The morning after

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Y/N and bakugou were cuddling . The sun crept up on they're sleeping bodies and as he was awaken from his nightmare and the first face he saw was hers and he felt a sense of peace and calm as he tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled to himself as he whispered teddy bear and kissed her forehead and kissed her sleepy lips . She looks beautiful he thought to himself and got up and put on some pants and woke up Y/N with kisses from forehead to her ankles and see her smiles and giggles and he lights up and kisses her passionately and bites lip.
Bakugou:Teddy bear we going out today I want to show you off to everyone cause your beautiful *kisses your neck and collar bone and look at you *
Y/N: bakugou okay but we need to change clothes and I have to get ready and I should tell you last night was my first time *look down *
Bakugou:I know I could tell and thats fine with me ..if you would have told me you weren't comfortable with anything I was doing last night I would have stopped and held you *look at you * I would never rush anything with you *putting on his shirt and grab the sheet and pull her close and kisses you * get dress dumbass
Y/N*put on her bra and panties and clothes and shoes and crawl out the tent and look at bakugou and smiles *

Todoroki POV
I called Y/N all last night and I even stopped by her dorm and she wasn't there and I was worried about her and so I called this morning and she sounded okay and I was relieved and she insured me that she was on her way to the dorms and I couldn't help but get excited to see her and I hung up and began getting ready and I know she with bakugou and I hope he treated her right and I hope she had fun . I really think bakugou finally understand that she really is a gem and I go to shower .

Y/N and bakugou finally make it and she clinging to his body and they walk in and she kisses him and he kisses back and goes to his dorm and so does she . She walks in her dorm and pick out her clothes and goes to shower and washing her body and she noticed the hickeys and think herself and smiles and washing her hair and Todoroki leaves out the shower and goes to his dorm and gets dressed and bakugou enters his dorm and picks out his clothes and thinks about Y/N .
After everyone gets ready and Y/N was coming to tell bakugou that she wants him to go with her and todoroki , Momo, Denki ,kirishima and Sero and Mina . Until she seen him shirtless and laying on the bed sleeping lightly and she smiles and get in his bed and laying on him and she smiles and close her eyes for bit and for a second time seemed to stop. Bakugou looks down see Y/N laying on him and he takes a picture and put his phone down and holding her head and back and smiles closing his eyes again for a cat nap while the others get dressed .

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