Pᴀʀᴛ 7. Uɴɪᴛᴇᴅ ᴋɪɴɢᴅᴏᴍ?

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Ophelia grabbed her bag and ran out the door, saying goodbye to her mom and hopping into Mark's car. She couldn't help but be excited, she was going to the uk for a meetup with her favorite person.

But all her happiness left when she realized that she would have to get on the plane. Ophelia gripped Mark's hand the whole way, from checking in, to boarding the plane. Because Mark and Ophelia were both minors, they were sat by eachother, with dream and sapnap on the other side.

They sat down in their seats, sighing. Ophelia clung to Mark as the plane lifted off the ground. Mark could sense her uneasiness, and her began rubbing small circles into the back of her hand (which Mark learned calmed her down a lot).

Soon Ophelia fell asleep on Mark, resting her head on his shoulder as he played Disney movies on his phone. Clay smiled and took a picture, smiling before sending it to Sapnap.

Da bois 🙏🥶🥶🥵
karl😳, alex😈, nf to my d 🥵, texas💥, language🤧

[insert his photo of mark and ophelia]

karl 😳

alex 😈
Now kiss

nf to my d🥵
What he said


texas 💥
I am going to rewatch the Q&A stream again
This makes me feel lonely

language 🤧
You arnt lonely, just bad with women

alex 😈

karl 😳


Ophelia woke up to being nudged by Mark. She yawned and realized the airplane had stopped. She immediately jumped up, realizing they were in the uk.

"Wilbur and everyone are waiting by the entrance, we should hurry, I bet Tommy and Tubbo are tired, it's pretty late here." Dream told all of them.

They exited the plane, grabbing their bags and heading towards the entrance. Ophelia was basically cuddling Mark's arm the whole time.

"TOMMY, I SEE THEM!" Everyone turned to see Tommy and Tubbo running up to them, with Wilbur, Niki, Philza, George, and Fundy chasing after them.

Ophelia unlatched from Mark and ran over to Niki, giving her a huge hug. "Womennn! I hate men." Ophelia grabbed Niki and hid behind her jokingly.

Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo looked genuinely offended, having been totally ignored my Ophelia. Dream, Sapnap, and George were having a tight group hug in the back, and George seemed to be tearing up a little.

"Opheliaaaa, I want a hug too!" Tubbo yelled, running up to her and hugging her. "Okay, maybe I don't hate men." She said while giving everyone else hugs.

"So... where are we staying?" Mark asked as they reached the 2 cars they were using. "You'll see." Dream smiled.

Ophelia, Tommy, Mark, Niki, Fundy and Philza were in one car, while Dream, sapnap, George, tubbo and Wilbur were in the other. Tommy gasped as they pulled up to a huge airbnb.

 Tommy gasped as they pulled up to a huge airbnb

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