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Matthew creaked open his bedroom door and peered out into the dark hallway. It was the middle of the night and he wasn't suppose to be out and about however he had made a promise to Gilbert so he sucked a big gulp of air and tiptoed bravely into the hall. He shut the door slowly and lightly padded towards the end of the hall where the castle winded up into a tower above. He peaked through the door to the stairway seeing only one candle dimly lighting the winding well. He once again shut the door and snuck up the stairs all the way to the top where he saw a balcony where the moonlight shimmered flooding the small round room at the top of the tower. There the pale princes skin shown in the moon light. There was no wind but only the heat of the summer waves. The prince was looking out over the balcony and he looked like a still fragile painting, almost unreal to Matthew. Gilbert turned around and gave Matthew a soft half cock smile. Matthew blushed lightly blowing his curl out of his face.

"Are you ready?" Gilbert asked.

"As ready as you." Matthew smiled.

The Prussian out stretched his hand and Matthew took it gingerly. Gilbert lifted the slender male up into the air as if he were no lighter than a china doll and placed him on the stone balcony rail. The snowy prince hopped onto the balcony standing up and holding the blocky rooftop. Matthew slowly stood up and took Gilbert's hand again careful not to slip and also grabbed the roof. Matthew hopped up with Gilbert pushing him over the edge so he could land safely on the flat roof. Once he was up he held a hand out to lift Gilbert up and the two made it safely to the roof.

"Good job kid." Gilbert chuckled.

"Thanks. Not so bad yourself eh?" Matthew giggled.

The two boys looked up into the sky and smiled. They could see the stars perfectly as the danced across the sky like hundreds of light houses blinking in the pitch black scenery of an ocean night.

"Wow Gil, you were right, it's gorgeous."

"I said it would be Awesome not gorgeous, mister misquoted, and you're suppose to be my tutor."

"Okay wise guy. What's that costalation?"

"Er. It's a slice of bread on a stick, it's called breadacuss!" Gilbert chanted.

Matthew laughed. "Close but not close. It's Pisces." He corrected.

"I don't see it?"

"It's suppose to be two fish, there are many myths behind it but their meaning is the same, they need each other. They keep one another safe by staying together. They continuously swim together watching each other's backs."

"Oooooh, that's like me and you!" Gilbert said with a big grin.

"How so?"

"C'mon Mattie, we always got each other's back, taking care of one another, we really are like the Pisces!" Gilbert said excitedly.

Matthew looked over at Gilbert's crimson eyes. The moon shown brightly in the reflected iris's and even though the prince was cocky and proud, Matthew had never seen a more gentle stare. Gilbert laughed softly and Matthew looked at him weird.

"I can see the pisces in your eyes," the prince said softly. "I know I need you, do you need me?"

Matthew's eyes widened and he placed a soft hand on Gilbert's cheek. Gilbert rested into his palm like a kitten and placed his own hand over Matthew's brushing it through his golden curls.

"I need you." Matthew smiled.

Gilbert looked up as if Matthew had said something annoying. The smaller boy slowly put his hand down worried he said the wrong thing but Gilbert grabbed it fiercely and pulled Matthew forward. The young man gasped in surprise before the prince grabbed his chin and pressed his lips against the young blonds.

The prince's Tutor (PruCan)Where stories live. Discover now