The Library

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   Gilbert awoke to the sound of knocking, he sat up slowly and scratched his head.

"Come in." He murmured sleepily.

   A slender young maidan opened the door slightly and walked in with a silver tray that had biscuits, and Wurst covered in gravy.

"I thought you would enjoy a snack before lunch." The lady said happily placing the tray beside him.

"Lunch? What happened to breakfast?" Gilbert joked.

"Well you slept through it sir."

"I slept through breakfast? Where's Matthew then?"

"Oh, he's been in the library all morning young sir."

"... Then I'm going to have lunch in the library."

"You?" The maidan smiled. "Of course sir!"

   Matthew sat on a long sheep skin couch reading story's from the brothers Grim.

"German is so much more fun to read then English." Matthew smiled.

"That's because the only true language is German." A voice announced behind him.

   Matthew sat up and turned around to see Gilbert leaning against the doorway.

"Morning sleepy head, what brings you to the library this early morn." Matthew teased.

"As much as these musty old books smell odd I will have you know I am an amazing writer."

"Oh are you now? May I see these books?"

"Nope, they are only for the eyes of one as awesome as moi." Gilbert raised his head high.

"It's a diary isn't it?"

"No it's a history book, the history of me."

Matthew laughed lightly then placed a book mark on the page to keep his place. He then placed the book on the table beside him. Gilbert made his way to the couch and picked it up before sitting down. He looked at the cover and smiled softly as it brought back memories.

"You know this book?" Matthew pondered.

"Heh, sort of. My mother would read it to me and....." He hesitated.

   Matthew tilted his head to the side curious at the pause. "You and?"

"My little brother." Gilbert letting a forced grin cross his lips.

   Matthew was a little taken back by the response. "You have a brother?"


   Matthew sat silently then gingerly reached for the prince's hand taking it in his own. Gilbert looked up a little surprised by the gesture and found himself lost in the boys amethyst eyes.

"I had a brother too," Matthew sympathized. "A twin brother, he always acted like the eldest." He smiled thinking back.

Gilbert placed the book on his lap. "What happened to him?" Gilbert asked.

"I don't know." Mathew said honestly. "What about yours."

"I don't know either." Gilbert laughed.

The prince brought the book back up and placed it into Matthew's hands. The young boy looked it over then looked back at the prince unsure of what to do.

"Why don't you read some to me."

Matthew smiled widely before opening the book. Gilbert scooted in closer to see the pages.

"Alright, how about Snow White then prince?"


The king marched down the hall with his book keeper at his side. The book keeper was writing notes that the king was telling him about his journey to the over sea island where the Englishmen lived.

"Scribe, write this one down as well, the walls of the island were tall and pure white, I am starting to think the British are using witch craft to create a barrier to keep us out." The king stopped.

The scribe peered around the king to see what he stopped for and he saw the young prince sitting down with his Tudor reading a book together.

"Scribe. Write this down, as a historic event, the day my son sat down to read a book."

"A very historic event indeed sire." The scribe said while jotting it down.

"Wait Matthew, why did Snow White keep letting people in, right after the dwarfs told her not to?"

"Would you keep the door closed if someone told you to?"

Gilbert thought about it a second. "I guess not, but I'm a man and can take care of myself while she's just a princess."

"Would you be able to take care of your self if someone was killing you with a corset?"

"Yeah, I wouldn't wear a corset."

"Really? I think you'd look fetching."

The Prussian bared a toothy grin. "I'd look good in anything. But is it over? She just ate the apple and died?"

"No, there's more."

Gilbert rested his chin on the boys shoulder tilting the book and Matthew smiled softly down at him before going on with the tale.

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