Chapter 2

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Ivy's POV

The next morning was my first day at my job so I put on my long black sleeve shirt that had a chest opening and my red high waisted pencil skirt then I put my hair up into a high bun with hoop earrings. Lastly putting on some lip gloss I look in the mirror making sure there is no mess ups. Being happy of how my skin looks underneath the sun I walk outside in joy.

"Today is going to be a good day." I say to myself

"So is it me or do people just talk to themselves about how they are going to have a good day." The strange man said beside me. Making blush in embarrassment. "Hi I'm Chris."

"Sorry about that I'm Ivy Jade." I said smiling

"Oh! There is nothing to be sorry about i love hearing about a beautiful ladies day." You could tell he is a flirt. I mean he is a good looking man but not as good as the eye catcher Russo man. Am I seriously thinking about him after what I saw and heard about him yesterday. My mind is going to get me in trouble.

"Umm hello earth to Ivy." Chris said waving his hand in my face.

"Oh sorry what were you talking about?" I said noticing he gave me a nickname. "Already giving me a nickname huh?"

"Yeah I thought it would be kinda awkward saying Ivy Jade out of nowhere sorry." He said politely.

"It's okay everybody just calls me Ivy anyway so." I looked at him in his eyes. "I guess I gotta get going I don't want to be late for work."

"It was nice meeting you Ivy." He said smiling I returned a warm smile back.

I gotta stop meeting people like that.

Driving to a cafe to pick up some coffee real quick i notice the same Russo men right outside of the cafe I want to go into and I see the eye catcher man staring at me ,he screams danger just looking at him. Now there is no way in hell I'm going into that cafe I guess no coffee for me today. I put my foot on the gas and drive to work.

Once I make it to my job I go into the check in office, get checked in and make my way to my office since I already know where everything is because I was shown around the place before I got to settle in my apartment.

Getting started on who I have to see first. Sierra Heavens. Once she stepped in my office she seemed like her life was great but when she started telling her story about her pregnancy she started to break down. I don't know how it feels to be a mother but it seemed like her hurt was real.

"And I just remember waking up and seeing a whole bunch of blood everywhere." Sierra said explaining her miscarriage. It made her depressed seeing that she couldn't hold her own baby in her womb.

After telling Sierra about her doctors appointment with Dr. Wellington for her medication. She thanked me before heading out. Having a few more people come in and out of the office it was my time to go home.

"Finally." I said kicking off my heels then entering my kitchen to find something to eat.

"How about cereal it is never to late for some cereal." I said to myself but being interrupted by my phone ringing. It was Olivia.

"Hey girl what's up?" I asked

"Oh nothing I was just seeing if you were free tonight." She said

"Umm." I said not so sure then immediately changing my mind. "Yeah I'm free tonight."

"Okay meet me at the pizza place we were at in about 30 minutes." She said.

Only 30 minutes ,this girl must be ready to head outside to the restaurant.

"Okay see you there." I said before hanging up.

What the heck am I supposed to do with thirty minutes without having a already put together outfit.

I hurry run to my bedroom and search through my clothes picking out a black pair of ripped jeans , my red t-shirt and my Nike air max 97's. Grabbing a gold necklace with my name on it and yes I know I have two different styles from my job and outside world.

I start walking to the pizza place seeing Olivia waving her hand to get my attention.

"Hey Olivia it felt like a century since I saw you." I said. She laughed and agreed with me.

Olivia apparently had her car so we drove around playing music and singing along to it. After that we just told each other about our day while stuffing our faces with burritos.

Later on Olivia dropped me off at my apartment building. Saying our goodbyes then I go into the building heading into the elevator I was stopped by a strong hold on my arm.

I turn around and see the eye catcher Russo man.

"Umm sir I think you need to let me go." I said.

"Let me take you up." He demanded towering over me. Don't get me wrong I'm 5,8 but somehow he was just still overtop of me.

"There is really no need for that." I said looking him down then back up.

"I wasn't asking." He said "Now let's go upstairs."

"No." I said challenging him. "Look I don't know who you think you ar-"

He yanked me into the elevator. His eyes were daring me to say something smart but I was to terrified too. Remembering the blood stains on his shirt the other day. The elevator stops and we start to make it to my door. I hurry too get inside until he turns me around and kisses me. He was dominating our kiss and pulls me by the waist so we are closer. We finally break apart letting me catch my breath.

"Goodnight my love." He says and right when I'm bout go in my apartment he stops me. "Oh and my love don't you ever say no to me again." and with that he leaves.


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