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After we got from the mall I was tired of bakugou and Uraraka bullshit . I came into my room and I looked in my purse found this bracelet and saw something engraved on it and I smiled and put it on and texted Todoroki I love it. But I'm not over how he gave her my name and that smug bitch sat there smiling in my face .I felt myself getting heated and then I felt a kiss on my head and see Dabi touch my face "so that must've been the girl huh ?" He looks at me with straight face and I nodded at him . Dabi makes me feel so high and giddy through this breakup process . Dabi grabbed my hand lifting me up off of my bed and I smiled and blushed a bit and kisses him . "We going somewhere tonight and I want you to look good for me little mouse ".he smiled looking down at me and I nodded and he released his grip on my body and walked out the door and I started to search my closet looking for something to wear .

I got ready and I was finishing up my hair when I saw Dabi . He was dressed so nicely and couldn't help but stare at him cause seeing him like this was adorable but also hot and I closed his door and kissed him and we were heavily making out and I ended up pulling up my dress and taking off his pants . After we finished we got ready and when we came out of his room . We heard toga and twice laughing at us "can't keep your hands off of him hun ?". Toga laughed "well when I look this good she couldn't help it ". You kissed him again and wrap his arm around you and looks at them "besides we ran into her ex so I wanted to take her out as a friend you guys " . We left out and I couldn't help but think about the past until he ran his fingers through my hair saying little mouse and smelling so good I couldn't help but feel giggly and high . This isn't my character but Damn Dabi makes me want to break every rule and bend my morals . Even though we both agreed this wasn't the time for a relationship for me I couldn't help the attraction I felt for him and ever since I been missing I been having fun . But bakugou still lingers through my mind .

Bakugou Pov
Todoroki,Momo, and Uraraka well the extras were coming with me to get Y/N back . No one told the others because I told them to keep their damn mouth closed . I didn't need the whole school of extras blowing my plan away . If it's one thing that dumbass do is make friends and she is worth this whole operation. As everyone was getting ready to get her back . Uraraka pulled me to the side and said "will things change ? Because I don't want things to change and I love you ".she said smiling at me and I just nodded because I couldn't say anything because it will be a lie . I was still in love with Y/N but I didn't want to hurt Uraraka so I kissed her forehead and walked away . I couldn't hurt both of them but she knew I still loved Y/N .

As everyone planned on meeting up to get Y/N . Dabi and Y/N and toga and twice robbed a car and was driving around and having fun and as he drove he gripped Y/N thigh and she leaned over and turned up the radio as they smoked and laugh they pull up to this abandoned warehouse and Y/N watched Dabi get out and open her door and she steps out smiling as he held her waist and walked in and as they walked in she noticed the lights and the cute atmosphere...he decorated for me ? She thought to herself . He smiled seeing her face light up and she hopped on him and he was spinning her around and kissing her and she wrapped arms around his neck and grinned . "You shouldn't have I love it ..I'm special enough for all of this and you say you don't like me ." She blushes and Dabi noticed she was nervous a bit and he kissed her neck "your bad for me Dabi". She kisses his cheek and he smirk "you can do more then that little mouse and I won't stop you " he smiled and put her down as she walked away he couldn't help but check her out and he thought you were so sexy and he wanted you then and there . You walked up to the table and sit down .

Todoroki POV
We were on our way to the location of the bracelet as we were talking . I noticed bakugou was quietly walking behind and so I come to him and see what's wrong. "Are you okay bakugou ". I said and he just yelled at me and I continued the walk with the rest of them and we are going in the direction of where the bracelet was taking us and I couldn't wait to get Y/N and I feel happy that we are .as we are walking getting closer and closer we all became a bit shaken with what's to come . "Todoroki do you think he will choose Y/N over me ?". Uraraka looked concerned at me . "If you think that either you or that guy she with will stop what they have two will be extremely exhausted...she loves him and they may not look like the ideal couple but they work . Bakugou is a angry and a hot headed annoyance and Y/N is a bubbly peace maker and he brings out her inner confidence and she deflated the angry ego ." I said looking at her "but he likes you and you should be happy ". I walk away .

"Dabi that was good ". Smiling you look at him and he grabs your hand and you cut on music on your phone and he start spinning you around and kissing your neck and he dips you and lift you back up and you guys laughs and you guys lock eyes and you blush a bit and he lean closer and you put your head on his shoulder and close your eyes and smiled as you guys were slow dancing his hands were around your waist and you guys were closer than ever . "Little mouse I didn't know you could dance and you look good in that dress tonight ". He said whispering in her ear and you smiled "thanks for taking my mind off this break up situation " she said smiling and blushes to herself . Y/N lift her head up and locked eyes with Dabi and he cupped her face and smile a bit "your welcome but this was something I wanted to do for you ". He said inching his face closer to yours and you follow suit and his lips was inches away from your soft ones and you closed your eyes and before you could kiss him.

A loud explosion hit Dabi and a thick cloud of smoke overwhelmed your eyesight and you feel grabbed by the small of your back and you feel goosebumps up your skin and turn around and you see bakugou. you hug each other without thinking about everything. As much as you want to believe you didn't love him or thought it subsided . The feeling got stronger and harder to overcome and right there in that hug you both felt safe . "This isn't you Y/N and I know it's not ...I wasn't supposed to be here but I couldn't wait dumbass ". You smiled and hugged him tighter and you looked up and seen toga jumping down full force towards y'all with her knife of course to stab bakugou and you turn the hug around so you get hit instead and you did.You feel blood fall from your stomach. You touched your stomach and seen blood but your body was hyped on adrenaline that you couldn't cope . So you prepared to fight toga ."I knew you would throw it all away for him". She said swinging her knife " I always knew you back stab me " . You giggled and dodging her attack .

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