Chapter 15

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Ivy's POV

Dimitri pinches my sensitive nipple as he licks my hot core then uses his two thick fingers and slide them in and out of me. My whimpering and panting turn into loud moans as I feel a tear come down my face. Dimitri relentlessly mimics the movement of a dick with his tongue.

"M-mitri baby." I moan as his movements go on. Mitri groans sending vibrations on my clit. I grab his hair pulling it a little. He is making me feel so good as his tongue attacks my clit.
After he had me dance for him, he grabbed me, cleared off all of the paperwork on his desk, and laid me down on it.

"What's wrong are you scared?" He asked grinning. His fingers traced my leg as he waited for me to answer.

"How ummm I- you." I tried getting the words out but they seemed like they knotted up in my throat.

"You weren't scared dancing in front of Olivia but you are not comfortable to dance in front of me. That makes me kind of deranged ." His eyes darkened as he said those words like they were poisonous to his mouth.

"Do I have to kill her?" My eyes widened, he wouldn't kill her that is his brother's girlfriend.

I forgot this motherf*cker is crazy.

"Y-you can't that's your brother's-"

"I don't give a fuck." He said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"But she is with child." I said grabbing his shoulder tightly with my right hand. He looked at my hand then looked at me.

"Make sure you watch that hand you don't want me to break it like how I did the other one." He said.

This b*tch motherfcker.

I let go of his shoulder as I look down at the ground, I am so close to choking him out with my broken left hand.

"Dimitri you can't kill her she is pregnant." I said calmly.

"Okay." He said. "Once she dropped that baby she's dead. Angelo can always find another woman."

"Please don't kill her I-I will do anything- pl-ease." I said getting off of his lap.

"Then you know what to do my love, start dancing."

My legs were shaking like hell, I was loosing breath and I felt like if he thrust into me one more time then I was going to pass out. I curled my toes as I grabbed the sheets. My back was aching from me being in so many different positions in so many different rooms.

He did this to me.
He is the devil.

I should have never danced for him, so much pleasure and pain at the same time makes me wanna go insane.
Someone please help.

"Mitri you are so-"

I moaned as I felt myself around him stretching to my limit. Feeling the thick and long shaft rummaging in and out of me.

"I'm so what, baby?" He asked and once he didn't get an answer he dug his nails into my sides drawing blood.

"So big, you are so big." I managed to get out through my frustrated moans.

"Are you going to be a good girl and listen to what I have to say." He grunted as I shivered against him.

"Yes I will, I promise- just s-slow down Dimitri." He slapped my butt hard as his hold on my hips got tighter.

I think he is going to rip me apart.

"I'm the boss what I say goes, you are not making any demands do you understand me." He slapped my butt again.

"Y-es I und-erstand." I put my hand on his stomach to try and slow him down.

"Didn't we already talk about this. Move your fucking hand." He stopped as he waited.

"I-I can't move it until you promise me that you will slow down." I said shaking.

That's when he folds my arms behind my back and proceeds to go fast.

"Mmm mMitri."

"Shut the fuck up, I don't wanna hear a word." He said.


"What do you mean we are moving to Italy?" I asked looking at Dimitri. We were in the hallway talking since Dimitri said that he needed to discuss some things with me because it was serious. When it comes to him everything is serious.

"I literally did not say that, do you not understand English, do I have to speak a different language for you?" He asked.

He is so lucky because if he wasn't Dimitri Russo my mouth would be reckless right now but don't worry I'm cussing him out in my head.

"We are getting married in Italy we will be coming back to New York in three weeks after the wedding okay.

"Okay, Dimitri?" I said.

"Yes Ivy." He said.

"May I- May I call my mother." I said. I missed my mom so much and not being able to talk to her in a long time worried me.

Dimitri looked hesitant at first but then said yes.

"Don't do anything that isn't smart Ivy, make sure you think before you speak."

Dimitri hands me his phone and I hurry and go downstairs in the living room and dial my mother's number.

"Hello?" Hearing my mother's voice.

"Hey mama." I said wiping my tears.

"Ivy Jade where have you been I was starting to get worried about you." She said.

"I'm sorry ma I just got caught up in my work and some other things but how have you been?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"I have been great but I don't wanna talk about me. I want to know how has my daughter been." She said.
I look around to see Dimitri standing In the dining room with his arms crossed.

"I-I have been a-amazing." I said even though I wanted to tell her to help me and bring an army if you have to cause apparently the FBI couldn't help.

"Ivy you know I heard about that man that got killed in front of your apartment building right." I immediately pause.

"Yeah he was beaten up pretty badly and was shot."

"I think his name was Chris or something."

"Oh yeah and he is technically not dead because the doctors revived him and now he is in a coma."

"Isn't that a miracle!"


Until next time folks;)

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