Pᴀʀᴛ 10. Lᴏᴠᴇʟʏ sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛs

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Mark got out of bed, groaning at the light peaking through the window. Ophelia and Niki had decided to go shopping, and he already felt lonely.

He slowly walked downstairs, seeing Tubbo and Tommy watching YouTube on the tv downstairs. He sat down and watched with them, peeking at his phone a little.

Lovely grain of sugar 💕😳🤧

Hey dudeee


We r at sum gaming store
I miss u

I was just about to say that lol

Could we try to find cool places to visit when I get back?

pog! I'd love to

Ttyl lovely enderman!!

Yup, ttyl lovely sugar!

Mark smiled at his phone, staring at their texts for a bit longer before turning it off, looking back to see them playing a sugarboo complation. He said nothing and just watched.

Mark's face heated up quickly as the 20 minute long video continued, playing the cooking stream clips.

"Hey, half enderman, half tomato, you good?" Dream asked as he entered the room.

"I didn't know we were like that." Was all he could say. Mark felt too embarrassed to show his face, covering it in the palm of his hands.

Dream scoffed, "and you wonder why 2/3 of the fandom ships you guys."

Tommy and Tubbo just laughed, watching the whole thing.

"She's amazing, I don't want to hurt her. If I ask her to date me, she may not feel the same, and our friendship will be ruined. That'll hurt her so much." He ranted, letting out a loud sigh.

"Bullshit. If anything, she likes you." Tommy groaned.

"Why do you say that?" He turned to look at him.

"Have you SEEN the goo goo eyes she gives you? Besides, why would she be so cuddly with you, but so reserved with me?"

"Because you call her woman. Being bad with ladies doesn't mean she likes me." He commented, making Dream and Tubbo laugh.

"NOT TRUE!" He yelled, "but seriously dude, at least tell her your feelings. You're just confusing both you and her by waiting so long."

"I guess you're right. I'll tell her when she gets home, but you have to promise to stay the hell away!" Mark already regretted what he said.



She smiled at her text, rereading her conversation with Mark. Niki peered over her shoulder and laughed.

"You are more of a simp than I thought!"

"WHAT? Nonono, I just miss him I guess." She tried to think of an excuse as Niki's face made a toothy grin.

"You and ranboo are something else. I won't pry you on the subject, but you really need to talk it out."

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