Dabi return 😭

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"You have a lot of fucking nerve showing up here and send those stupid damn flowers ". Bakugou says as he walking towards Dabi . "I just wanted to know if she was alive and I just want to apologize to her ". He says as he looks at the house and back at bakugou "she wasn't just apart of your life anymore..she was-". "DID YOU STAY AT THE FUCKING HOSPITAL WITH HER ? SHE BLED IN MY FUCKING ARMS . I WATCHED HER ALMOST TAKE HER FUCKING LAST BREATH....I SAW HER CHOKE ON HER OWN BLOOD ....SHE DIDNT DESERVE THAT AND THAT WAS YOUR FUCKING FRIEND THAT NEARLY RIPPED OPEN MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND...OUR FRIEND ALMOST FUCKING DIED ". bakugou says as he starts almost balling from anger and Dabi dropped his head low "she was apart of my life and I know she hates me but I just wanna apologize because she made me feel accepted as a friend and as her lover...seeing her covered in her own blood was hard seeing that because I should've protected her and you and your friends are lucky because I would have saved her and wouldn't have cared for anybody life including yours and your lucky that -". "NO YOUR LUCKY YOUR ALIVE AND THATS BECAUSE I MADE A PROMISE TO HER ". Bakugou says as he steps a bit closer to Dabi and Dabi look at him not intimidated by him . "YOU GOT ALOT OF FUCKING NERVE AFTER YOU CHEATED ON HER WITH HER BEST FRIEND AND YOUR CHILDHOOD FRIEND GIRLFRIEND ...ENEMIES OR NOT AND WAS FLAUNTING HER OFF WHILE THAT GIRL YOU SPEAK OF CRYING HER EYES OUT ON MY SHOULDER AND NOW YOU WANT TO PROTECT HER FROM ME BUT I SHOULD BE PROTECTING HER FROM YOU ". Dabi says and bakugou punches him in his face and he falls to the ground . He touches his nose and Y/N rushes over to bakugou standing there "omg I heard fighting and i was jus-". You look down to see Dabi with his nose bleeding and you haven't seen him since that night "bakugou why did you hit him ?".you say as you look up at him and Dabi gets up trying to grab your hand and bakugou slaps it and Dabi gets up and pushes him and you try to break them up ."you shouldn't have shown up here arts and crafts ". Bakugou says punching him and Dabi punch him back as he's tackling him . As they were throwing punches and feet . You were just standing there trying to break them up and you see bakugou getting ready to use his quirk and you step in between him and he holds off "WHY ARE YOU PROTECTING THIS FUCKING IDIOT Y/N ... MOVE OUT THE FUCKING WAY ."bakugou says "no I'm not moving ". You say standing firm on your word "HIS FUCKING FRIEND ALMOST KILLED YOU AND HE FUCKING PUT A NASTY SCAR ON ME AND YOU ...LOOK AT YOU NOW YOUR FUCKING TREMBLING. JUST MOVE OUT THE WAY SO I CAN GIVE HIM THE SAME MARK HIS FRIEND GAVE YOU AND IF HE REALLY WANTED TO SAVE YOU HE WOULD HAVE FUCKING PROTECTED YOU ". You cut him off "BAKUGOU I SAID NO AND IM AWARE OF WHAT HAPPENED TO I HAVE THE FUCKING GUT WRENCHING MARK TO SHOW IT AND I HAVE SCARS TO BUT IM NOT HURTING TOGA AND IT WAS NOT HIS FAULT BECAUSE I JUMPED IN FRONT OF THAT KNIFE TO PROTECT YOU AND I AM TREMBLING BECAUSE THIS IS ALOT AND I DONT THINK HE WOULD HAVE CAME HERE IF HE DIDNT WANT ME TO HEAR HIM OUT ". You say looking at him "JUST TRUST ME ON THIS PLEASE ". Bakugou moves back from towering over you and put his hands in his pocket and you turn around and help Dabi get up ."Y/N I'm sorry for the way things ended but I'm glad you are alive and I just couldn't imagine you being gone for good ...I know I shouldn't have came here but it was driving me crazy to not know if you were alive or not ...he was right I am a idiot but I miss you and I miss our friendship with each other we were always that even when it went sexual but I want my friend back in my life and I'm sorry ". He says looking at you and grab your hand and you start crying and hugs him and he shed a tear as well hugging you back tightly . Bakugou stood and watched as the tough guy that gave him that burn mark on his back is now crying into his girlfriend lap and she crying in his arms and he finally understood that he wasn't here to take Y/N back . He came to win his friend back and she missed him as well . "I forgive you and it wasn't your fault and it's not bakugou fault either I wanted to protect him so I did what was necessary to protect him and I would do it all over again ". You started to feel light head and faint and fall into Dabi arms . "Call the police..call for help ". Dabi says holding you and bakugou comes to you and feel your pulse "she'll be okay ...the fighting overwhelmed her ...I'm going to take her in to get some rest ". Bakugou said picking you up "take care of her and I didn't come to start anything ...she really loves you and I love her as my friend always have . I know our history is complicated but we co exist as friends better ." Dabi says as he looks at bakugou walking to the door . "Just give her time to heal first arts and crafts ". He says opening the door . Dabi nod and walk away and bakugou take you upstairs and lay you down in your bed and kiss your forehead. He lay next to you and holds you running his hand down your back and kissing your forehead crying to himself about that night and seeing you close your eyes and not responding that night . He just held you closer and the smell of your perfume and the body heat you oozed from your pores . He was content finally and he fell asleep.

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