucking question." It started getting tense in the car.

"You t-told me to n-not fuck u-up." I tried to say with a calm voice.

"And what did you do today Liv?" He asked again.

"Fuck up." I looked down crying.

I saw his hand about to touch me and I put my hands up so fast trying to guard myself.

"Please don't hurt me." I said.

Angelo laughed.

"Even though I should smash your face in a wall. I'm not going to hurt you ...yet" He said.

He put out his hand for me to grab.

"Come on we are home." He said.

I hesitantly took his hand and he led me to the house.

"I'm going to take good care of you." He said with a smile.

Something told me I wouldn't trust what he was saying.

Once we got in the house we went straight to the bathroom.

He ran us a bath. We both got in with him siting behind me massaging my back. I can't lie I was really relaxed and still high but I didn't really care.

"You feel good huh?" Angelo asked.

"Mhm." I moaned as he kept massaging.


He stopped massaging me and I lay against his chest and just thinking of random things.

"Do you love me Olivia?" Angelo asked out of nowhere.

"Umm." I didn't really know what to say.

I then feel his arm wrap around me. I didn't know what he was doing nor did I expect anything.

"Wouldn't it be crazy if I just snapped your neck right now?" He said and when I heard that I jolted up trying to get away cause I already knew what was gonna happen. But then he grabs a hold of neck and pulls me back.

And puts me in a head lock choking me.

"Where you going Olivia? I thought we were relaxing." He said.

I scratched at his arm and kicked as water splashed out of the tub.

"A-ng-elo." I tried to say but his arm was wrapped around my neck so tight I couldn't breathe.

He finally let's go and I breathed out and coughed heavily.
He gets out the tub and grabs a towel with a smile on his face.

"That was very fun, we should do it another time." He says and walks away leaving me in the bathroom.



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