ᴘᴀʀᴛ 4. Cᴀᴛᴄʜ ᴍe

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Mark got ready for tubbo's jackbox stream. he sat down on his chair and started up his computer. "Why don't you invite Ophelia?" tubbo's voice asked. Mark was calling tubbo before hand and hadn't yet hung up.

"Do you think she'll want to?" Mark repliedz

"Of course! If it has anything to do with you, she'd love too!" Tubbo paused, "ima start my stream now! Go get Ophelia and then we can play!"

Wifey 🙏🙏

Hey mrs. boo, wana join tubbo's jackbox stream?



Tubbo is live! Jackbox with Mr. and Mrs boo, the dream team, and tommy

"Opheliaaaaa!" Tubbo yelled when she joined the call, "YAY, let's play now!"

"Wooo! I've never played jackbox, but I've seen streams.." Ophelia chuckled.

"You'll get the hang of it, it's easy once you get used to it!" Mark replied.

The first game they decided to play was quiplash. Ophelia understood the basics of this one pretty well.

I didn't mean to kill him! I just ____.

"Told him that Sugarboo was more canon than us" Georgenotfound
"Said I didn't ship Sugarboo." Tommyinnit

"I hate you guys," Mark groaned.

"At least we killed them." Ophelia joked.

George won with a 7% lead. "You're kidding!!! Mine was much better!" Tommy scoffed. "Pretty privilege." Tubbo replied.

Next prompt was Ophelia's turn.

You have 6 words or less to make an entire group of people mad.

Ophelia grinned.

"Sugarboo isn't canon." Ophelia
"Sugarboo is false" Ranboo

"OMFG SERIOUSLY??" Ophelia yelled, slamming her head on her desk.

The whole group burst out uncontrollably, cackling and wheezing.

Ophelia won with a 20% lead. "I think it's the pretty privilege again." Mark sighed

"DID MR BOO JUST CALL ME PRETTY??" Ophelia yelled, her mic blasting through the vc


After about 30 minutes of dnf and sugarboo jokes, the group moved on to Patently Stupid.

Ophelia regretted playing when she got her prompt. "Sugarboo not being canon scares me!" She wrote down something stupid like 'act like you heard nothing. If you didn't hear it, it didn't happen."

When it came her time to present, everyone burst out laughing at her drawing of her and ranboo kissing. "Guysss it isn't THAT funny," Mark groaned.

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