Chapter 8

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Ivy's POV

I woke with my legs shaking like hell. I didn't see Dimitri anywhere but he did leave a note saying that he is coming back later today and I could go look around the house and make myself at home. I get in the shower and brush my teeth and put on the outfit that Dimitri left me.

I go downstairs and see the same maid that helped me out yesterday.

"Oh hello ma'am I made some breakfast for you." She said.

"Thank you so much." I said digging in. "You know that you don't have to call me ma'am you can just call me Ivy."

"Oh no I couldn't Mr. Russo wouldn't like that at all." When she said that made me kind of mad. I mean she was my elder if anyone should be calling anybody "ma'am" it should be us younger people.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Maria." She answered.

"Well Ms. Maria can you tell me a little about yourself." I said. That's when she told me she had three beautiful children who were all grown achieving their goals in life and she had a caring husband. The only reason why she worked here because she didn't have nothing to do but just sit in the house all day and Dimitri was kind enough to offer her a job , I wouldn't say he is kind at all but she actually enjoys it here.

"Can I ask you something ma'am?" She asked.

"Of course anything you want Ms. Maria ." I answered.

"How did you get involved with the Russo brothers?" She asked.

" I didn't get involved. It's more like Dimitri got involved with me then forced me to come here." I said.

"You seem like a sweet woman who doesn't need to be in this type of lifestyle." She said.

"What is so dangerous about them?" I glanced over to her.

"You must not be from here." She said. "The five Russo brothers they are the most feared mafia leaders in the world. Yes Dimitri is the leader of the whole entire mafia but when it comes to them they're one and they lead as one. Once there were thirty men trying to kidnap them to and bring them to a rival gang. All of those men were gone with no help of backup just the five brothers."

I couldn't believe of what I was hearing how the fuck am I going to get out of here with Olivia.

After talking with Ms. Maria she showed me around the house making sure I knew where everything is. I was then in the living room watching tv with my cookies. Then I started to feel sleepy so I took a nap on the couch.


I woke up to the sound of something moving. I looked behind me and see the front door was open. This is my time to run that was the only thing on my mind. I slowly walk up to the door and look out to see if the coast was clear.

"What are you doing out here." I feel big hands wrap around my waist. Already knows who it is I try not to look suspicious.

"Umm nothing I was just looking." I lied.

"Okay." Dimitri shuts the door then started to kiss me. "Did you go look around the house like I told you to?"

"Yeah Ms. Maria helped me with everything."

"Who the hell is Ms. Maria?" He said lowly.

"Oh you call her Maria I call her Ms. Maria because it's showing respect to your elders." I said.

"You don't have to show anybody respect but me." He said.

I shrugged "I still feel the need to do it."

We then head back to the living room and started to watch a scary movie with some pizza.
As a we were watching the movie a scary bloody man with his eye ball popping out just came out of nowhere in the movie.

I flinched while Dimitri holding me. He started to laugh loudly.

"You're scared?" He smiled at me.

"Yes that man just came out of nowhere." I said. I went to go get another slice of pizza only for it all to be gone.

"You ate the rest of the pizza!" I walked back to the couch looking at him.
He looked at me like I had two heads.

"Are you seriously going to judge me when you had over four slices?"

"It's okay to eat a lot sometimes don't judge me." I said getting emotional. I sat back down on the couch and started to watch the movie again.

He had the audacity to count the slices of pizza I was eating then use it against me. I was hungry and when I'm hungry I eat food but when I don't get my food not such nice things come out.

I looked at him then looked back at the movie.

I want to go home.

We finished the movie then went upstairs to go take a shower.

I got in the shower but Dimitri came in with me. I couldn't help but peek at his thing down there that had my legs shaking like crazy this morning. Why does he look more muscular from the last time I saw him. Maybe it's because we were in the dark.

"You like what you see Ivy." He smirked. I just rolled my eyes and turned the other way. I then felt a smack on my butt.
"Don't roll your eyes at me."

I pray to God that this man leaves me alone even though I know he is not going too. I just let the hot water run down my body as I feel his hand travel down my body touching my breast making sure I feel his hard dick touch my butt. I don't want him touching me but I let him.

I feel the mixture of tears and the water run down my face. He makes it down to vagina. Making me gasp I realized that he can make me feel so good. He turns me around and picks me up.

I wrap my arms around his neck as my legs are around his waist. He puts his dick in me then grabs my thighs lifting me up and down.
Making me moan like crazy.



I told Dimitri that I was tired to cut things short he seemed like he didn't like the fact that we stopped but afterwards we went to sleep he held me close to him. So close that even if I made move his deep voice was all you can here.

"Stop moving." Him talking made me shiver. Dimitri is a very scary man who kills people. I wonder if he would kill me.


Drama is coming soon probably in the next chapter.
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