Chapter 18

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Ivy's POV

"No." Dimitri said.

"I'm sorry what was that." The priest said looking at Mitri.

"You got my wife's fucking name wrong you said Ivy Harper when it's Ivy fucking Jade Harper. You had one goddamn job and this is what you do." Dimitri said.

"I'm so-so ssssooorrryy Mr. Russo b-but y-your w-wife's name is kinda a-a m-mouthf-ful so I-I thought why not skip over that p-part." The priest should have never said that, Dimitri laughed.

"I should put a mouthful of battery acid in your mouth." Dimitri said as he pulled out his gun.

"See you fucked up I told your ass and now my brother finna shoot that ass up." Alessandro said hyping up the situation.

"Shut up." Giuseppe said to his brother.


The gun went off making me flinch.

"Alright I guess it's my turn to run this BIATCH!" Alessandro yelled while rolling his shoulders. Then he was about to pick up book that the priest was holding but Flavio picked it up first.

Flavio looked at Alessandro for about a minute seeing that he was still standing there but then Alessandro put his hands up in surrender.

"Alright I got you but next time I'm doing it." Alessandro went back.

"Now where were we. Oh yes, Do you Ivy Jade Harper take Dimitri Russo as your lawfully wedded husband." Flavio stared at me making me while tilting his head. This was getting creepy I don't know why but I kind of feel sick.

"C'mon Flavio stop messing with her head and get on with it." Angelo said.

"Okay I will stop." What did he mean by messing with my head they on some hypnotizing shit now.

"Ivy we are waiting for you." Dimitri said with his hands squeezing mine a little to hard.

"I do." I said.

"Then you may kiss the bride." Flavio finished.

Dimitri hurried and pulled me into a kiss.
Everyone cheered.

What in the actual fawk! Didn't y'all just see someone get killed.

"Let's go." Dimitri grabbed my hand and lead me out of the building.


We were at a beautiful beach and a nice big house on the land ,it
seemed so nice and calm here.

I had showered and Dimitri was walking in the room.

He sat next to me watching the sunset he then looked at me.

"You look so beautiful my love sometimes I just wanna break your face." I rolled my eyes, Dimitri had a weird way of saying nice things to me like the time he said that my moans sound so nice sometimes he just wants to cut my vocal cords out and keep the in a jar so the butlers and maids wouldn't hear the pleasure that he was giving his woman cause they didn't deserve it.

"Thank you." I said, I wanted to smack my own self in the face for saying that.

"I'm sorry that you had to witness that murder today we can get married again if that is what you would like." He said.

I breathe out frustratedly, I just wanted to be left alone.

"What's wrong? Did you not like the wedding?, was Alessandro talking to much, are you traumatized or something?, was it the dress" He asked.

"Leave me alone right now." I said irritated ,I guess I was having mood swings. Dimitri scrunched his face then grabbed my hair from the root pulling me to his face.

"Get smart with me again and I will punch you in your throat." He said, I didn't say anything then he kissed me.

"Take your clothes off and get in the bed."

Here we go

It was a couple days later and Dimitri and I were headed back home. I was daydreaming about some food right know I don't know why but I wanted some pickles and chocolate. My daydreaming was interrupted with Dimitri grabbing my boob out of nowhere.

"Ow stop they are sore." I said moving his hand away. "Can you get me some pickles and chocolate I'm starving."

Dimitri scrunched up his face in disgust.

"That's a weird combo." He rubbed the back of his neck then shrugged his shoulders. "Alright whatever you want my love."

Dimitri went back and order his people to make me my food, but they seemed disgusted until Dimitri grabbed one of them by the shirt threatening them.

Well if he was going to hurt somebody then I don't want the food.

He let the person go and they ran to go make my food. Dimitri came back and sat by me.

After a few minutes later someone came back with my pickles and chocolate. I started to get happy and excited.

"Ooouuuu thank you so much." I said smiling.

I grabbed the chocolate and the pickle and I put both of them in my mouth. I look up to see Dimitri looking at my food with a distasteful look.

"You want some?" I asked.

"I'm good." He said.

I was still eating but then all of a sudden I started to feel the urge to vomit. I got up and ran to the bathroom and started to throw up in the toilet.

"Go get her a cup of ice water." Dimitri ordered his people. I flushed the toilet as soon as I was don't and Dimitri came up to me and help me back to my seat I felt dizzy.

A woman came back with the cup of ice water and a cold white rag.

"Here put this on your forehead, it should cool you down." Then she handed me a cup of water. "Drink the water slowly you don't want to choke or anything since your pregnant."

When she said that word I immediately started to choke.

"I'm sorry ma'am thank you for the directions but I'm not pregnant." I said shaking my head smiling.

"Oh I'm sorry Mrs.Russo it's just because you are having a whole bunch of symptoms of a pregnant woman please forgive me." She said putting her head down.

The things that she was saying to me was scaring me even more I wasn't ready for a child with Dimitri, I just got married to him.

I look over too Dimitri seeing that he was observing the whole situation.

"It's... okay." I said quietly going back to drinking my water. The woman left and I just sat back and looked out the window. Dimitri's private jet looked like it was going so fast that it made me even more dizzy. I started to fall asleep but then Dimitri said something.

"It's okay I will take you to the doctor and if you are pregnant just know that the baby will become just like me." He kissed my cheek then tears started to flow down my face, I hurry and wipe them away.

Please not today satan

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