Chapter 11

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Ivy's POV

"Ple-ase no." I said putting up my hands trying to block myself.

Dimitri walked towards me then grabbed me by my hair pulling me outside.

"You wanted to come outside so bad." Dimitri said calmly we made it to his car and he puts me inside. He then gets in the other side and starts to drive.

"Dimitri I'm sorry I-I just d-don't want this life w-with you- please I just want to go home." I said pleading.

Dimitri remained silent. I started to get scared. I just wanted to go home to my mama. I looked over to Dimitri who was smirking to himself. I immediately got mad over this.

Fuck this, I'm a survivor ,a strong black woman and whatever I go through I can take because nobody will break me down not even the devil himself.

We stop at a house and Dimitri gets out the car and tells me to get out to. We walk inside the house but nobody is inside. The house was pretty and old. It had pictures of a family up.

There was four boys and a baby. There was a man, Dimitri looked so much like him and there was a women who looked stressed and tired. She had a bruise on her arm but it looked like she tried to cover it up with makeup but didn't work. You could see she was depressed and hurt.

"Russo Famiglia"
The name was carved in the picture frame. That was his family. I looked up to Dimitri's mother and hoped I don't end up like her.

I feel a rough hand grab my arm and saw it was Dimitri. We started to walk downstairs to a basement and I see a table with pliers, a mallet, a axe and a whole bunch of other weapons.

Before I could say anything my arms and legs were strapped down to a chair.

"Get of me!" I said. "No Dimitri- stop!"

I tried to fight back but it was to late.
Dimitri got a knife from the table and grabbed my leg.

"No- GET OFF- ple-ase just- D-Dimitri let -go!" I screamed trying to get my leg out of his hold.

"Hold still." He said calmly.

He grabbed the knife and started to drag it my thigh making blood come down leg.

"PLEA-se stop- you are hurting m-me- LEAVE me alone." My voice was going out from screaming.

Dimitri then stabbed the knife into my leg.

"AAAHH-!" I screamed.
I felt my leg throbbing and I was getting dizzy.

"You remember when I said that your pussy would look better with my name on it." He looked me in my eyes and smiled.

I look at his hand to see that he has burning hot iron with his hand on the handle.

Dimitri ripped off my pants then put the hot iron right above my vagina. I couldn't even scream, the pain was so bad I couldn't focus. All you could smell was burning flesh.

I clenched my fist so hard that my nails punctured my palms. Dimitri finally takes off the hot iron from my skin. I looked at the scar with tears coming down my face.


He had branded me. I didn't think I could cry harder than I already was but apparently I was wrong. My skin use to be so pretty but now it is scarred for the rest of my life.

"N-no m-mm-ore PLEASE." I was so hurt that I could just isolate myself from the world.

"Give me the hand that you were holding the vase with." Dimitri said.


Dimitri turned around and grabbed the mallet off of the table.

He reaches for my left hand and I immediately try to get out of the straps.

"Pl-ple-ase don't d-do th-is." I said struggling to get my hand out of the strap.

He grabs my wrist making sure that my hand was still.

"PLEASE!" I yell.

Dimitri holds the mallet up in his hand and swings it down on my knuckles, making the sound of my bones crack.

"AAAHHHHH!" I scream but then I start breaking down crying. "M-MY H-HAND."

My left hand started to turn blue at the fingertips. I was so scared to move it. It hurt so bad that I think that it is starting to go numb.

My head hurts so bad from crying and that is the least of my worries.

"Pl-please d-don't do nothing else." I prayed quietly to myself.

I look up to Dimitri who was staring at me and I turn my face up into disgust.

This might be the last facial expression I make in life but fuck it.

He wraps his hands around my throat. I still look at him in his eyes not complaining. If this is going to be the last of me I will not show fear of death.

Everyone is promised death, like they are promised life.

So if I die let this be the last time that Dimitri Russo puts his hands on me because I'm going to a better place.

That's when Dimitri's hold on my neck gets tighter making me close my eyes. Everything goes black.

Remember you are a survivor...

A strong black woman..

And whatever you go through you can take because..

Nobody can break you down not even the devil himself.


Aren't I supposed to be dead.

"What the-." I hit my hand on something when I try to get up. I open my eyes and all you can see is darkness. I feel around me and it feels like a box.

I start to get claustrophobic and hot.

"Please don't let this be what I think it is." I say.

I feel that there is cushion underneath me and then I tap the side of the box with my left hand.

"Shit." I said remembering that my hand is still broke and swollen.

That's when I touch the scars that he gave me. They are still sore and hurt like hell.

I look around again only to see darkness but I feel around with my right hand to make sure I know I'm what in.

"I'm in a freaking coffin."


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