Do you love me yet?

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Gilbert raced down the hall to a destination unknown. He held a small book in his hands as he ran. He leapt over a small balcony and into the the garden. There he saw the dirty blond curls of Matthew sitting in the grass under a tree. He smiled widely and wandered up to the other boy.

"Oh, hey Gil, what's that?" Matthew said looking at the book.

"The Awesome me is going to read a book to you!"

"To me? Which book?"

Gilbert held up the book and grinned. "Cinderella!"

"Wow, you're big on the princesses." Matthew joked.

"Well I am a prince. Okay scoot your boot!" The prince said sitting beside the slender boy.

Gilbert opened the book and began to read. Matthew watched as he read the words just fine and took soft unnoticeable breaths at the periods. Sometimes Matthew didn't believe that Gilbert needed a tutor. If anything Gilbert had taught him more throughout the past few weeks. He placed a hand on Gilbert's arm. Gilbert looked up with a bit of concern but then quickly turned it into a huge grin and read on.


The Prussian King had finally finished his letter to king Roma in Italy when he stumbled upon the two boys reading in the garden. At first he was a bit confused but when he saw his son reading to his tutor the king let a small ghost of a smile be painted on his pale face before he walked back into the castle.


Gil finished reading and he looked at Matthew with a huge grin.

"Pretty great ja?" The prince asked.

"For someone who doesn't read, you sure know how to read." Matthew admitted.

"See I know, I don't need to learn this stuff. I KNOW EVERYTHING!" Gilbert said laughing.

"Do you know the history between your country and the others?" Matthew said generally wandering.

"Why do I need to know that?! I'm running this country, not theirs!!" Gilbert breathed.

"But Gil, if you don't know your enemy how can you fight them?"

"With a butt load of AWESOMENESS!"

Gilbert let go a long cocky plethora of laughs and Matthew could only palm his own face. Gilbert slowed his laughing throwing an arm around Matthew and poked his side repetivly.

"Do you love me yet?" He grinned.

Matthew cheeks flushed red and he shied away. "W-why would you ask that here?" He stuttered.

"Why? Nobodies around! Tell me you love me!"

"N-no thanks."

"You don't love me?!"

"No I mean yes but no! I'm sorry!"

"Why are you sorry? I know you looooove me."

"I don't knoooow,"

"Say it!"

"Gil!" Mathew laughed.

"Say you love me, there's no point in denying it! You know you do! I'm your favourite thing in the whole world!"

"Giiiiiiiiil!" He said squirming.

"Oh does that tickle?" Gilbert said moving his fingers over Matthews side.

"Gi-hi-iiiil." Mathew cried laughing so hard he started to tear up.

"Or how about here?" The prince said tickling the other side.

"Y-yes it tickles haha please stop!" Mathew giggled.

"Or how about Bo-"

Gilbert stopped when he saw a shadow looming over him. He looked up and saw his fathers serious eyes glaring down at him.

"Are you two done?" He asked cocking an eyebrow.

The two boys stood up and blushed slightly.

"Lunch is ready." The king announced then turned away.

The prince's Tutor (PruCan)Where stories live. Discover now