Pᴀʀᴛ 11. Mɪɴᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ᴄʀᴀғᴛ

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Mark and Ophelia sat down in his room, laying against eachother as they looked out the window, trying to make drawing out of the stars.

"Hey Mark, can I kiss you on stream? Like with your mask on," She turned to him, the moonlight outlining her face in the dark room.

"I- sure. You want them to know?"

Ophelia leaned in really close to him, making his face go bright red, "do you not want them to know?" She grabbed his face and got closer, making him glance at her lips.

"Of course I do. I just want to respect your privacy." Mark pushed her face away playfully, looking away from her and back at the window.

"What privacy? Literally everyone in this house refuses to give us any space," she laughed, laying down on the bed.

Mark hummed in agreement, lying down with her and staring at the ceiling.


"Hey chat! How is everyone?" Ophelia sat down by Mark on the couch and smiled at him. They were doing a ylyl (you laugh you lose) stream with media shares.

Soon Wilbur, Tommy, Sapnap and Niki joined. Sitting on the floor next to them and listening.

The first video was a video of Tommy lipsincing the Bruno Mars song. Of course Ophelia burst out laughing, causing her and Mark to fall into a fit of laughter. Tommy just glared at them while they laughed.

A few minutes after they were able to stop laughing, and let the next media shares come in.

After 20 minutes, Ophelia had laughed 3 times, Mark 2 (laughed at Ophelia laughing), Tommy 2, Sapnap 4, Niki 1, and Wilbur 5.

The next media share was a clip of Ophelia and Mark "flirting". Ophelia reacted by wrapping her arms around Mark and kissing his cheek (mask on ofc). He immediately went red, while everyone else gave them shocked looks.

"AGAIN? AND THIS SOON?" Tommy shouted, immediately covering his mouth. "Did you want them to know?"

"I mean sure, that's kinda why I kissed him." Ophelia laughed.


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"I say guys, Wilbur's new vlog is going to be SO pog!" Ophelia hinted, knowing that the clip of them kissing would be added.

Wilbur only smiled, slowly nodding. "It'll be out tomorrow!"

A new media share came up, a clip of Mark and Ophelia having their faces really close, then a photo saying "now kiss 😳".

"Geez chat, okay." She turned to Mark and grinned, putting her hand in front of his face so the stream couldn't see, pulled down his mask, and planted a little kiss on his lips.

Sapnap fake gaged while Mark fell on the floor dramatically and hid his face. "Ophelia, STOP FEEDING THEM!"

Tommy continued yelling at her, but she ignored, joining Mark on the floor. She laughed and told them to continue the stream without them, saying Mark needed to calm down and process what happened for a little longer.

She stayed on the floor till she heard a clip of Tommy saying "just killed a woman, feeling good." She shot up, looking at the camera and glaring.

"Women are pog, and that, was not pog sir TommyInnit." She dramatically sat up, stomping away and going upstairs. Mark got up and watched her, sighing.

"You made the love of my life sad, what do you have to say?"

"I- your what???" Tommy demanded.

"You heard me, my love, my dearest, loveliest beloved. My closest, most amazing Mrs. boo. The grass to my enderman. The George to my dream. The mine to my craft." He continued to ramble, laughing inbetween sentences.

"Ranboo, please end stream. I'm going to puke if I have to deal with more of this!" Sapnap gaged again, pretending to choke and die on the couch.

"Then leave. I didn't ask for you to join." He sassed back, obviously joking. "I do want to head out to the park and vlog, so I guess we should end."

Ophelia ran back downstairs, panting as she ran up to the camera. "BYE BYE, BYEEEEE, ILY, GOODBYE!" She shoved her face up to the camera, making weird faces before ending the stream.

Alrightttt, I say we head to the park now?" She turned around, placing her hands on her hips and smiling.

She grabbed Mark's hand and led him out the door. He grabbed his camera on the way out, making sure not to forget it.

They made it to the park in no time, quickly assessing the place and trying to find a chill place to film. Of course there were some fans that went out to look for them, knowing they were in the uk. But for the most part they avoided them and found a children's play set.

"HEY RANBOOB, I BET YOU I CAN BEAT YOU OVER THERE!" She screamed, racing off and leaving Mark behind her, still filming.

Instead of chasing after her, he stayed there, filming her running up the the swings and sitting down. He laughed and zoomed in on her. "Isn't she pretty? Too bad that you guys don't get her."

"MARK, COME ON ALREADY, MY HAND IS GETTING REALLL COLD. IF ONLY SOMEONE WAS HERE TO HOLD IT WHILE WE SWING!" She swung her hand out, motioning for Mark to grab it. Of course the ran over to her, sitting the camera down on the floor facing them as they swung. The sun began to set behind them, leaving the sky a greyish color.

 The sun began to set behind them, leaving the sky a greyish color

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Mark ran over to the camera and filmed their way back home. It was really chill, just them talking about Minecraft and stuff.

Ophelia stopped in her tracks as she saw a gas station. "CAN I GET A TREAT?" Without waiting for a response, she grabbed Mark and dragged him into the store.

"I get no say in this relationship." He said dramatically, filming her dragging him in. She whipped around and laughed, turning back around and looking through the isles.

She came back with a pack of fruit-tellas and gummy bears. She grabbed the camera as Mark went up to pay. After they left, they quickly sprinted home, wanting to make it back before it became pitch black.

Ophelia ran up to the door and banged on it for a while till Niki opened the door. She quickly thanked her before running upstairs to Mark's room. He followed behind her, closing the door after they entered.

He sat down in his chair to edit the vlog (yes he did bring his setup. Streamer things🥵🥵) Ophelia sat down on his lap and played Minecraft on her phone, setting the snacks on the desk, sometimes grabbing some. Soon she drifted off to sleep to the sound of Mark's keyboard.

But instead of moving to the bed, Mark fell asleep too, his head resting on hers. They stayed like that all night, not caring how uncomfortable it was.

(Word count: 1159)
Wowwww I've been updating a lot recently. I wana speedrun this book ✋😳 don't forget to vote and comment, it helps a lot with motivation! Make sure to drink water and rest, ilysm 💕💕!!

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