Birthday time skip 🦋

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After the road-trip and camp training and UA ... a few years pass and you and everyone are pro hero's and you were so happy to be the number 5 hero.But besides that you we're getting ready for your day with your best friends todoroki ,Deku for your birthday.Before you could finish your boyfriend come in the room with you,holding the family dog in his hand and he is kissing your neck and kiss you . "Where you going teddy bear ". " it's a date with Deku and shoto they wanted to take me out for my birthday baby..shouldn't you be getting ready for patrol katsuki ". You smile at him,moving his hair from his face .he look at you and nod . "Don't worry I know you a busy hero and plus we will have time when you off ." You smile and put on your shoes "you look beautiful teddy bear and have a good dinner ".he says getting ready and you pet the dog goodbye "take care of daddy tonight max ". You walk out the house and head over to Deku and Todoroki .

As you get to the restaurant you see Todoroki.You hug him and he hugs you back spinning you around,put you down. You hug Deku and smiles . "You two look rather handsome today and I appreciate you doing this for me ". You say and they both smile "you look pretty Y/n ". Said Deku and you joking play with him "Deku I'm still single ". You laugh and he blushes a bit and he shakes his head . You all walk in the restaurant on the rooftop and it's decorated so pretty. it's roses,gifts on the table.You start to cry a bit . "You guys didn't have to do this,I love you both for this.Where's everyone else ? " you asked with tears in your eyes . "It's a surprise Y/N what friends would we be if we spoil your surprise ". Deku says as he laugh .
As Deku pulled out your chair and went to go get the waiter .
Todoroki looks at you " you look different ...did the test come back positive ..are you ? ".

You shook your head no "but we have been trying for months and nothing yet.I don't want to stress him out so I haven't told him ". You say as you drink your wine as Deku comes back sitting down " your pregnant Y/N ? ". He ask and you shake your head no . " it will be okay maybe right now isn't the best time . I don't think me and Uraraka even planned on it but no rush your the number 5 hero ,he's number 3 its alot of stress".

You nod your head "Y/N your a good Auntie,Godmother trust me.Midoryia and I think anyone deserves a baby it's you and him ". You nod smiling and as the food comes and you guys started to eat and laugh talking about life,you were looking at old photos. You guys were even taking photos .

As you were getting ready to get up Deku goes to take a call and he said he has to leave for work and he hugs you and leave . " i still think you should've chose Midoriya ". Says todoroki and you laugh "no one would have been able to stop me from loving my angry care bear and besides you like him for me .
You two went to the bar in the restaurant and started having shots and was drinking and dancing a bit and you were having so much fun and for second time felt endless . You were a bit excited.

You and todoroki get up and leave and as you two were walking you hop on his back just like old times and you were playing with his hair and he smiles as he takes you to your car and you two get in and started playing music and singing as he give you directions to the next place but you wanted to go to the place you and him always went to and you ended up parking the car and getting out . "Hope you have your flashlight todo ". You say as you light your finger in flames and open your hand and he smiles and does the same as you two walk up the hill. "You remember we use to do this when we snuck out the dorms and use to come here and Mr. Aizawa would come get us ". You giggle walking and Todoroki laughs and you two start to see the water below and you sit down and look at him . "How's momo and the second baby ". You smile " she's happy and I'm happy with another little person but we been trying to break it to our daughter that she's going to be a big sister and she's not happy about it ". He chuckled and you laugh a bit and that when you put your head on his shoulder and just taking in the ambiance . "He really can't make it this year and I'm not mad but I wanted him to be here ". You say as it gets quiet .

Todoroki pov
I get a text from bakugou and midoriya saying that everything is ready. I look at Y/N.I just don't understand how different you look but you always been that pretty and I miss this side of you and I tell you it's time to go back to schedule programming and so we leave and when I get to her to the car And we get in and I texted everyone we were on our way and you were driving and joking with me . "That's weird because I normally patrol with Deku well I guess they don't need me tonight ".

You say and you laugh and we finally make it to the place and I was advised to blindfold you and I did and as I lead you to where everyone was and I take the blindfold off and everyone screams surprise.

Y/N Pov
I was so excited and I cried once I saw everyone and I hugged momo,Mina ,Uraraka and I hugged Su .

As everyone was calling me pretty and the support and love in the room was so overwhelming I felt like I couldn't breathe. As I laughed and drinking with everyone and having fun dancing with them . I was having so much this felt like old times and that's when I felt someone cover my eyes and I laughed as I felt the hands ."todoroki where we going ." Then I felt my hand grabbed and I was walking with todoroki covering my eyes as midoriya was leading the way . " I always had this fantasy of this right here ." I joked to break the silence and that's when you hear todoroki say " keep your eyes closed and I keep them closed and then I feel him start to slow dance with me and I was being spin between him and midoriya and dancing with both of them and then finally I spin into to someone else arms and put your head on their shoulders and you two dancing.

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