ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 28. ᴛʜᴇ ᴀʀᴍꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ

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Tw: graphic details of a car crash
(Skip ahead if needed)

Ophelia looked away from the road for a second, grabbing her phone to look at her texts from Mark. Even if she was mad, she couldn't just ignore him.

Bad idea.

Before long, all ophelia could hear was the screeching of car tires and her own heartbeat in her ears. Adrenaline rushed through her as a car attempted to swerve in-front of her.

She panicked and swerved off of the road. Her vision became a beautiful painting of colors as her car slammed into a tree, knocking the wind out of Ophelia and creating a cloud of smoke around the car. The chaos made a terrible cacophony in her ears, as if life itself was screaming at her.

The window had collapsed in on her, glass piercing into her skin and painting it red.

For so long, Ophelia could hear nothing.

No matter how hard she tried, she could barely lift her eyelids. So she sat, as helpless as a newborn kitten. Waited, for what felt like centuries.

She began to feel hopeless, she told herself no one was coming, and thought perhaps she should just wait for death to kiss her farewell.

She could feel their hands, eagerly wrapping their arms around her waist.

But soon, the sweet melody of an ambulance woke her as the hands of death released Ophelia. She could feel herself being lifted onto a stretcher and hurried away.

This time, Ophelia let herself close her eyelids. She knew that now she was finally safe.



Mark never expected a call from Ophelia's mom, especially at 10 at night. But alas, there it was.

Clay got up from the couch and over to the kitchen table, peering at Mark's phone.

"Uhhh, it's Ophelia's mom?" Clay told him.

Mark got up from his spot on the couch, walking over, "alright, I got it."

Clay brushed it off and sat back down on the couch and continued watching the tv.

Mark stood behind the couch, far enough that Clay couldn't hear the call, but could see his face.

"Hello?" Mark answered.

Mark wasn't expecting to hear crying,
"M-Mark, you need to come to the hospital- it.. it's Ophelia-"

Mark's face went pale as a look of horror fell over his face.

Clay raised his eyebrows and shot up from the couch, making eye contact with Mark.

Mark gave him a terrified look at he began to sob. Clay took the phone, talking with Ophelia's mom as he rushed out to the car.

Mark ran to sapnap's room, trying to tell Sapnap and Gracie to get in the car (but barely getting a word out). They could tell by his face that something was wrong and just followed him out the door.

Clay was already waiting for them, already half-way pulled out of the driveway.

"What's going on?" Gracie asked as they got in.

Clay responded by showing Gracie and Sapnap the the text he had sent Brooklyn, explaining everything.

They sat in silence, the sound of cars whirling past and driving on the highway putting Sapnap and Gracie to sleep. Mark couldn't sleep, the road just made him more anxious, so he decided to stare out the window and let his thoughts consume him. Sometimes Clay could catch him crying, but he wouldn't say anything about it.

Clay was also very paranoid. Over the past few weeks, Clay became really close with Ophelia, almost like an older brother. The feeling came naturally because of his experience with his own sisters. He couldn't help tapping the wheel anxiously as he thought about what had happened.

When Ophelia woke up, she could hear machines all around her, beeping methodically. Ophelia could feel bandages wrapped neatly around her face and arms.

She looked around the room, her surroundings forming around her. Her mother was beside her, staring at her phone texting someone.

Ophelia reached her hand over and tapped her mother's arm. She smiled sweetly at her as she looked up from her phone.

"Am I still allowed to drive?" Ophelia joked, her voice raspy and weak.

Her mom scoffed, starting to tear up. "Definitely not." She laughed lightly.

Ophelia sat with her mom for a while, talking quietly. Her mom had told her exactly what had happened. Ophelia already knew, having gone through it, but she still nodded her head and listened. Turns out her mon had found Mark's phone number and called him.

Ophelia could feel his dread. She remembers why she was mad at him, but it was all so stupid.

And just on time, Mark enters the room. Her mom quickly leaves them, which Ophelia really wishes she didn't.

Mark looks terrible. His face is a mess. Ophelia can tell he's trying to keep it together, failing miserably.

Ophelia smiles at him pathetically, opening her arms for him. He tears up and hugs her tightly. Ophelia savors the feeling. His touch is soothing. it contrasts the grasp of death, it's a feeling of true trust and love.

"I'm so sorry Mark. I-I was stupid to think you would do anything to hurt me. I'm so lucky to have you," she rambled in-between tears.

Mark shook his head, "I'm lucky to still be able to hold you in my arms." Ophelia tightened her grasp on his shirt and held him tighter.

Mark sat down beside Ophelia, scooting it as close as he could. He held her hand lightly as more people came in. Brooklyn was distraught at first, but Clay had gotten her to calm down. Sapnap joined them on a small couch in the room. Soon, they were all asleep.

Gracie sat in the chair next to Mark, resting her head on the chair's arm with a blanket wrapped around her.

Ophelia's mom had found a pillow and was sitting in the chair opposite to Mark and Gracie.

Ophelia slept on her side, holding onto Mark's arm. She felt safe with everyone around her.

When the nurses had found everyone in the room asleep, they laughed. They decided to leave them alone for the night, they've all been through a lot.





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